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RE: The Legal Basis of Cryptocurrency Forks

in #cryptocurrency4 years ago

Strong article again 💪
it is a long way to voluntarism. The felt/experienced vulnerability of people probably comes from the problem, that users are passive and have no skills to scape and form the opensource-cryptolandscape except for using/not using a certain system. We need more UIs where people can create fork-proposals with the push of a few buttons.


It's actually interesting you bring this up, as it is one issue I've been thinking about for a while: the imbalance of power in cryptocurrency that exists depending because of different levels of programming skills (and/or the money to hire a programmer). My initial thought was something similar to what you're mentioning, a single software system that could embrace something like forking.

But that in turn led me to thoughts on a much more radical system with dramatically different economic underpinnings than current cryptocurrency systems. But it's a huge topic, and I plan to approach posting about it slowly, partly to bridge the gap between current economic thinking, and partly because some of my ideas about it are still unformed. I am planning to create a prototype of such a system that can be tweaked with time, as new ideas emerge.

As an aside, I find it mildly humorous that the spellchecker for this site's editor doesn't recognize the word "cryptocurrency".

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