
With all honesty and sincerity, I believe this coin (once separated from the Bitcoin blockchain) will signal the dawn of a new era in crypto. The marketplace that will be the functional lifeblood of the coin will be built onto the blockchain and allow for anonymity when trading. I’m not talking about just shady darkweb stuff. No doubt there will be an element of that. It would be difficult to avoid when creating this type of marketplace.

I’m more talking about being able to purchase online without marketing analytics tracking your every step and adding it to a corporation’s (eg. Amazon) profile of you and your purchasing habits.

For people looking to sell, a low 5% commission fee is fantastic when compared to the other players in the ecommerce game.

And for Token holders who choose to stake their tokens on the marketplace, that 5% commission is distributed as a dividend, so it incentivises holding onto the tokens long term.

Am I a Token holder? You bet!! Any chance I’ll sell? No way!!

In years to come, people will see the coin’s creator, Dan Dabek, as the Gates/Jobs/Musk of the crypto world. I absolutely believe this coin will revolutionise ecommerce and allow crypto to become the preferred way of buying and selling good as we move into the 2020s.

well said.

i would say YES, investment in SAFEX. Go to my profile i have a ton of info on safex. They will be on an new exchange called it will be paired with USD BTC and ETH i believe.

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