How to Get Huge amount of Traffic From Your Site Complete Guide

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

 The Traffic Jam Doing business on the web is really no different than doing business in the real world. The main goal is to attract customers/clients/patients to your business so that they can see what you have to offer, and convince them to spend their hard-earned money with you. If you’re in the market for some retail space they say the three most important things to consider is “location, location, location.”  I don’t know why people don’t just say “location is REALLY important, but here are two other important things to consider,” but I digress, the point is, it’s important. I’m sure the reason is fairly obvious, if you have a great location, you are going to get more people seeing your storefront and that’s going to mean a percentage of those people are going to come in and look at your inventory, and that means that a certain percentage of those are going to purchase something. So, back to my point there being no difference between doing business on the web and in the real world.

 If your website doesn’t have any traffic, then it’s the same as building a retail store in the middle of nowhere. You have a huge resource sitting and doing nothing to help you earn people’s business. You’re having to work harder to earn that business which means you have less time to focus on doing the great  work that will KEEP that business. The good news is that, unlike in the real world, changing this problem is easy on the internet. If you’re willing to invest a little time or money, then you can create a five-lane superhighway of traffic pouring into your business! Ready to get started? 

Easy as 1..2..3!

 If you’re like a lot of my clients, then you know you NEED traffic, but you don’t know that you can do anything about getting that traffic. I have people come to me all the time saying, “I need to be number one on Google,” thinking that is the only road that people will ever use to get to your website. And don’t get me wrong, Google is the supermega-ultra-highway on the internet, if you can get a big sign on that road saying “EXIT NOW FOR ‘WORLD OF SWEATPANTS” then people are going to stop by and check out the sweatpants you have for sale. But SEO is a time-consuming and costly process that takes a lot of time to do right, and I’ve seen people have huge successes generating  traffic without spending any time on Search Engine Optimization. In fact, they’ve gotten so popular that Google lists them at #1 anyways! So, where does that leave you? You can start generating traffic today using a simple three step process. 

Step 1 - Keyword Research So, what exactly is your customer looking for? 

Doing a little bit of research into the keywords that your intended audience is using when searching for your product or service is crucial, not only for carrying out a Search Engine Optimization campaign, but also for content creation. You may think you know, but you’d be surprised how often what you think people are searching for and what they are actually searching for are different things. Let’s say, for example, that I am a chiropractor, and so I want to target people looking for “chiropractic services”. But what if people are actually searching “back-pain” looking for some kind of relief? It may not seem like a big deal, but a small change like that can help you target your prospective customers more effectively. Any money that you spend on search-engine or social

 What if people are actually searching “back-pain” looking for some kind of relief? It may not seem like a big deal, but a small change like that can help you target your prospective customers more effectively. 

 media advertising is going to be more targeted, and any content that you create can be tailored to use these keywords and phrases that people are using. If somebody is searching for what to do about their back-pain, and they see a Facebook ad talking about “chiropractic services”, they might think, “oh, I should see if that place can help my back.” But, if they see a Facebook ad talking about “back-pain”, then they are going to think “that is EXACTLY what I have been looking for!” 

The good news is, Google WANTS you to know the perfect keywords, so they are going to go ahead and help you out here. (Didn’t know that you had a multi-billion dollar company just sitting around waiting to help you, did you?). Head over to the Google Keyword Planner here:, and type in the keywords you THINK folks are going to be using. Google will let you know how many people a month are looking for that word or phrase, and will suggest some other words or phrase that are similar and how many people are searching for that! Google Insights (located here: tells you even MORE about these keywords, like how they were trending in the search for the past few years. After all, it would stink to focus on the keywords “back-pain”   because you saw a HUGE amount of people searched for it last month, not realizing that Taylor Swift’s new song was called “Back-Pain”. 

Content Is KING! 

Search-engines LOVE lots and lots of GOOD content! Why is that?

 Because  good content is what your CUSTOMERS are going to love! And search engines want to keep directing people to good sites to stay relevant! So, now that you quiver is loaded up with the perfect collection of keywords, it’s time to start using them to create content. Create good content that your customer will enjoy, and you’ll be rewarded with more exposure on social media sites and higher rankings on search-engines. 

What is good content?

 Well, that’s a more complicated question, and it’s going to take some brainstorming and trial-and-error to really figure out what people are going to respond to. The fact is, as the professional, you are the best resource to determine what your desired customer is going to enjoy, but let me get the ball rolling by giving you some ideas and tips. Really let your personality show through. People want to do business with people, not companies. If you are a landscaper and you aren’t afraid to post a  video on Facebook where a hose blasts you in the face and interrupts your video about getting rid of weeds, then I’m going to think, “HA! That was funny, I like that guy!” I’m going to want to do business with you and not Mr. “Lawn Mowing Experts” over there. After all, I don’t KNOW him… I KNOW you! And while we’re on the subject, DO VIDEO! My goodness, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve told my clients to post video, and the resistance I get is unbelievable! I understand being camera-shy, but people want to get to know you! And it doesn’t have to be a big production either! Pull out your cellphone, get a cheap tri-pod, get a friend who thinks they are the next huge indiedirector. I don’t care how you do it, just get a video on your website and social media pages.  Give people the “inside-scoop” on some things. Are you a plumber that knows an easy way to fix a jammed garbage disposal? Share it with people. It may cost you the fee for a customer service call now and then, but it will get people to trust you, and that is worth SO much more. Again, it’s about creating what your ideal customer/client/patient WANTS to know. 

 Linking It All Together 

 So, now that you have created a bunch of great content that is targeted at your desired audience using the perfect keywords, it’s time to get linkey with it! After all, what good is creating all of this content if you don’t share it with as many people as possible? Here are some places to post links to your content: 

  •  Facebook: All blog posts should be posted on your company’s page on Facebook. You should also use some Facebook Marketing to generate a fan base. How important is this? Well, I teach an entire class on how to utilize Facebook Marketing to drive traffic, so I think it’s pretty important! So check that out if you are interested in a bit more info on this topic. 
  •  LinkedIn: Repost your blog post on the LinkedIn Pulse or at least make a status update that you have a new blog post out. If you post one of your blogs and it captures the attention of the Powers-That-Be at LinkedIn, then you could get featured, and prepare for a HUGE spike in people seeing your content. There is no trick to this, you just have to write great content and hope for the best. 
  •  Twitter: Tweet a link to your new blog post. Heck, tweet links to other blogs, articles, videos you thing are relevant on the web! Follow people and retweet what they are saying.
  •  YouTube: Have I told you how important I think video is? Create a YouTube channel for your company. If you write a blog, video yourself reading it. Well, talking about the content of your blog, please don’t just sit there and read your blog, that would be the most boring video ever. 
  •  Triberr: I love Triberr. How much? Well, let’s just say that the CTO of Triberr referred to me as the “Queen of Triberr.” Triberr is a great site that brings together a community of content creators and they all work together to share eachother’s content. Join up and share! 
  • StumbleUpon: Submit all of your blog posts here. You never know who might “stumble upon” it!   

 But Wait, There’s More!

 Here are a few more places that you need to make sure you include your website to get a ton of traffic: 

  • Business Collateral: Make sure you include your website address in your email signature and on all business cards, flyers, posters, etc. 
  •  Answer Questions on Yahoo! Answers: and leave a link to your website 
  •  Post comments on other people’s blogs. Make sure your comments are genuine and insightful, don’t just do it to post a link! 
  •  Guest post on other blogs: If you have the opportunity to guest post on another blog, their readers may become your readers! You can use sites like PostJoin, MyBlogGuest or GuestBlogIt to find some opportunities. 
  •  Invite others to guest blog: In addition to having some cool content on your blog, your blog post guest will share his post on your blog with his followers.  
  •  Podcasting: You may also want to look into creating a podcast for your content and releasing it on sources like iTunes, podnova, and soundwave. Free content is a great way to get more awareness to your website. Ebooks, freebies, giveaways or competitions are killer when it comes to getting more awareness and traffic to your website.  

 Some Technical Stuff

 Your blog articles need a good title, page name and meta tags. Do some Googling or ask your web developer about how to do this. So, now you have ideas on what you can do TODAY to start directing traffic to your website. “Location” may be the most important factor in the real world, but content is how you drive traffic on the web. By following these steps, you’ll have an amazing strategic advantage over your competitors. So get started! I can’t wait to see what you come up with! 

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Thank you for this information. How you present yourself online is critical for getting people to follow you. Good luck in your endeavors!

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