BitcoinsBrain SCAMS me, FexFund works, and AMBIS is in my future.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Greetings, this article will expose the thieving BitcoinsBrain, cover a second HYIP named FexFund and consider AMBIS, yet another HYIP.

FYI there are dozens of HYIP’s out there. Most of them exploit the Ponzi scheme...good ones know how to keep the money flowing, they are willing to take years to build up their wealth; the reward, a constant revenue stream. Then there are others which seek only to rip people off.

I am a victim of the BitcoinsBrain scam which stopped paying out June 5th, 2017. A quick search online will reveal dozens of others whom were affected; interestingly enough, not one whale has complained, causing me to suspect that they are still getting paid.

I linked to BitcoinsBrain on Ryan Lye’s site, here is his uplink to BitcoinsBrain He claimed it was safe and there was little risk. After I got ripped off, I emailed him and he chose to not reply. Please take note, I am not blaming him for me getting ripped off, but I do hold him accountable for my decision to use BitcoinsBrain. He has video’s online proclaiming his vast knowledge of the cryptocurrency world. If he is professional enough to have a web site and sling these HYIP’s, then he is professional enough to apologize when one of his links leads to theft. Apparently BitcoinsBrain is still working for him, like the other whales; only the minnows have been robbed.

The following videos aren't the best, just quickies I did with my phone, so that I could proclaim to the world just how terrible BitcoinsBrain is. That being said, I hope you enjoy them.


BitcoinsBrain spiel is so impressive, that I believed all of it. I really did. To the point where after not receiving any daily deposits, I continued to Telegram them, informing them of the mistake. I believed that things would work out any day, but that’s the problem with people being scammed, often they don’t or can’t believe it. I believed in them weeks after they quit paying me; it wasn't until I visited FexFund when I realized I was a victim. I am a disabled Veteran with a small income per month, I live almost entirely on Public Assistance. I actually believed that I might be the first person on Public Assistance to become wealthy on Bitcoin and never need Public Assistance again. BitcoinsBrain stole over $1000 from me.

(BitcoinsBrain vid 1)[


In the following video, I make two mistakes. One, I claim to have never received a reply from them, which isn't true. The first time I Telegrammed them, they replied; then never again. Second, is the name of my link; I double checked and it was Ryan Lye’s site.

(BitcoinsBrain vid 2)[


Keep in mind that I believed that I was on my way to financial success. I was waiting to tell my wife, as I wanted to earn enough to take her out to a nice dinner. I was a believer, even up to two weeks after they stopped paying, I continued to Telegram them, thinking it was all a misunderstanding. It was, I was the one misunderstanding that I had been ripped off.

(BitcoinsBrain vid 3)[


I entered the cryptocurrency world in February 2017, with $320. Performing various investments I was able to turn that into around $800+. That does not include my seed money in BitcoinsBrain of about $250, all in all they took over $1000. I was left with about $25 of cryptocurrency in other accounts.


I had heard of FexFund and actually began using it, before I realized I had been robbed by BitcoinsBrain. I am slowly beginning to restore my losses, but still have quite a ways to go. My first time on FexFund made me realize that BitcoinsBrain had ripped me off. FexFund is for real.

(FexFund vid 1)[


(FexFund vid 2)[



The following is about AMBIS, I have registered with them, but have not invested any funds. What I like most about them is that they are a US registered company, so I have less fear about depositing money with them. Only time will tell.

(AMBIS vid 1)[


(AMBIS vid 2)[


Well, that’s the skinny of my experience with HYIP’s. We’ll see if I can get rich, lol. I apologize again about the sound quality and the poor video. But I needed to air this.

For example, if I were in my kitchen in my underwear, and looking out the window I could see your house in flames. I would rush over to rescue you, underwear or not. Likewise with the BitcoinsBrain, I felt it urgent to warn you, video quality be damned.

Remember this:

If it seems too good to be true, then it’s not true!