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RE: And just like that, Big Brother steps in

I will never comply, neither should anyone else. These guys are criminals and nothing more.


governments and banks won't be able to move fast enough to gain control of cryptos. most of their "wealth" is based on debt, and powerful govts seem to have serious issues going on that are dividing and waking citizens up to the corruption. this kind of regulation is going to cause an even larger loss of faith in these controlling institutions, and spur global adoption of cryptos. while Russia and Asia seem to be integrating cryptos in many ways, the domination of the USD petrodollar is going to suffer hugely if America cannot do the same. i have a lot of faith that cryptos are here to stay and will play a major role in our liberation from these crooks.

Stealing physical currency is /so easy to do/, governments have no idea what they are getting into trying to steal cryptos.

You have to pay, just like our transaction fees, for every manhour involved in moving paper currency. And one piece of paper is always 100% centralized in the hands of one person at any given time.

Imagine a cryptocurrency with any of those qualities. There are simply not enough opportunities for governments to steal a proportional amount from you. Steal they will, but they will actually have to /try/ now, which is going to cost more than it is worth in a market so heavily invested in subverting this kind of behavior.

Edit: And I agree with the OP that this will only drive adoption. Call it theft, but call it interest as well. Governments aren't going to steal something that has no value to them.

Since when does government care what anything costs? It's not "their" money in the first place - it's OURS. A government on the downside of its lifespan is desperate to survive and will do anything to survive. Laws authorizing seizures of any kind are a sure sign of desperation. They can't conjure up many more QE dollars to save their sorry asses.

I wish I had as much faith as you do?

I agree.
If we make it to the point of liberation away from the banks, blockchain will assuredly be a major player.

@bunabit could not agree more! I think that the more people become aware of the on going problem and corruption, the more they will defect from the fiat currency

Now why on Earth would I tell you that I have cryptocurrency, when you will never know if I don't tell?? Good luck guessing my keys and passwords

Watch out for the supercomputers.

This "U.S. Bill S.1241 " just goes to show how little the government understands Bitcoin & cryptocurrency... With a little caution (i.e. proper cold storage), you don't need to comply.

Thats what I am wondering. A bitcoin and its key are different things if you are trying to regulate the movement of a bitcoin across a physical barrier like the JFK airport. The bitcoin isn't moving across that border, its still sitting in a wallet hosted in romania or whatever. Its the KEY to the bitcoin you asshats want to regulate.

yep, it's disgusting

My Favorite 1984 Movie Is The One Made In 1984

Based In George Orwell's 1984

Same. There is no reason to comply and to do so is acceptance of such tyranny.

If the mass of humanity would realize their inherent sovereignty, they would never agree to all the insane and egregious intrusions on their innate liberty. If this awareness grew on a mass level, it would cause a huge paradigm shift. The old "quick & dirty" methods of control only work on an ignorant populace.

Exactly. "Bitcoin? Isn't that that scam cash that crashed like 5 years ago? Is that still a thing?" Their system is dieing around them. Let them die with it.

I like your stand on this issues. I like people who say things they way it is. Get me informed when you post any articule so that i can read and upvote equally.

I understand the sentiment. But to call someone a criminal is to assume that they knowingly and with malice attempt to do harm to others. This is most likely true of some bureaucrats, but not all.

Most people (bureaucrats and non-government actors as well) don't understand the world they live in or they way things in the world work. I don't know how things work, everyday I am amazing to find out how it works and i've been in America for 50 years. Just for starters google any of the following:

fractional reserve banking
fiat money
when did the federal income tax get started in America
Why is America off the gold standard
What is money by Andreas Antonopoulos
and much more.

I just feel that the "us vs. them" mentality causes more problems than it solves. WE the people must take our lives in our own hands, AND we must work with the authorities in America, to succeed personally and help as many other people in our inner circle do the same is progress enough.... we do that, we will change America for the better, this is my goal.

They killed 500,000 innocent people in Iraq (knowingly) yet failed to stop. So to say that they do not know what they are doing is an understatement. They are obsessed with control.

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