Monkey Capital ICO SCAM UPDATE, Daniel Harrison Update = SILENCE is DEAFENING!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

One-week after the failed ICO of Monkey CAPITAL - MNY, the blackout remains deafening! Angry investors want answers and after aggressive marketing, we have aggressive silence. For now. ( ** UPDATE -- site back online, see below **) now offline
(Daniel's personal website taken offline in the last ~week)

After joining social media just in JULY of this year, Mark Harrison's Monkey Capital and his team of Monkeys have gone SILENT. ALL official communication lines have stopped in late July, with his personal also offline, but dmhco twitter account is active, but personally at least, Daniel painting himself as a victim (while this "victim" holds the investors' MONKEY/COEVAL monies)!

Also their official website and information with their white paper and some unusual yellow paper and key marketing phrases are now forwarding to, where there is NO information on Monkey Capital.

The registration for took place at the end of June. They made the domain registration private/"hidden".

  • Yes, it is possible that they purchased that domain name (no public information given though so it may be a ruse) with the MNY units they dumped on current bag-holders? We will see.

Maybe they purchased it for $1/2 million or whatever his trolls or DMH hiding under new social media accounts are saying.

Of course how is one to know when there is no OFFICIAL communication just silence and taking down information?

After many tweets in just the SAME MONTH that they joined twitter, there have been ZERO, no updates from them in nearly 3 weeks. Very suspicious leading to strong conclusions that the monkey team lead by Daniel Harrison, have succeed in duping people who bought MNY coins into buying into the ICO and dreams sold by them in the marketing

You can find many NEW social media accounts from July that are PRO Monkey Capital, created by aliases and names that have no verifiable information, most likely the monkeys marketing team. Here is one example on steemit of a cheerleader that they hired or are using to tell what people to believe and think.. what kool-aid to drink:

Their website had a nice countdown clock, which turned negative before they shut down But on their twitter they have gone totally silent

"Monkey Capital decentralization of venture capital to empower everyone. Join our ICO opening 8th August 2017 12:00 UTC"

Monkey holders are now watching their share of the 1 BILLION units created out of nothing, dribble to nothing after the market was slammed on August 8th's ICO date... but with hundreds of millions of MNY coming from the Monkeys!

Let's return to the FIRST MARKETING tweet Daniel Harrison and his monkeys put out on July 5 - an interview which talks about EARLY STAGE SPECIAL INVESTORS. $2 MILLION pre-invested. THAT INFORMATION WILL COME OUT BEFORE THE ICO.

"“The other thing I want to mention here is the investors we have who are e mailing for a “better deal” by investing early stage. There is only one group who qualifies for that category and they invested last year (about $2m; WE WILL ANNOUNCED THIS OFFICIALLY PRIOR TO THE ICO; NONE of them are management and ALL are passive, non-influential private persons). For everyone else it’s the same terms."

So did it Daniel? Did you want to share now this piece of information on the $2 MILLION early stage pre-investments? It was pretty imperative part of your Monkey Capital / MNY marketing schemes! That you already had money behind it, secured.

Want to learn more?

More on that here: -- Beware of Monkey Capital:

** UPDATE **
Late today website returned online. The "team" is no longer there except the two main monkeys, Harrison & Hawley. Where did the rest go??

Is the Monkey Deal reviving? I think Daniel and whoever is now there, are working on the next round of pumping! BUYER BEWARE!


Here is the other coin. Coeval $COE Monkey Capital $MNY and some sort of $ZUR coins, I cant follow them all but posting this as it was introduced as the next one to jump into, but like the first two coins, the third one looks similar although not as many monkeys got on board this mineable $ZUR coin. It is supposedly a new exchange that they are working on. Maybe it's the buy of a lifetime but right now it looks like just a pump and dump... someone else following this more closely can explain this other $ZUR coin collapse ... did their wallets sell most what they bought?

One must understand that there is always a risk/reward and any legitimate endeavor can fall apart but why do all 3 fall apart so quickly after the ones who bought cheaply sold out so quickly into a hungry market?

Is this how they raise money? Are they buying back now? Or what is the next coin to make a monkeys jump up and down? let's see.. maybe again, this is the buy of a lifetime. I certainly will not be touching! I lost all faith after this debacle unfolded. It is either the worst execution or the best series of coin pump and dumps to raise money.

Right now very little is known publicly except the chart and volumes. We will keep watching and hope to be proven wrong in all of this. At moment, my judgement that this is a bunch of monkey business, remains

Thank you goldseek for continued diligence in exposing this scam!!!

If you want to ask questions/learn about Monkey Capital feel free to join their telegram at :

I was in the original slack. They quickly ban anyone that asks legitimate questions. Harrison has been fully exposed as a carnival barking scamster that mislead investors and destroyed $60 million in market cap!!! His MNY has to be in the running for the worst ICO of 2017.

What was the question?

Probably why did Daniel Harrison tell us to buy things he was selling to us.. DUMPING on us

The FIRST MONKEY CAPITAL ICO WAS DELAYED IN JULY -- look at this document from their website :

Monkey Capital ICO Update Statement – Monday, July 10, 2017
Monkey Capital wishes to announce the following:
We have more than one major institutional partner who has respectfully requested
additional time to work out on what basis and how much they wish to invest in the Monkey
Capital ICO. Further, one of these institutions has suggested various enhancements to the
White Paper which we believe will make the operating model of Monkey Capital
significantly more robust and this will be in the interests of all participants in the ICO.
Having reviewed these suggested product enhancements we are excited by them and feel
that they are worth applying but this process will take a further week at least. In summary,
we feel it is in the interests of the Monkey Capital community in general to delay the ICO
until August 8, which is just one month later than scheduled.
The ICO is scheduled to take place between 8/8 – 9/9.
We stress that the investors concerned are world-renown institutions and their
participation would account for a significant chunk of ICO funds. Further, their assistance on
the management of the portfolio would also lend tremendous credibility and security to all
Further, for holders of COEVAL we wish to announce that Monday morning the
management of Monkey Capital burnt an additional 5,000 COEVAL in order to further
reduce supply to accommodate the investors we are talking to. There are now just 65,000
COEVAL in circulation with about half of those held for long term holdings, which we feel is
more appropriate.

White paper projections

Looks like monkey business to me. Could the name have been a sign, an omen?
I hope the CIA gets inolved, perhaps, unofficially, since they tend to specialise in that.

Hi, goldseek! I just wanted to thank you for the mention and the link. As you pointed out I'm quite new to this blogging thing so any traffic is appreciated.

Also, I really appreciate the comment that you think my writing is actually of sufficient quality that they would pay me for it; I had never really enjoyed writing before but the concepts were so interesting but super-complex so I really wanted to get them down in a way that let people understand them easier. Guess I did an acceptable job at least in your opinion. :)

I would like to tap into your more expansive experience in blogging if that's OK. My question is in regards to whether blogging has the same ethical code that journalism does.

You're article reports "deafening silence" and you don't mention anywhere that Daniel contacted you directly today in regards to joining a team whose express purpose is to make sure the new model isn't a scam before he moves forward with the ICO.

Now I know that is contrary to the "scam busting" spirit of the article and I would want to leave it out if it were me. If there is no reason for full disclosure I feel like I could write much more impact-full articles.

Thinking about it, that kind of precedent would cause you to have to come out and reverse yourself if Monkey turns out to be legitimate, anything else might be seen as a lack of integrity. Man, that would be such a pain in the patoot.

Let me know your thoughts when you have a chance and thanks again!

Well, you took just a little too long to reply, fellas. I was so excited that I decided to write my own SCAM ALERT and since you mentioned me, I thought it only fair to mention you...

Give it a read, I would love to get your feedback on it!

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