Cryptocurrency Investing Strategy - My Total Returns in 2017

I want to demonstrate the power and potential profitability of the long-term HODLing strategy by sharing my results from 2017.

I invested in 7 different cryptocurrencies in 2017 (as a long-term hold), and saw returns ranging from 150% to 1471%. I did not make a loss on any of the cryptocurrencies that I held through all of the corrections and dips.


never trade they will kill you at tax time keep hodling for atleast one year

Yeah it's such a headache keeping track of all of the transactions too. Buy & hold ftw

or you can just HODL ;)

Agreed. Trading around was interesting for me to learn but makes tax complicated and also the cryptos have done so well i don't want to incur ordinary income tax vs long term capital gains.

That's my experience too. Trading is fascinating and quite fun, but it's just not worth it

Totally agree: Buy and HODL!

Not sure what's the tax law in UK, but in US there's a huge tax difference between short term v.s. long term gain (up to 40% v.s. 20%).

very nice portfolio, I also have noted down some coins which I will be buying really soon. thanks for the video :)

La hierba se seca y la flor se marchita, pero la palabra de nuestro Dios permanece para siempre. / Isaías 40:8

Hey, another crypto-newbie here. Found your stuff on YouTube and now i'm stalking you on steemit. I've been meaning to join for a while, but your videos put it back on my radar. Keep it up, and congrats on the gains!

Best to just pick long term project with substance and hold.
Remember you either HODL HODL HODL, or you get TAXED TAXED TAXED... The choice is yours!

HODLers win!
Im nowhere need those numbers, but I started slowly and only in october I threw in a large cash.
I like how simple your portfolio is, only thing I miss is XMR :)

Patience is the key to success in crypto currencies investment. Congratulations @louisthomas

That is some good gains, mate.
Shows the beauty of researching into projects and investing in those you believe in. 1150% .....gain train, baby!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 61851.26
ETH 3412.03
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.48