ALTTEX PROJECT - Decentralized Exchange Platform for Android, IOS & Windows Phone

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

To be realistic, It is no doubt that a lot of individual would want to shop, trade, exchange cryptocurrencies and a lot more and they will have to use different platform to perform this functions. But now, there is a platform called ALTTEX, where one can access all these functions from one single location without having to leave the house or your present location. These functions could be performed using Alttex Consortium. One can buy cryptocurrency using any bank card at any location of their choice.

From my research on the project, Alttex is created mainly for mobile device, because its user friendly which means that everyone can use their mobile devices at any time in any place. So Alttex made for mainly mobile device would allow everyone to easily use the website without stress rather than carry laptops or computers about. Also, one can easily purchase and sell cryptocurrency anywhere around the world.

Simply put, Alttex is a digital platform with a decentralized exchange, personalized crypto-messenger and a smart safe. It is developed based on IOS Android and windows mobile platforms. The platform consist of crypto exchange, crypto messenger, and crypto safe. Every advanced function of blockchain can be seen on this platform. It is very true that a lot of people and companies are afraid of trading with cryptocurrency because they believe it can be hacked or tampered with. Alttex possesses a smart safe which gives each user an opportunity to store their cryptocurrencies safely. This means that there is nothing to be scared about because it possesses a lot of principles such as security, convenience and intuitive interface.

Looking at the ADVANTAGES of the platform,

  1. It is a decentralized network that operates on the principle of P2P, from user to user. Information are decentralized, that is, information are not stored centrally, therefore security is at its peak.
  2. It is multifunctional and multitasking,
  3. It minimizes the cost of using digital currencies,
  4. It is compatible with all kinds of modern mobile devices, the best usability of UX applications, the speed of transactions, an expanded set of functions, professional support service and many more.

Other cryptocurrencies exchange experience a lot of PROBLEMS which Alttex is ready to solve problems like :

  1. Innovation - Alttex cannot be stagnant when it comes to creativity. It will keep innovating and creating new features on the website since the world changes every day and it will always meet the world’s standard at any time.
  2. Communication - Alttex has provided a feature which is ALT messenger, where users on the platform can communicate with each other, advertise their products and also connect with themselves. This means that it also have an entertainment feature. It will overcome some of the characteristics of other cryptographic exchange such as high commission for input or output of money, high commission for creating orders, complicated and long verification, bad UX and many more.
  3. Transaction speed - most cryptographic exchange delays transaction between users. Alttex is here to solve that problem. Because of the nature of the platform, that is, its decentralized nature, intermediaries are excluded during transactions. For example, if I have an issue with my friend and this case needs to be settled as soon as possible. Involving anybody like a lawyer or any other third party will delay the settlement between my friend and me. Therefore, the two users on Alttex platform are like my friend and I, any intermediary in the transaction like the lawyer or the third party will only delay the transaction and this will therefore increase the transaction speed.

It is very important to note that Altex token will be used for calculation within the system when performing a buy and sell operation. The token is a utility token that will provide users with future access to Altex digital products or services, like buying virtual goods in the Altex crypto messenger, provide fee to use Alttex decentralized exchange and the ability to store cryptocurrency in Altsafe.

Token Information:

Token Name : ALTX
Token Type : ERC20
TOKEN, sale and distribution supply will be 50.000.000 token
Maximum to start on the Pre Sale $ 500,000.
Token Price :
Pre Sale : USD 0.5 / ALTX
ICO 1 : USD 0.7 / ALTX
ICO 2 : USD 1 / ALTX
Pre Sale Start Date : January 21, 2018
ICO 1 Start Date : March 3, 2018
ICO 2 Start Date : March 19, 2018
Accepted Currency : ETH, BTC



Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 63396.97
ETH 2619.18
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80