in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

First let me get this off my chest...This clearer way to say it.

Watching my early retirement dreams (and I'm not that young as it is) evaporate 50% with no end in a very depressing reality...sure...I could have gotten out sooner...I had a feeling things would get ugly...this ugly? But let me tell you why I didn't...I'm an old time American...

I grew up in a country where things like "Home of the brave".... "democratic values"...."We the people"..."Let freedom ring" meant something....And when I was in school...we learned history...actually I believe it was called Social Studies back in the day...we believed in the concept that there was such a thing as "good" guys and "bad" guys...we went to war based on the belief that all people should have the right to "Pursue happiness" and express an opinion without consequence...

So ...I remain at Valley Forge to fight another day... I don't abandon ship....I believe a small force can out maneuver a larger force if their belief in the cause is greater than those they oppose....

And so it is now...a Wall has been put up once again by a "controlling" government in an attempt to do away with the 'People's Currency"...but the real hypocrisy won't go will just be set up in a way that allows those with the wealth...the "high net worth investors" get in on the new ground floor and reap the rewards...the little guy or gal...once again gets squeezed out left only with the crumbs...

Don't get me wrong..I don't have a problem with reasonable regulation and reasonable taxation...I do have a problem with total control and causing massive damage to regular citizens of the world desperately trying to make ends meet...

And this is about the citizens throughout the world...this is a "borderless" currency...governments should be afraid...a "decentalized" wealth transfer system that needs no government intervention to operate is the beginning of a world without walls...could not a world government someday operate on a blockchain?

This is something bigger than what it the early internet one knew where it would lead...the internet allowed people no matter where they are to communicate and interact...the blockchain takes it to a whole new level...because if you create a system that people trust that can create contracts...monetary interactions...and whatever eliminate a lot of your country's governmental responsibility and shake up a lot of institutions...

Myself...I am hanging in because I believe this offers some hope for value not if...but when...the dollar and world currencies tumble...interest rates rise...and the sh_t hits the fan....So rather than pull a muscle trying to lug gold bullion around to purchase needed necessities...I was hoping all I had to do was whip out my cell phone wallet and have something another party trusts to sell me the goods...

A fantasy? Perhaps...but America was built on fantasy...and right or wrong...continued to fight for its fantasy...and as I stated...I am an "old time American" who believes FDR's famous quote..."The only thing to fear is fear itself"...and I can't help but picture Winston Churchill in a bunker smoking a cigar....determined to fight at all cost the Nazi regime at the time fearing for his life with his city getting bombed to smithereens...

So this is not a call to arms...but a call to Crypto...the best way to fight is to have every man woman and child purchase at least one coin...send a message...the Wall must come down...Crypocrisy must not win...


hey @cleverbot what do you think it will be like if governments refused to regulate and tax cryptocurrency? I agree that banning cryptocurrency is not the answer

Do you ever get tired of computing?

I think it would lead to a whole world connected "underground" or parallel economy...maybe even a form of government along the way...

They won't ban it. It was their idea. We have no way of knowing where Bitcoin came from. It may have been put out there by the deep state. What better way to promote addoption than to create "folklore" in the form of this mystical character called Satoshi Nakamoto? Maybe China have caught on and want their own "BitcoinCash" to control the people and Tax at source via algorithm. I beleve China will put its weight behind BitcoinCash, while the West push a cashless society on the masses covertly under the Cypherpunk guise we call Bitcoin.

It is important that they buy and support the right coins and projects
opensource community projects are the only safe bet ....

Interesting projects.

We have no way of knowing where Bitcoin came from. It may have been put out there by the deep state. What better way to promote addoption than to create "folklore" in the form of this mystical character called Satoshi Nakamoto? Maybe China have caught on and want their own "BitcoinCash" to control the people and Tax at source via algorithm. I beleve China will put its weight behind BitcoinCash, while the West push a cashless society on the maases covertly under the Cypherpunk guise we call Bitcoin.

Exactly, @greenuser
Blockchain was created in the late 90's. . .

yeah the trojan horse good insight :)

Interesting possibility.

Think about Governments and chain analysis. Think about how easy we make it for them with only one bitcoin. Lets turn this to our advantage and support all crypto. It's not the forks that are damaging Bitcoin... It's people's tribalism over them. I like them all and wish we would work together against our common enemy, the banks and legacy fiat system and Governments. Instead we fight among ourselves over which fork should rule. The British have a name for this you know... It's called "Divide and Conquer". It's all crypto at the end of the day... and with fewer single points of failure too. So buy some Altcoin.


Very good! But if the traditional currency fails then the whole world will fall into chaos. Empires fall, and I believe we live in an empire of money right now. If it falls, then chaos will ensue and power grids go down, fighting starts and only people that control resources will be in control. I believe that crypto is the future but only if the current empire does not fall.

Somewhere in my gray cells I recall some science class suggesting that chaos is the natural state of things...not that I wish that on anyone...

And currencies can greatly devalue without a total collapse...I'd just like to be holding one that is still regarded as valued...then again..if power grids down...I better keep my private keys in my real wallet!

we have to adjust to the new currency that's all. the world did not end when we went from the iron age to the copper age to the gold age. we are in the digital age now because we are evolving. nothing more.

That of chine is a strategic movement from the centrals banks , we know all the central banks are controlled by the same people and btc is broken the system implied more than a 100 yeas ago , why chine , and not Europe or USA because the government of chine controlled totally the population of the country, we are on a chess game to try to put value down

we all know china only did this to bring the price of bitcoin down so they can buy a bunch of it up. bitcoin is not going anyplace but it will go up and down on it's way to a half million.

Really nice post I really enjoyed. I readed it as an emotive and strong speech. Following you. Keep it up!

Its funny once you start writing how much passion you've built up over years...thanks.

We are prevailing! Let's keep this up. Crypto community wins every time.

Strength in numbers...

I like the way you think!