Zero to Hero Challenge: $0 to $1,000,000 - Day 38steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

I should have finished the Javascript + Ajax + JSon lessons by thursday :).

I also traded today, trying to profit from the BTC bull run and alts big swings.

Blockchain Whitepapers

No whitepaper summary today.


Web Development

W3Schools - Javascript + Ajax + JSon Courses

61 / 101 Lessons Completed

2 / 30 Courses Completed

Jobs Earnings - 0.00$

Crypto Earnings


I thank all my upvoters and followers for my STEEM earnings :).

Big shoutout to @0101010 !

He wrote a post about my challenge 9 days ago (what a shame that I missed it!), and tiped me his author rewards from it. This is such a nice and generous gesture. Thank you my friend, and wish you success!


So, I missed my best opportunity to sell my NEOs over 0.007, but I seized my second one by selling them at 0.00644 BTC, then buy back at 0.0056 and sell back at 0.00588. These swing trades are very profitable!

*I edited the "UNITS TOTAL" and "COST / PROCEEDS" cells because my trading was mixed with my main account, so the numbers weren't accurate for my challenge. These are all the real numbers applying to my challenge though.


*All token prices are taken from CoinMarketCap at the time I am writing this article.

I think Bitcoin is on a run for $6,000 or $7,000. That mixed with Bitcoin Gold hard fork coming on October 25, I think all alts will continue crashing for the rest of October.

So I might try to profit from a few more swings with NEO, but keeping in mind it's on a downtrend until Bitcoin stabilises.

If you liked what you saw and read, the best way to encourage me is to upvote my posts and/or follow me. Really no need to tip, I prefer to deserve my earnings through upvotes.

I will Power Up all the Steem Dollars I earn from upvotes, and will count them in my holdings to help me accomplish my goal. I know STEEMs are a good holding, so I plan to not touch them for years.

Vincent Boutin
CEO of Brainy Network Inc.

You can also follow us on Twitter @brainy_network and Facebook


I'm going to be blunt. Your shit is getting boring, and I'm not upvoting boring shit.

I'm a web developer and I can tell you you're not going to make your million with those skills. IMHO, you'd be better off researching the crypto market if that's where you intend to make your million. I read a few days back that you missed a significant opportunity. Maybe ask yourself why, and how you can better position yourself for the next one.

Vincent is probably already a millionaire.. :) I like these posts..

@rasikaj I wish I was, but I am not. But I will become millionaire for sure! :)

@passive-earner I understand and I agree that my posts are less entertaining/interesting than when I was looking for any money making sites online. But, I thought a lot about it and made the decision to not pursue the micro jobs path. It was entertaining and fun to discover all the opportunities online at first, but I was hitting a wall pretty fast.

Also, it was a bit soul crushing to earn around $5 for a full day of work, when I could get a $9/hour job (minimum wage here in Canada) anywhere without any required skills. So, I decided to quit the micro jobs strategy and develop some very valuable skills instead, to eventually earn a much better income. I think this micro jobs market is only worth it for people living in the poorest countries.

I chose programming because I have many projects relying on web development/programming that I will be able to develop myself once I learned enough. It will be related to the Blockchain industry, so I think it's a good time investment for me.

Also, it's okay for me to make the temporary sacrifice of lowering my posts quality/entertainment if I think I will get to the million faster, because I earned about $5.00 of STEEMs in 38 days yet (and it includes a $1.00 worth of STEEM from @0101010 tip from yesterday). So I will definitely not get rich from STEEMs earnings only haha. I believe that once my plans get together and I start earning good money, people will come/come back and my posts will earn much more money.

My ultimate plan to succeed this challenge is to launch my own website about cryptocurrencies and earn money from its traffic (Google Adsense, etc.), and maybe do some progmming jobs for clients on UpWork, while trading professionnally. A mix of constant income and trading profits is the best and safest way to get there I think.

Starting to trade with $200 is really hard to reach high numbers. And I am really not near to be a professionnal trader yet, so it would be too long to grow from $200 to $1,000,000 from trading. As soon as I would take some higher risks to earn faster, I could lose it all in an heartbeat. Once I can earn a decent income, I can afford to take risks and get experience by trading the market.

You're welcome mate. And to passive-earner - well for every person who took an opportunity and nailed it there are the ones that took it and got burned. Ultimately if you really believe in a crypto then the secret is to just keep buying and always be HODLing. You'll average in and make up for the temporary losses with all the gains - and never be caught out of the market when it rose way past your previous sell and never dipped below again. Unless you're someone who can spend all day watching the market and have real instinct or great info you can trust - way too easy to blow it vs. just holding.

Vincent I'd advise some diversification. It's tempting to try and out-perform BTC for a quick buck but being almost 100% in one coin - could burn you long run.

HODLing is definitely a profitable and safe way to invest in cryptos. Especially for no-trading experience people. You just have to carefully select the highest potential growth coins and stick to them.

On the other hand, the compounding potential profits of crypto trading is insane. Some coins are doing 10% - 20% swings everyday. Some good traders are making a fortune right now and I want to rake my share of it! Haha.

About my all-in on NEO, I agree it's risky. But, my reasons for going with NEO is that it's the highest volume coin, its daily swings are high (so high profits potential), and it should rise a lot in a near future. I see it as okay to risk my $200 worth portfolio right now. I am learning and getting experience while risking not much. Once I get an income from web development, I will be a better trader and won't risk as much.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 60984.95
ETH 2351.90
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.47