DIY Tube Video Community Improvements & Updates

The DIY Tube Video sharing community is improving every day now. We are excited to announce that integration with the blockchain is nearing completion at this time. We are moving our cloud storage to a more stable platform and more.

DIY Tube Video Community pays its members in DIYT Coins every 24 hours. DIYT Coins are tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. This makes them fully compatible with existing Ether wallets. Members get paid for video views, comments, thumbs up and more.

Very soon we will have the integration with the blockchain finished which will allow members to cash out their DIYT Coins and trade them on exchanges.

Currently members are paid DIYT inside our system in virtual wallets. These wallets are used internally for all transactions in DIYT Coins. This avoids transaction fees and taxes until the coins are brought out onto the network. We just finished an upgrade which allows members to trade their DIYT Coins with one another inside the community. This opens up the door for donations for a video well done or to pay for a shout out. The opportunities are endless here. An entire internal economy can be built on this.

Today we are upgrading to new cloud storage centers in order to improve service for our members. This will reduce load times and eliminate any time outs on video loading which occasionally popped up before.

We are also proud to announce the addition of a SiteLock safety seal on our website. This means that our site is guaranteed to be malware free as long as the SiteLock seal is visible on the website.



Members may have also noticed the addition of an SSL certificate a while back which further protects members and our site.

One more addition to the DIY Tube Video Community which is coming next week will be automatic payments for members reaching certain milestones.

The first 1,000 members who upload 10 videos get 1,000 DIYT
The first 1,000 members who get 100 subscribers get 1,000 DIYT
The first 1,000 members who write their first 10 comments get 10 DIYT.

Payment will be automated once the software is completed so members do not have to do anything other than participate on the community site.

It is free to join the DIY Tube Video Community. We even pay you for all activities on the community pages.

So come on over. Tell your friends. And get paid for doing what you enjoy


Why are your only upvotes from Steemit accounts that you own?

Scam Scam Scam Scam

oldcodge (19) · 11 minutes ago
Why are your only upvotes from Steemit accounts that you own?
Scam Scam Scam Scam


Why are there so many down votes from trolls?

Filthy stinking trolls.

Why are there no other people following you Troy?
Nobody from your YouTube channel(s)
Nobody from Patreon
Nobody from Indegogo
Nobody from your website or forums
Nobody from Steemit.

You failed as marketing director.

Embrace the trolls.
It's all YOU created. It's all you got.


This is a screen print of the admin panel dashboard analytics.

Its not huge by any means but hey, the site is young.

We all have to start somewhere.

And that is where my job comes in.

We are getting 10 new member every day now :)

45,000 views, but only 32,000 minutes of video watched?

So, on average, people only watch each video for forty seconds?

How's that F5 key looking now, Troy?

So Troy, in light of this observation what constitutes a view in order to get paid? Would the '40 seconds' suffice?

That, I do believe, is clearly laid out in the whitepaper on

Please refer to the whitepaper.

Why don't you answer here? You can change the wording on the Whitepaper.

No, you are misquoting things. Maybe its too small for your eyes.

45,000 views, yes.

32,000 minutes of videos uploaded. Pretty impressive I think.

But well over 2,000 of those videos are your dross from the last six years.

Nobody wants to watch that crap!

What do the "View Details" buttons reveal? Care to show us all? Bet you don't!

"10 new members every day now" you say??.......

You or a proxy must be BUYING them, just like your YouTube channel.
To see, go to


I do not know what is going on with the YouTube channel anymore really. I dont even look since they dont pay anymore.

I upload videos in order to promote DIY Tube Video Community these days and thats about it.

Buying subs would help nobody. Empty numbers are not going to benefit DIY Tube Video Community at all.

Only the number of people who watch the videos count for anything. And those who visit DIY Tube Video Community.

For us dim-wits, what's the difference between a 'Subscription' and a 'User?'

This the admin panel anyway so you would never see that.

The users are the total number of members on the site. The subscriptions is a carry over from individual channel owners' subs count. This just shows all subs on the site to the admin. Nothing of value really to the admin on that point.

But to individual channel owners the subs count is very important.

Over 500 hours of videos to watch. Currently 289 members on the site with many active channels uploading videos every day.

And so many comments going on.

Its a growing community.

And you controlling what the comments SAY, you controlling WHAT someone can load, you are controlling how MUCH someone can earn. Sounds 10x's worse than YouTube to me. You have no right to limit free speech. Setting yourself up for a lawsuit I see. You can't change a comment to something else a person posted. That is FRAUD.

Oh, you can go ahead and sue me for not letting aggressive and slanderous behavior run rampant on the site if you like.

I figure it will go about as far as all the other times you guys tried to burn me on fraudulent claims through the years.

I just figure you are angry because you are not allowed to spew your filth on there.

Well, the way I see it, the members are free to allow or not allow who they want on their own channel. Its like inviting someone into your living room.

I would certainly not invite YOU into my living room. And I will certainly not invite YOU onto my channel.

The terms and conditions are clearly stated on the site. If anyone has a problem with that, they dont have to join. Its quite simple. Its free will.

There is no fraud when the terms and conditions are clearly defined for all to read right here:

If you are fine with that, the door is open. If you dont like it, dont join.

Thanks for asking.

We are always happy to answer any questions about DIY Tube Video Community where everyone gets paid for doing what they enjoy!

Interesting your idea of calling it a scam.

WE pay for everything.

WE pay for the server.

WE pay for cloud hosting.

WE pay for the software.

WE pay members for using the site.

Hmmm, nope. No scam to be found there. Not at all.

Now Doc, that old troll is certainly going to rear his ugly head here

He rants and he raves and he spews his hate

His goons follow him around spreading their hate and lies

But that aint gonna happen on DIY Tube Community

YouTube allowed the trolls to overrun the place for a while

DIY Tube is a troll free zone

Again, old doc is just a common troll trying to get attention

Please just ignore the gnarly troll

Thank you

You posted a video (which you removed now) how you have pulled your $4,000,000 ICO sale but have failed yet again to post that information here as well as other places. You are inept. You talking about trolls is so unprofessional and screams mentally ill, and you want people to take you serious? Do you do drugs? You are all over the place with your answers and unprofessional whitepaper, lack of transparency, snarky comments to legit questions, failure to answer questions and just posting your terrible links with sketchy information.

Well, the accusational tone of your questions back my claims of you being a troll in the first place.

I answer as politely as I can.

I did not pull any video. The very fact that you lie and claim I removed it again proves you are just a troll. It is still there for the World to see.

No, I do not do drugs. I dont drink, smoke, take drugs or even medication. We prefer herbal and natural remedies and healthy living instead in our familly.

My answers may appear all over the place due to the all over the place accusations thrown at me. I try to answer them in the order the come up and as well as I can.

I would be happy to answer any direct questions but simply stating "lack of transparency" and "unprofessional whitepaper" does not give me any specific questions to go on. Please be more specific and I will be happy to help out.

Thank you.

You're right it is still there. Here I'll help you out. I see you are still going ahead with your ICO so who's telling lies now?

I do not get what you are saying. This video shows that we are not going through with it.

We removed it from the website.

I would say that is pretty solid evidence.

Quote from whitepaper:
To prevent members from creating multiple channels and bots to thumb up their comments or videos in
order to cheat the system, thereby increasing their payouts, a limit of 20 thumbs up per day will be
allotted to each member. The DIY Tube team feels that this is a fair number of thumbs up per day based
on long term, first hand experience on other platforms.

Sounds too constricting and illegal.

We will have an ICO running from May 1, 2018 to June 15, 2018 in order to raise funds which will
help us to finish development of the DIY Tube Video Community.
Proceeds from the ICO will be used in part to finish development of the softw
are and blockchain which
run the DIY Tube Video Community. Some of the proceeds will be used to finance Ethereum based
transaction fees and related operating costs.

Again...HOW MUCH ARE YOU SPENDING WHERE???? Answer the fucking question!

Comments, Reviews, and Emails

Visitors may post content as long as it is not obscene, illegal, defamatory, threatening, infringing of intellectual property rights, invasive of privacy or injurious in any other way to third parties. Content has to be free of software viruses, political campaign, and commercial solicitation. We reserve all rights (but not the obligation) to remove and/or edit such content. When you post your content, you grant DIY TUBE non-exclusive, royalty-free and irrevocable right to use, reproduce, publish, modify such content throughout the world in any media. Note that this will only occur for the purpose of marketing or training videos for DIY Tube video and if your media is on the page being shown at that time.

You are something else, so full of yourself. Nothing but a controlling little weasel.

I do believe that you are just upset that you will not be allowed to harass people over there.

Well, it is a troll free zone :)

I went to your site once. My anti-virus software was blocking an attack. I have no desire to go to anything YOU are controlling. You are mentally ill and your fraud coin sale & website prove it. It's all there in black & white the creepy stuff you expect people to put up with. You complaining about YouTube yet you create a site 10x's worse. You're the troll. This will be a total failure.

Well, that is great news indeed!!!

We do not want trolls on DIY Tube Video Community.

By the way, your fraudulent claims of malware are criminal and can be prosecuted.

It's really funny how Reid thinks people will want to go to his new DoNothingHimself Tuub site.

He began with his Electronics videos, that only a few people are interested in.
Heck, he gave up making videos for that channel long ago.

Then there's his long 6 year history of sub-par videos of his fraudulent Off Grid Homestead fake, incompetent lifestyle.

Then there's his crypto coin crap.
A whole other scam written right here in his blogs.

Then who's going to bring their videos over to his Hitleresque philosophy site?
Who wants to put up with his shit?
The lure of "getting paid" won't be worth it, much less even being associated with him.

And he thinks his "no trolls" policy is going to be a big selling point??
Turns out, Reid is king of all trolls.

He has NOTHING to worry about except pissing away another year playing omni-important to an audience of Zero.


Reid can't get people already familiar with YT to to watch his DIY videos.
6 views on one video, 11 on the other as of right before I typed this!
Why would they risk infecting their computer with his viruses to jump ship for him??


Now, unless you are attacking SiteLock for verifying us and calling them a fraud, I would say that our site is pretty safe.

Here is the SiteLock approval logo on our site:


Dick Head, For someone that does not take medication please explain the poor me I got stung by a bee video.
Was your "instant healing god" busy that day? Yea the same "instant healing god" you told everyone about on video. MOOOOOOOMMY I cut my thumb! Help me MOOOOOOOOMMY!
There is no cure for Dementia.

And if you are ever in doubt and start to wonder about things

Please feel free to ask me

I am always open to a discussion and to clear the air

So come on over. DIY Tube Video is a troll free zone

The water is warm and the people are friendly

This statement is NOT true Troy Reid, the founder of DIY Tube.

We've all been asking you questions for years and you fail or refuse to answer any.

Even I was asking you questions about your questionable and contradictory statements and actions over 4 years ago.
What does Reid do.....
Deletes comments,
Sycs his followers on the attack in the YT comments,
Then ultimately blocks and bans them from his channels.

You have no sincere intent on being "open to a discussion",
even here on Steemit where you can't delete and ban.

If the truth about Troy Reid gets out, the money and gifts stop flowing.

You have zero credibility.

I dont understand your complaints.

I showed videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

Those were free videos for your entertainment.

Now I have a video sharing site.

Its free to members.

And we pay everyone in DIY Tube Coins for activities on the site.

I understand you are upset because you are not allowed in.

But thats about it.

A few more points.

You are sure to see some pretty nasty accusations down below

Please just ignore the lies of trolls

You will read of investigations, fraud and more

Just words of some trolls looking for some loving

Trog’s updated team, now with a photo included of his “silent partners”, consisting of financial partners, advisors and social media managers.

Little man, Define troll. Is it a person or group presenting fact exposing you fraudulent ways as has been done on every platform you present your scams?

Interesting your words.

WE pay for everything.

WE pay for website hosting.

WE pay for cloud storage.

WE pay for advertising and promotion.

WE pay members for all activities.

Members get a free place to store their videos at the very least.

Now, I dont know how you define fraud but it sure does not fit here.

You never ever answered the question asked. What exactly is the matter with you? Asked to define troll, you respond with we pay... In six damn years you never answer what was asked. You skirt the question, spout your blah, blah, blah and totally misdirect as every conman does. SCAMMING FRAUD

People just like yourself.

I would label you a troll.

Yup, perfect definition.

Thanks for asking.

Definition of pay:


give (someone) money that is due for work done, goods received, or a debt incurred.
"he paid the locals to pick his coffee beans"
synonyms: reward, reimburse, recompense, give payment to, remunerate More

suffer a loss or other misfortune as a consequence of an action.
"the destroyer responsible for these atrocities would have to pay with his life"
synonyms: suffer, suffer the consequences, be punished, atone, pay the penalty/price
"he will pay for his mistakes"

the money paid to someone for regular work.
"those working on contract may receive higher rates of pay"
synonyms: salary, wages, payment; More

Your "tokens" are not legal tender so DIYTube does not pay. DIYTube gives worthless tokens.

Yup. And there were different types of currency through the years.

Whatever someone is willing to accept as payment can be considered a form of currency.

It can be sea shells, cocao beans, gold or anything. Hey, it could even be cryptocurrency.

If a person accepts it, then all is well and happy.

Again you are in a deluded state so as a reminder this is 2018. A DIYTube coin is worth less than a sea shell. One difference being the sea shell has a real monetary value.
You eluding to the DIYTube coin having any monetary value is fraud.

I bet that you would be upset if I tried to buy something from you with cocoa beans but back in the day rich people had a lot of trees.

Money truly did grow on trees.

The videos become the property of DIYTube, DIYTube collects any adsense revenue and those posting receive worthless tokens.

Awesome deal for you!

No, you are misquoting the terms and conditions.

Unlike youtube, DIY Tube takes a very firm stance against plagiarism and fraud.

DIY Tube protects the rights of video owners.

The complete terms can be found here:

And you can buy DIYT Coins on Forkdelta here:!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH

As for any revenue. Well, if you can figure out a way to share 48 cents a month, please let us know. LOL

We would be happy to hear your suggestions.

"WE pay members for all activities." So you don't ban anything?

Misquoting pretty badly again I see.

Paying MEMBERS for all activities yes.

But banning trolls, harassment, slander, hate speech and the works. You know. Like in our terms:

"Misquoting pretty badly again I see."

No, I haven't. It's what YOU WROTE. "WE pay members for all activities."

Members is the key word

Trolls are not allowed.

Its a troll free zone.

Nobody is ever going to use your Tube site. Just the fact you think they will proves you're delusional. You need a wellness check and probably an intervention before you cause serious harm around you.
Get a job and cut the shit! Period

I found these AWESOME sites you might enjoy. They belong to a true off grid family who go on these exciting cross country adventures.
Here are the links...
FBD Sticker Add.jpg

Reid writes near the bottom of this blog....
"Payment will be automated once the software is completed so members do not have to do anything ......"

Here's the ad looking for someone to write the program:

So, there is no program to convert his crypto money,
And there's no guarantee that you will get paid.

Oh you trolls. You never give up.

That was a while ago.

Members get paid every 24 hours. Members get paid in DIYT Coins for video views, thumbs up, comments and more. Write a comment today and get paid tomorrow.

DIYT Coins are fully Ether wallet compatible. You can buy and sell them here:!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH

That was days ago, you scamming piece o shit. There is no program to covert the tokens, pay automatically or anything. You just opened the job to do this task at a small amount of pay 1/4th of usual. So you expect great software with $15/hr pay of burger flipper? Your SCAM gets BUSTED almost daily cause you LYING. No worries tho cause no one will buy your WORTHLESS COIN. NO COIN SOFTWARE PROGRAM. Your friend, hb.

I dont understand your points really.

If you would stop talking so trashy I may be able to try to understand your complaints a bit better.

All we ever did was show videos of our daily lives on youtube.

YouTube is not paying anymore.

So I founded DIY Tube Video Community.

Its a place for people to upload and share videos.

And we pay them for activities on the site.

Pretty cool I think.

Funny how you and Chris Miller, aka the Beta Tester....
Needs to emphasize "no trolls".

The trolls won't be going to you DUH Tube site.
There won't be anything of value to view there.

But think about that for moment.
Why the need to create such a site ?
It's not because you got your pay cut at YouTube, because other channels have bounced back since the algorithm gave up!

There are much bigger and better YouTube channels out there.
Nobody, I repeat Nobody else feels the need to create a new video platform, especially to be rid of trolls.

Troy Reid seems to be the only person (victim) on YouTube that just can't do anything right.

It has been pointed out how YOU have created all your trolls and enemies over the years....but you still don't get it.

You create crappy content.
You complain about EVERYTHING.
You fail to be without a doubt 100% thruthful.
You have zero credibility.
You victimize everyone you have contact with.

That's just the short list.


what's a matter troy cant grey us out any more, all out of power or rented sp? cant play anymore??? or are you cutting and running again because the truth was told about you and you cant compete with the truth??? must be a hard knock life having so many people after you because of all the lies, fraud, and scams you pull... wouldn't it be easier just to get a normal job like normal people???

Typical troll attitude.

I do sometimes (only sometimes) feel sad for you.

You should try to turn you life around. Try to remove those points from your life.

Go outside. Get some fresh air.

Enjoy life a bit.

Coming from the guy who spends all day inside:
working on saving his crappy old videos to hard drive,
running a crypto currency mining rigs factory on his dining table,
and attempting to put YouTube out of business with the DIY Tube for his electronics videos that only 250 people watch.
Since last fall, AKA according to Reid...called it "deer hunting".

Too busy to can tomatoes and make ketchup.
Too busy to have any firewood ready for winter.
Too busy to take care of chickens.
Too busy to remove the snow by your mailbox after the plow comes thru.
Too busy to show love and affection to his mail order bride and child.

A feral cat gets more attention.

You have zero credibility Troy.

But not your wife and child?


We all have known that from the day Melanie stepped foot at the Pine Bush NY dump site.
No wait, when he was in the PI grooming her.

His only PDA he's shown is licking the side of her face.
He treats his baby Michelle like a dog that's ignoring him.

Nuff said.

Guess you should show your wife and child a little more affection than you show to a cat huh?

It's all about you, isn't it?


Dick Head will be sedated and immediately transported to a padded room the day MOOOOOOOOOMY goes under the ground.

@diy-tube-video do you even understand the meaning of reading comprehension skills and how it affects your understanding of written conversation? your comments clearly support your lack of reading comprehension and why you need it...

Well it's very obvious Troy Reid is stuck inside today (and by choice I'm confident)
sitting at his control panel watching all the comments popping up on his wide screen tv.

Not much of a he.?

Rhetorical comment obviously!

So "DIYT Coins are tokens," not a coin?

Consider, for example, the widely accepted term ICO.

Initial Coin Offering.

But generally these are token sales and not actually coins at all.

To be precise, yes that is correct. The terms coin and token are often interchanged but tokens are generally those written on an existing blockchain.

Coins are on their own blockchain.

For the benefit of those who are unfamiliar with the two, many people simply say "coins" but members of the crypto world know the difference.

Well it's established now. It's a token! So you've being misleading your investors and that is why you are not proceeding with the offering. It's nothing to do with 'the trolls', just your mismanagement of the whole enterprise! The fact is you can not call it a coin.

There are no investors and nobody is mislead. On all the webpages the words coin or token were used interchangeably.

As I explained above.

The term ICO means Initial COIN Offering but generally refers to a token sale.

So, if you want to call me a scammer for that then you have to accuse the entire crypto community for their terms.

And the main reason the sale is not going on is to save us time and trouble.

People can buy coins right here:!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH

And that leaves the DIY Tube team to work on the software and promotion.

There is NO TEAM Mr LIAR. Video site is pirated software done by you. Chris Miller is your illiterate lacky from Pine Bush, NY and in no way is IT anything. You are just using him. This is a SCAMMING FRAUD pushed by yourself.

And your last claim. It just does not make sense at all really.

WE pay for website hosting. Pretty expensive too. Has to be a powerful server.

We pay for cloud storage. Not cheap either with so many videos.

We pay for software development and updates. Also not cheap.

We pay for everything.


We pay everyone for activity on the site.

Everyone gets paid in DIY Tube Coins for video views, comments, thumbs up and more.

DIYT Coins are written in an ERC20 contract on the Ethereum blockchain.

This makes DIYT fully compatible with existing Ether wallets.

That is awesome.

And people can buy and sell DIYT Coins here:!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH

Actually, you have already been harassing members of the team.

You cannot deny that there is certainly a team.

There is already clear evidence of harassment.

Oh, just for more info. Here is the site showing the team:

The software is being written every single day.

Everyone can see that.

DIY Tube Video Community is growing daily.

The site is constantly being improved and updated.

Very soon we will be fully integrated with the blockchain.

And there is nothing like DIY Tube Video Community in the World.

So, there is no way it could be pirated.

Because its all original.

Pretty cool!!!!!

Software being written by a new guy online, hired days ago? You said site was 'working' weeks ago.Future hopes makes for great huge LIES of today. Chris cannot write a coherent sentence and is IT? No credentials on anyone. Yes pirated as in ClipBucket unpaid for software. You did not pay for software when you can't even replace the slick tires on your truck that is dead in your front yard. You are SCAMMING FRAUD. TEAM MY ASS.

Now, you know we have a full time developer on the team shown here:

And you know that we hired a blockchain dev to help finish the integration into the blockchain.

By the way, thanks for bringing that up.

That is PROOF that we are nearing completion of integration on the blockchain :)

Oh, and clipbucket is garbage. I dont like that software.

Now, you claim I did not pay for any software.

Unless you have solid evidence to that statement - your comment is criminal.

Just one day ago, Reid says the coin sale if off due to "harassment".
Today it's to "save us time and trouble (whatever the hell that means) work on the software and promotion".

You can never stick with one story....can you Troy?

You have zero credibility.

Well, it was all clear in the video, if you want to go back and watch it again.

Due to harassment, we stopped the coin sale.

With you trolls bad mouthing a company, its no point.

And now, we save time anyway.

Running a coin sale takes time and resources.

Now instead we let people buy the coins on an exchange:!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH

And we save time.

Now we are free to work more on the website and promotions.

Look, it's Dork and Skank.

And according to Troy, this is a new viewer to his YT channel.
In his words..."It's all good".

Put the coffee on!

DO NOT go to I was getting Tracking attempts and this is what I found embedded in the script ! ! ! is domain which has been identified as high-level PC threat. It belongs to the family of web browser hijacker / redirect virus which earns web traffic and create profit via hijacking users web browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, IE and Chrome.

Here is a solution to stopping the virus:

This public service announcement brought to you by:
FBD Sticker Add.jpg

Again, you need to stop spreading your lies and slander about our company.

DIY Tube Video Community is scanned in real time and has a trusted seal.


The above is a screen print take just yesterday but the seal is live.


You can find this trusted seal on the bottom of

And we use SSL and https as well

fell free to sue me if you think im in the wrong. my name is ryan howard lipinski and i live in east brady PA armstrong county. be sure to have all your records accounted for and bring them to court with you to prove me wrong. see ya there. ;)

If he ever were to conger up a civil suit the trial would only last a few minutes. The moment he opened his mouth, speaking his first sentence, the judge would dismiss the case due to the plaintive's multiple conflicting testimonies. Personally I don't think he is capable of a single straight thought. His mind appears to be a rat's nest.

very true. i dont think he has ever told the same story twice about how he and i became enemies lol... unless he copy pasted it like he does now.

have a big ole thumbs up from me even though trog will try to take it from you with a down vote...

Actually yes. My story is rock solid and straight all these years.

And yes, I did copy and paste your attacks against me through the years.

I will let your own words destroy you.

no troy every time you told the story of how we became enemies you changed it. the only time it remained the same was after you got busted repeatedly for it changing over and over so you started copy and pasting your most recent version. again you really need to get some classes in reading comprehension. it would do you wonders...

its your words destroying you troy not mine.

This is the true story about how troy reid of the do it yourself world @thediyworld @diy-tube-video and I met and progressed to the point we are in currently.

My story has never changed or faltered. While troy reid has never said the same thing twice.

Every word I said in my version of the events can be validated just by looking at the archives found on and paltalk and google YouTube... Troy's story has never been told the same twice unless he copy pastes it. His story cannot be verified by anyone who was there and the time line is mixed up and altered to fit his personal view of reality.

When are you ever going to do this Troy Reid,
founder of the account?......


By taking subscriber money monthly and NOT doing this as promised
among the other dollar categories and promises of exclusive video content...


Keep in mind Reid mentioned yesterday he's thinking of restarting his Indigogo account.
Another avenue to take your money and give Nothing in return.

I dont get your complaints. Patreon members got to see videos. They got what was offered.

Not one person on there complained.

Only you trolls.

But you guys complain all the time anyway.

So, I still do not get your point.

Anyway, DIY Tube Video Community is the place to be now.

We pay everyone for all activities on the site.

Members get paid in DIYT Coins for video views, comments, thumbs up and more.

And its a troll free zone :)

Nobody will ever have to suffer this sort of harassment on DIY Tube Video Community.

You don't get it @thediyworld, @diy-tube-video because you are morally bankrupt.

If you would care to state more specific claims I would be happy to help out with answers as well as I can.

But your statement is too vague and not really able to be answered properly.

After being the victim of 6 years of harassment due to YouTube opening up to trolls -

one thing is very certain.

DIY Tube Video Community will not tolerate harassment, plagiarism, spam or other abuse.

Its a troll free zone :)

Anyone that exposes your LIES, FRAUDS, DECEPTIONS, SCAMS is a troll, right? Exposing the truth of a con man is a honest righteous thing to do.

Well, you constantly write very harsh and criminal accusations against me.

But yet when called out to show any real hardcore proof - you just rant and curse at me again.

Makes me think there is absolutely nothing to your words but simply bullying.

Actually it goes beyond bullying because it is criminal to make such claims.

Show all your software purchase receipts for the video server and for all 40 mining rigs you have running in 'chalet'. That would be lots of purchased operating systems. Everything is pirated right? Poor little LYING SHIT STAIN of a SCAMMER busted again. Show your proof and while you are at it show your discharge status to disprove your STOLEN VALOR Mr NO VA BENEFITS, lost my records, lying asshole.

The mining rigs have nothing to do with a video sharing site called DIY Tube.

Now, you have some pretty harsh claims.

Please feel free to state actual hardcore facts to back up your claims.

Otherwise your words are criminal harassment only.

All related cause done by same LYING SHIT STAIN of a SCAMMER. Show your purchased software receipts for all the warez running in your business machines. The criminal is the guy using pirated software which is you. Simple to fix this by showing your receipts but you don't have any.

all the proof you want is on for everyone to see even you troy reid @diy-tube-video

not families troy reid.. we only vow to reveal the truth of you troy reid, personally. not your family at all. just YOU! stop telling fibs and stretching truths into lies and tell the plain truth for once in your life... i doubt you even know what the truth is anymore after all the years of lying about it and everyone...

On YouTube all we ever did was make videos of our lives on the homestead for your free entertainment.

No fraud or scam there.

Now we are paying for a site where people can upload videos.

And we are paying them to do it.

Looks pretty cool to me.

And a lot of people are joining as well.

So something must be turning out right.

Oh, and its a troll free zone :)

I wonder why you spend so much of your energy complaining the same narrow rhetoric over and over. Looking at comment after comment its the same. "....all we ever did...." and trolls this, trolls that..... You drone on and on and on. Do you honestly think you gain anything by your actions? Look around, there is nobody listening to your argument that will change anything to your favor. You think you are defending yourself but what you are actually doing is showing how childish you are. If your "world's greatest" website is as great as you claim, I would think a person, such as yourself, would put all the energy into that. I am amazed at how foolish you are attempting to sell people of your self grandiose visions when other only see it as a facade.

Well, the funny thing is you upset with me for posting the same answers.

The ironic thing is you guys posting the same aggressive insults and attacks.

Your friends claim I am a fraud, blah blah blah.

I repeat that all we ever did was show videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

If you dont believe, that is fine. Its free entertainment afterall.

If you dont like us, simply go away.

Its really all so simple.

Fraudulent misrepresentations of your alleged so-called "daily life" and fraudulent so-called "homestead".

Hey, if you dont believe us just find something else to entertain you.

But harassing my family online and in the real world is criminal.

  1. There is no emotion in my writing therefore your claim that I am "upset" is invalid.

  2. There is no reference in my writing about being affiliated to "you guys" or "your friends". Just because many are pointing out the same issues does not equate to being "friends" or associated with "you guys"

  3. You conclude by repeating the exact behavior outlined.

Your logic is defective. You refuse to even entertain the questions presented. You just spew the same thing over and over. Even parrots can do that. You want people to respect you? Of course you do. Then why not quit the parrot responses and answer the questions asked?

What do you hope to gain by playing the helpless victim?
Do you actually believe there is anyone on your blog that can change your plight?

I finally realized why I have followed you over the past several days. You are like Inspector Clouseau heading into a situation he doesn't understand but the audience knows trying to warn "don't go in there!" Clouseau then makes his blunder and the audience shouts, "i told you so!" Just like the character Inspector Clouseau, you don't learn from from the mistakes you make and just like a parrot, you repeat them over and over.

The entire 'homestead' was a fraud, deception for youtube cause you lived in apt. nearby. You were busted for 'shitting in the woods (forest), you dirty bastard. Then you rented outhouse for weeks then rented room in apt. Your entire life is a fraud and lie. Receipts please!!!

You misrepresent EVERYTHING.

That is called Fraud and a Scam.

Creating a new video site won't change a thing in your M.O.

There you go again making these vague statements.

It is impossible for you to gain credibility with such vague claims and no backing.

Empty rants of fraud and scam are just that. Empty.

DIY Tube Video Community pays for everything.

We pay for the server.

We pay for the cloud storage.

We pay for development and testing.

We pay for it all.

And we even pay members in DIYT Coins for activity on the website.

Looks pretty good to me.

And, with 10 new members joining daily, it looks like other people feel the same way.

Join DIY Tube Video Community and get paid for doing what you enjoy!

(Unless you are a troll. Its a troll free zone).

All I'm doing is providing a public service.

What you don't realize is most people have principals.

Your claims of "paying" for something doesn't mean shit nor does it absolve you of your ignorant shortcomings.

news flash troy i have 3 accounts on diyt and you have no idea what they are...

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