Below is a SWOT analysis, along with my personal view of the Napoleon ICO.
Please note..... its my personal opinion and no financial advise, please do the required due diligence from your end before investing or not investing.
First crypto based Algorithmic asset management service i.e. combination of blockchain technology and algorithmic/black box trading (system that utilizes advanced and complex mathematical models and formulas to make high-speed decisions and transactions in the financial markets)
Max Supply 50,000,000 NPX, unsubscribed token will be burnt
Token Holders benefit 2 ways as per the white paper: Benefiting from the trading bots for their personal trade strategies and revenue share from the renting fees example if the bot generated profit of 10% on capital of 10k, out of the 1k profit 25% will be deducted a performance fee out of which 85% will be distributed back to the token holders (form of dividend)
Clearly outlined all the risk associated with the project at the end of the white paper
First goal is to get licensed, which shows the teams efforts to make things legal asap
Great team with Finance experience including Stéphane IFRAH (Algorithmic Strategy trader), Arnaud DARTOIS (PhD in Computer Science), Stefan DUPREY (PhD)
Bots can be used to trade all markets which will make the portfolio highly diversified
Good review on and decent review on Forbes
Price Per Token of USD 1.2 too expensive, based on the ETH price of 1: 1200 approx (Excluding bonus for being referred and referring others)
Target of 40,000 ETH shows too much of capital expected to be raised which may not be required by an asset management firm atleast in the beginning till the time it proves itself
Even though this is first algorithmic based crypto currency, there are many bots available in the market which work on the same concept in the crypto currency and traditional market
- Could have got licensed first before approaching for an ICO
Possibility of not getting licensed at all however probability looks deemed as team has a background of finance
The Telegram group when clicked from the webpage shows 6121 Members but on the actual telegram group couldn’t find more than 911 subscribers. May be the number got reduced but unclear on the same
Founders share of 15% of the tokens are locked in only for a minimum of 6 months
The success all depends on the bot performance, marketing and real world use of it by institutional investors
When checked on the bot performance claimed on the white paper, didn’t get a clear reply. I have attached the chat snap shot for reference.
Personal View
Even though Algorithmic trading technique is highly effective when compared to traditional trading, there is too much competition in the all markets for the same. Its not that difficult to create your own bot through python and feed the requirements to work as per your style of trading.
The team is a perfect fit for this and if we see value in using the token more than just expecting hype and short term gains, it would be a good option to buy little and try the bot to see if its really worth
Personally i would prefer a hybrid concept like Cindicator which mixes AI with forecasts from the large pool of diverse people.
Please remember all of the above is just based on my research and how much i was able to comprehend on it.
Thank you for reading till the end and feel free to email me if you wish me to write on any other topic in finance either crypto and non crypto