The average people and the Crypto Currencies


A fairly recurring question that my friends and family ask me repeatedly is "What are crypto currencies and how do they work?" I'm pretty sure you've been asked the same same question at some point. This is something that can be considered normal and logical, after all, this world is relatively new and tends to be quite complex and "unfriendly" to new users, not only because investing itself is something delicate and risky, but also because the methods of using and mobilizing crypto currencies tend to be more difficult for the average person to understand.

For that reason, we can understand that many people are interested in the subject, as it has been a topic of much discussion in recent years, particularly Bitcoin. However, in my experience this interest does not always translate into wanting to enter the world of cryptos or wanting to go deeper into the subject. This, in my opinion, due to several reasons:

  1. The fact that it is difficult for the average person to understand, learn and visualize the advantages and future importance of crypto currencies.
  2. The insecurity that is generated by having your money in a different place than the one you have always used all your life, where the market is very dynamic and therefore you can gain 20% as well as lose 20% in relatively short time.
  3. The user interface and ease of use in comparison to traditional methods.

Indeed, teaching people about this topic is not a simple task, and we can all agree that objectively speaking the use of crypto currencies is somewhat more complicated than traditional methods. I remember perfectly my first time entering an Exchange and feeling totally overwhelmed by the amount of information I saw and the amount of things I didn't understand concentrated in one place, was something totally expectable, since as I said this is something complex and requires time to learn and understand in a degree of depth. The reality of this invites us to think that both the user interface and the simplicity of use is something that ends up stopping many people.

Fortunately, this is becoming more and more "simple", there are more and more incentives to use crypto currencies. We see platforms like Uphold that with their attractive page design provide a fairly comfortable and friendly experience and simplicity of use for even the most novice users.

We see how browsers like Brave implement Crypto currencies as a way to reward users and content creators, while at the same time providing a user experience on par with or even superior to the well-known Firefox or Chrome browsers.

We are seeing how social networks like Uptrennd or Minds seek to reward their users for using the platform, interacting with other people and making content while defending freedom of speech.

We have seen how successful companies have formed alliances like the Universal Protocol Alliance to contribute to continue facilitating the use of cryptos and promoting it among the majority of the population, in short... We can continue, there are many examples, but you are already understanding me.

It is becoming simpler and simpler for the average person to understand this world and there are more and more incentives for them to dare to enter it. And while we can wait for these companies to use their economic power and influence to promote the use of cryptos themselves, to explain what they are and how they work, it is also true that we as part of the community can do the same to contribute a grain of sand, in a way we already do when we talk to other people, when we write about it, when we participate in promotions and when we use platforms like this one.

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64432.28
ETH 2648.26
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.78