Musings from an Ex-Moderator of the now defunct XRPTalk Forum

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Musings from an Ex-Moderator of the now defunct XRPTalk Forum

Ah yes.

Those were outrageously fun times for me...

Many years ago, I made a grand, first appearance on XRPTalk with an idiotic, jumbled, and quite sloppy/slurry introduction of my drunken self (probably due to the fact I composed it while attending another gathering of like-minded hedonists with an endless supply of nymphetitas, shots of tequila, and beer chasers).

That time is kinda fuzzy to me now, but I do remember projecting my twisted fantasies on each of the female pundits, thinking, "Name? I don't know yet, but I KNOW that any second now she'll beg me to watch how easily she can devour a popsicle..."

The only smart thing I wrote in the schizo intro was that "As far as I'm concerned those Rah-Rah Bitcoin fanboys can kiss my little brown ..."

I liked Dizer from the start.

He was always smart, polite, and supportive to everyone in the forum. He possesses that rare communicative talent that gets his point across without any hint of hostility (I was never that smooth).

I remember a situation when he was basically telling someone, in a diplomatic way, that he thought they were wrong, childish, and stupid.

And, check this out: The other member humbly said thank you!

Lucky (the original one) and I had a great rapport.

Even through the many not so private quibbles over Jed, the purpose of cryptocurrency, the reason why we may not be the first version of ourselves, working overtime trying to be effective moderators and escrow stewards for funding new wallets, etc., in the end, we still very much respected each other (and all of you too).

Anybody remember the IJCH(Inside JaiChai's Head): "My Big Toe"? Lucky immediately dubbed me the XRP Wolverine because of my mutant healing powers.

What can I say about Kite, except that it was wise of Hurukan-Sama to support my suggestion to transform Kite from a formidable troll into a forum moderator (albeit, the kudos or aw-$hits would all be mine should Kite shine or $hit)!

I still remember when the early, obstinate, Kite (the one you could always count on for an asperger's syndrome POV) asked me if I had a personal collection of high heel shoes - his way of insinuating questionable proclivities. I told him, "Yeah, but I only save one shoe per pair 'cause I'm not TOTALLY committed to the lifestyle yet."

Funny thing, through it all, we respected each other's quirks and became friends; supporting each other during our moderator vigils.

Not many people knew back then that he was (and still is) an insightful, sensitive, and reliable man.

Remember Celticwarrior's surprise when I, a total stranger to him at the time, came out of the blue and obliged his joking request, "Just send money, I'm good for it, man?" (not verbatim).

And true to his word, he quickly reciprocated. We enjoyed a common hobby: Chatting or moderating on the forum while $hit-Slinging drunk.

To this day we still keep in touch.

Hurukan-Sama: A truly honorable man. IMHO, I could tell that he was desperately swimming against the tide as soon as I joined XRPTalk. He did so much for so many, for so little gratitude from corporate.

Even when we discussed my future role as a moderator, he reminded me several times that I was so drunk when I joined the forum that it took a few days for me to realize I was a member of XRPTalk, not XXXTalk.

Did you know that years later, he and Tiff gave me quite a scolding when I did a "semi-Jack Reacher;" (a me vs. three others altercation) and of course, alcohol and a damsel in distress was involved.

Long story short, I sent them pictures of me recovering after battle, all bloody and bruised with a caption: "You should see what the other guy(s) look like." Hurukan-Sama replied with, "Are you nuts? You could have been killed! Then what would happen to your daughter?!" (Again, not verbatim. Hurukan-Sama said it with a French accent).

Maybe it was my basilar skull fracture, spinal meningitis, and refusal to go to the hospital that angered them?

Tiff was an ultra-good sport from the git-go.

I remember when she was new and couldn't figure out that the miner's mafia was the true reason for her s-l-o-w btc transactions, giving preference to transactions with higher fees (aka: extortion with a huge carbon footprint). Then I perversely stood back as she got miffed at somebody who was always undercutting her bids on other coins.

Finally I spilled the beans and told her she was "battling" a non-human entity - a trader bot. Lol! But she got smart really fast when she saw me riding along in the wake of a multi-whale wave on an LTC run (I won't name the exchange, but let's just say you can find genuine borsch there).

There were so many other people of character that I could mention.

And I wish I could personally thank each of them individually for their friendship, but that would keep me up for days writing this "short article". Besides, that activity, much like eating, is a waste of drinking time, no?

So, here's just one more anecdote for the OG (Old Guard, Old - as in the internet sense of the word - Timers) and the great batch of current torch carriers on the new forum.

Remember ICJH (Inside JaiChai's Head): "Chronos Island" (or did we later rename it "Lagos")?

Well, I...sort of...had a premonition about a fork in Ripple; and that two XRP-like tokens with different philosophies and uses would emerge. Then all hell broke loose and Jed created Stellar Lumens.

Imagine that?




Remember this: "Perspective" is a golden gift. While most people see a circle, only a few are willing to see the spiral...

About the Author, Not!

JaiChai has been in the cryptocurrency space for over 6 years. He is an enigma, regarded by his cohorts as sarcastic, funny, intuitive - but most of all, elusive. JaiChai alternates long dormant periods with concentrated periods of frenzied commentary - only to go silent again. He’s known for randomly submitting philosophical and contrarian posts on most cryptocoin forums.

When asked about his vanishing acts, he says, "I’m just somebody who enjoys being nobody because I look like everybody. Besides, time checking things off my 'bucket list’ - sans notoriety - is time well spent.”


Haha can't believe I missed this one! Thanks for the read and the memories JC.

Hey Tom!

Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Namaste, my friend.


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