Dont get involved in scamland

I20526311_115785079071199_1317125920705447301_n.jpgIf you're in a company that promises you the ability to exchange your crypto tokens in exchange for shares of stock or for another token, you're in a ponzi scheme. Plain and simple.

Once a ponzi scheme gets going, they're impossible to exit without a violent explosion. Lately, these companies are trying to build "escape vehicles" by allowing people to convert their "revolutionary" / "technologically advanced" tokens for shares of a penny stock or for a more legitimate token. It will lead to the market being flooded with sellers, with hardly any buyers (if any). Prices will obviously collapse, as they always do in ponzi schemes.

The founders get to blame the volatile crypto market and walk away with a fortune (at least so they think).

People are going to prison in China, the SEC is actively investigating several crypto-MLMs and victims are starting to grab pitch forks and show up en masse at offices. It's about to get ugly.

To the professional community out there, those of us that provide advice and support for network marketing companies: stay away from these types of schemes. Do not help them with software, do not help them with public relations, do not speak at their events, do not provide consulting services (unless you're advising them to shut down), do not do a single thing that makes their job of defrauding consumers easier. When you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar, it will ruin your career.

  • Kevin Thompson MLM Attorney

So true, very crypto, many scamlands!!

very interesting, thanks 4 the info. Also thanks 4 following me, i follow you now. Check out my blog when you have a chance, i'm new to steemit so a couple up votes or comments would really help. Best wishes from kenentertainment!

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