Future Net... Fact or Fiction????????

FutureNet Scam or Not? - Quick and Short Review

I just joined FutureNet. A friend somehow convinced me to try it, and without any prior checking (as I usually do), I just jumped in.

My friend invited me through his referral link, but I ended up under some totally random selected sponsor. I'm not thrilled with that fact at all. How could this possibly happen? - Very bad beginning!

The "best" thing regarding that randomly selected sponsor is, it appears she doesn't even use FutureNet anymore if she was using it at all according to her empty profile page (without the avatar and cover photo) and with an entirely empty timeline.

Never the less, I circled the platform a bit just to experience the general look and feel, watched tutorials and webinars I could find there and dozens of videos on YouTube.

My current findings
The platform has a very similar "look and feel" as Facebook what I would consider as positive especially if the target audience is FB users who, in that case, would more quickly and more or less easily adopt.
On the other hand (according to my current testing) functionality, for many things, unfortunately, doesn't follow that "look & feel."

Research and Findings

Finding new people or popular posts around there, it's not easy if even possible. The only thing I could find, whatever I typed in the search, as first is a bunch of non-active groups and fan pages, followed by 90% abandoned personal accounts.
Pure horror of inactivity!
After my quick and short tour around, when I sum it all, it turns out, the primary goal here is to bring in new people (for free) to enlarge the community, even I don't know why would anyone left i.e. Facebook and all the excitement going on there they could easily find.
According to my friend promotional speech, I assume, someone might say because of high security and privacy they allegedly offer, what I doubt just having in mind their terrible mess up with referral/sponsor upon my registration.

Crowd on the street
After that, the second goal would be to convince those just brought in people - new members to upgrade, in other words, spend some money and throw into the system own hard earned cash (at least $10 or even better, as it's recommended as an optimal minimum, $185).
My question is, WHAT FOR???

Just to build some new network, followers or what so ever on some new platform?
Why, if they already did it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or any other similar platform or application?!

To create and write a blog?
That one is not even free there, so why would someone chose FutureNet for blogging beside so many free to join, free to use blogging platforms out there, and not even to mention those who are offering some payments for the contribution?!

My Conclusion
The platform is offering 90% revenue share with the members what in my opinion can't be true. As first, there is no activity and a platform is already over a year old by now. There are no advertisements around (except their own), so where from that revenue would come from?! - In other words, there is no revenue or at least not for free.

Bottom line, a complete network is set on some pyramidal (not free) MLM scheme. Meaning, drag in all the suckers (pardon my French) you can find out there, bring them in, convince them to upgrade (pay) at least $10 (for nothing) and teach them to do the same. - Bravo! What an invention in the industry!?!

Personally, I hate MLM schemes, no matter if they are (as in most cases) pyramidal or of some other kind.
Maybe, MLM was a great invention 50 or so years ago when nobody knows and even less thinks it through what it really is. But today, I don't think so.

In my opinion, it's not good, and it can't be for a few very simple reasons.

There is always someone on the Top (who gain it all) and
There is always someone on the Bottom (who suck it all)
It's always only a one-directional chain with the Beginning and The End because the number of consumers (or even the whole World population) is NOT endless.
From my point of view, if there is no possibility for money flow, goods exchange or what so ever in every direction equally or if the probability that it happens is low close to none, the system would fail and die sooner or later, but for sure.

All Directions - Arrows
To paint more clear picture let me ask you this - Have you ever heard of any MLM in which the sponsor or those on the top would buy, inside that very same system, something from their referrals, from those on the end of the chain or at the bottom of the pyramid? - I didn't!

The only thing someone might find eventually useful at the moment, and according to FutureNet's current Alexa ranking, could be using the timeline there inside the free membership for posting backlinks to own original blog or website.

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