Crypto-Anarchism: Dreamer's Utopia or New Order of the Future (English/Turkish)

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)


I don't like hierarchical relationships. It's hard for me to admit that people aren't equal. I never got used to the idea that people should have a boss.

In my college years, I believed that the world of anarchist principles was possible. Then, as I aged and began to recognize the world, I began to doubt whether even communism could be viable aside from an anarchist order.

When I started college, communism had not yet collapsed in Russia, and there was no indication that it would collapse. I was discussing whether communism or anarchism is better with my friends. We did not take capitalism and the free market into consideration. Of course, this was for a narrow circle of friends. The political debate among older people was to choose between the unsupervised free market and social democracy. There were also Islamists in the country, but they weren't very effective at the time.

Among those older than us, there were few people who were sympathetic to communism, and nobody was taking anarchism into consideration. As a idealist college student, it was even hard for me to take anarchism seriously. While liberalism, social democracy and communism came to power in certain countries and became influential on those societies, anarchism could not have achieved such success. How could an ideology against any kind of power come to power? I remember reading Peter Kropotkin's books to get to know the anarchism in those years. Let's see how Peter Kropotkin, the great thinker of anarchism described anarchism in his article written for the Encyclopedia Britannica in 1910:

Anarchism is the name given to the principle or theory of life and management in which society is designed without a state. In such a society, harmony will be achieved not by submitting to the law or submitting to any authority, but by free contracts between various territorial and professional communities freely established for the purpose of production and consumption as well as the fulfillment of the infinite variety of needs and aspirations of a civilized entity. In a society that will evolve on this structure, voluntary units that will begin to cover the whole of humanitarian activity areas will gain even greater spread to take up all the functions of the state.

They will be used to commemorate an intertwined network of local, regional, national and international, all sizes and levels, groups and federations, which are either transient or very short-term. They can come together for all possible purposes: production, consumption, change, communication, health arrangements, education, mutual protection, field defence and more. On the other hand, they will also work to fulfill the ever-increasing scientific, artistic, and social requirements. Moreover, such a society will not represent anything that does not change. On the contrary – generally as seen in organic life — it will be due to the constant changing regulation and rearrangement of the balance between the multipliness of the powers and the effects, and it will be easier to maintain this arrangement because no power is under private protection.

Kropotkin is referring communities, voluntary associations, an intertwined network, communities' purposes such as production, consumption, communication, education, and art in the definition. Perhaps it have caught your attention, as the described concept resembles the envorinment we are trying to form around block-chain technology.


The concept of crypto-anarchism expresses the realization of anarchist thinking through cyberworld and cryptography. Crypto-anarchists support the use of cryptographic software to protect their privacy, political and economic freedoms while exchanging information over computer networks.

Encryption makes it difficult to find the relationship between the identity of a particular user or organization and the nickname it uses, as long as user does not expose the association. It is not possible to determine which country's laws are valid, as the participant is not even known. By using nick names, participants are able to do all sorts of operations through intelligent contracts in line with their online reputation.

The Crypto-Anarchist Manifesto was revealed in 1988 by Timothy C. May. When the systems used are not in distributed architecture, it is possible for the state to follow all communication in the virtual world. Thus, the internet censorship can be raised. In addition, in the non-distributed architecture, data on user information and operations is being collected on a small number of institutions. This situation creates power asymmetry.

The spread of the internet has brought significant gains in the access to information of the masses. We now reach information via Wikipedia out of charge instead of the Britannica encyclopedia. Open source software has helped to spread the benefits that the information age provides.

On the other hand, cyberspace had a limited influence on the economy before the blockchain. There was a bank-dependent structure for money transfers, and the digital world's most important source of revenue, advertising was on monopolies such as Google and Facebook.

With block-chain technology, a closed-loop structure is available where information, money, and contracts can turn around the cyber world. States, banks and big technology companies seem to be taking a toll in this process. There are signs of a future in which the inefficiencies hidden in institutional structures are evident, where small actors will create communities and deal with big ones.

The domination of economics and culture are important means of establishing control over society. In the industrial age, trade unions functioned as mechanisms to balance the power of bosses on workers. In the developed world, after the industry lost its importance and the service sector came forward in production, the mechanisms to protect the large masses were weakened. White collar workers without class awareness are the carriers of the current system. Participating in politics by voting every five years does not produce productive results for the masses. The television and cinema industry, dominated by big capital owners, ensures the continuity of the system.

The deficiency of communism was the gathering of political power on the Communist Party, and despite this deficiency, it played a serious role in the formation of welfare society in developed countries. Because of the fear of communism, employees had acquired serious rights.

In the crypto world, those with money are very effective on communities. No worldview or ideology is perfect. Despite this, I think the crypto world is a great asset for humanity. Young people who can hardly get a share of power today can come forward in time thanks to the crypto movement.

I hope that the crypto revolution will provide new gains for masses, opening the doors of an exciting new world.

Thanks for reading.

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Hiyerarşik ilişkilerden oldum olası hoşlanmamışımdır. İnsanların eşit olmadığını kabullenmekte zorlanıyorum. Hele insanların başında bir patron olması gerektiği fikrine hiç alışamadım.

Üniversite yıllarımda anarşist ilkelerin geçerli olduğu bir dünyanın mümkün olduğuna inanırdım. Sonra yaşım ilerleyip dünyayı tanımaya başladıktan sonra anarşist bir düzen bir yana komünizmin bile yaşatılabilir olup olmadığından kuşku duymaya başladım.

Üniversiteye başladığım sırada Rusya'da komünizm henüz çökmemişti ve çökeceğine dair herhangi bir emare de görünmüyordu. Arkadaşlarımla aramızda komünizm mi iyidir yoksa anarşizm mi tartışması yapıyorduk. Kapitalizm ve serbest piyasayı ise hiç kaale almıyorduk. Elbette bu durum dar bir arkadaş çevresi için geçerliydi. Yaşı daha büyük insanlar arasındaki siyasi tartışmalar denetimsiz serbest piyasa ile sosyal demokrasi arasında seçim yapmak üzerineydi. Ülkede elbette İslamcılar da vardı ama o sıralar çok etkili değillerdi.

Yaşı bizden büyük olanlar arasında komünizme sempatiyle bakan az sayıda insan vardı, anarşizm ise pek kaale alınmıyordu. Hayalperest bir üniversite öğrencisi olarak ben bile anarşizmi ciddiye almakta zorlanıyordum. Liberalizm, sosyal demokrasi ve komünizm belirli ülkelerde iktidara gelip o toplumlar üzerinde etkili olmuşken, anarşizmin böyle bir başarı gösterememişti. Zaten her türlü iktidara karşı olan bir ideoloji nasıl iktidara gelebilirdi ki? O yıllarda anarşizmi tanımak için Peter Kropotkin'in kitaplarını okuduğumu hatırlıyorum. Anarşizmin büyük düşünürü Peter Kropotkin 1910 yılında Britannica ansiklopedisi için yazdığı makalede bakın anarşizmi nasıl anlatmış:

Anarşizm, toplumun devletsiz olarak tasarlandığı yaşam ve yönetim ilkesine veya kuramına verilen ad. Böylesi bir toplumda uyum, yasaya boyun eğerek ya da her türlü yetkeye itaat ederek değil, üretim ve tüketim amacının yanı sıra, uygar bir varlığın sonsuz çeşitlilikteki gereksinim ve isteklerinin de yerine getirilmesi amacıyla özgürce oluşturulmuş çeşitli bölgesel ve mesleki topluluklardan arasında varılan özgür sözleşmeler yoluyla elde edilecektir. Bu yapılan üzerinde gelişecek bir toplumda, insani etkinlik alanlarının tümünü kapsamaya başlayacak gönüllü birlikler, devletin tüm işlevlerinin yerini almak üzere daha da büyük bir yayılım kazanacaklardır.

Bunlar, –geçici ya da az çok süreli– sonsuz çeşitlilikteki yerel, bölgesel, ulusal ve uluslararası, her büyüklük ve düzeyden, grup ve federasyonlardan oluşan, içiçe geçmiş bir ağ örgüsünü andıracaktır; olası bütün amaçlar için bir araya gelebileceklerdir: üretim, tüketim, değişim, haberleşme, sağlık düzenlemeleri, eğitim, karşılıklı koruma, alan savunması ve dahası; öte yandan sürekli artan bilimsel, sanatsal, yazınsal ve toplumsal gereksinimlerin yerine getirilmesi için de çalışacaklardır. Dahası, böylesi bir toplum değişmez olan hiçbir şeyi temsil etmeyecektir. Aksine –genellikle organik yaşamda görüldüğü gibi — güçlerin ve etkilerin çokluğu arasındaki dengenin sürekli değişen düzenlenmesi ve yeniden düzenlenmesinden kaynaklanacaktır ve hiçbir gücün özel koruması altında olmaması nedeniyle, bu düzenlemeyi sağlamak daha kolay olacaktır.

Kropotkin yaptığı tanımda topluluklardan, gönüllü birliklerden, içiçe geçmiş bir ağ örgüsünden, toplulukların üretim, tüketim, haberleşme, eğitim, sanat gibi amaçlarından söz ediyor. Tasvir edilen yapının blok zinciri teknolojisi çevresinde oluşturulmaya çalışılan dünyaya benzediği herhalde dikkatinizi çekmiştir.

Kripto-anarşizm kavramı anarşist düşüncenin siber dünya ve kriptografi aracılığıyla hayata geçirilmesini ifade ediyor. Kripto-anarşistler, bilgisayar ağları üzerinden bilgi alışverişi yaparken, gizliliklerini, politik ve ekonomik özgürlükleri korumak için kriptografik yazılımların kullanımını destekliyorlar.

Şifreleme sayesinde, belirli bir kullanıcı veya kuruluşun kimliği ile kullandığı takma ad arasındaki ilişkiyi bulmak, kullanıcı ilişkilendirmeyi ortaya koymadığı sürece zor hale geliyor. Katılımcının yeri bile bilinmediği için hangi ülkenin yasalarının geçerli olacağını belirlemek mümkün olmuyor. Katılımcılar takma isimler kullanarak çevrim içi itibarları doğrultusunda akıllı sözleşmeler aracılığıyla her türlü işlemi yapabiliyorlar.

Kripto anarşist manifesto 1988 yılında Timothy C. May tarafından ortaya konuldu. Kullanılan sistemler dağıtık mimaride olmadığında devletin sanal dünyada gerçekleşen tüm iletişimi izlemesi mümkün hale geliyor. Böylece internet sansürü gündeme gelebiliyor. Ayrıca dağıtık olmayan mimaride kullanıcı bilgilerine ve işlemlerine ilişkin veriler az sayıda kurum üzerinde biriktiğinden bir güç asimetrisi doğuyor. Bilgiye sahip olan güce de sahip oluyor.

İnternetin yaygınlaşması kitlelerin bilgiye erişimi konusunda ciddi kazanımlar getirdi. Artık ansiklopedik bilgiye parayla satılan Britannica ansiklopedisi yerine Wikipedia üzerinden ulaşıyoruz. Açık kaynak kodlu yazılımlar bilişimin sağladığı imkanların tabana yayılmasına yardımcı oldu.

Öte taraftan siber dünya blok zinciri öncesinde ekonomi üzerinde kısıtlı bir etkiye sahipti. Para transferleri için bankalara bağımlı bir yapı vardı ve dijital dünyanın en önemli gelir kaynağı olan reklamlar Google ve Facebook gibi tekellerin üzerinde oluşuyordu.

Blok zinciri teknolojisi ile bilginin, paranın ve sözleşmelerin siber dünya üzerinde dönebileceği kapalı devre bir yapı mümkün hale gelmiş durumda. Devletler, bankalar ve büyük teknoloji şirketleri bu süreçten zararlı çıkacak gibi görünüyor. Kurumsal yapıların içine gizlenmiş verimsizliklerin ortaya çıkacağı, küçük aktörlerin topluluklar oluşturarak büyüklere kafa tutacağı bir geleceğin işaretleri belirmiş durumda.

Ekonomi ve kültür dünyasına hâkim olmak toplum üzerinde denetim kurmanın önemli araçları durumunda. Sanayi çağında sendikalar patronların işçiler üzerindeki gücünü dengeleyici mekanizmalar olarak işlev görüyordu. Gelişmiş dünyada sanayi önemini yitirdikten ve hizmet sektörü üretimde öne çıktıktan sonra geniş kitleleri koruyacak mekanizmalar zayıflamış oldu. Sanayi işçilerinin aksine sınıf bilinci olmayan beyaz yakalı çalışanlar mevcut sistemin taşıyıcısı durumunda. 5 yılda bir oy vererek siyasete katılmak kitleler açısından verimli sonuçlar yaratmıyor. Kültür ayağında büyük sermaye sahiplerinin hükmettiği televizyonlar ve sinema endüstrisi sistemin devamlılığını sağlıyor.

Komünizmin eksikliği siyasi gücün komünist parti üzerinde toplanmasıydı, bu eksikliğe rağmen gelişmiş ülkelerde refah toplumunun oluşmasında komünizmin ciddi rolü oldu. Komünizm endişesi nedeniyle çalışanlara ciddi haklar tanındı. Kripto dünyasında ise parası olanlar topluluklar üzerinde gereğinden çok etkili oluyor. Hiç bir dünya görüşü ya da ideoloji kusursuz değil. Buna rağmen kripto dünyasının insanlık açısından büyük bir kazanım olduğunu düşünüyorum. İktidardan bugün neredeyse hiç pay alamayan gençler kripto hareketi sayesinde zaman içinde öne çıkabilirler.

Heyecan verici yeni bir dünyanın kapıları açılmak üzere, kripto devriminin geniş kitleler için yeni kazanımlar sağlamasını umut ediyorum.

Okuduğunuz için teşekkür ederim.


"Anarchism is the name given to the principle or theory of life and management in which society is designed without a state. "

wrong, anarchism is the destruction of all unjustified hierarchy. The state is just one form of it, capital is another. To quote the first self-proclaimed anarchist "property is theft"

Fascinating stuff. Upvoted and resteemed. I absolutely agree with you about the potential for blockchain based technologies, including initiatives like Blockstack and so forth, to tackle the inequities we have in both the distribution of wealth and equal, open access to information. I also totally agree that ideologies which offer great promise, such as communism, are prone to corruption. Perhaps that is indicative of our broader human nature, but it is most certainly indicative of the nature of the Kleptocrats ruling us currently.

For this reason, I think we are in a time of great danger. While blockchain technology provides the potential for truly decentralised networks; and libertarianism, voluntarism and communitarianism (in its various forms) offer the potential for a better, decentralised, stateless society, both the technology, and the these hopeful ideologies can be and, I believe, will be corrupted.

We have already seen China’s impact upon various cryptocurrencies, with their value seemingly inextricably linked to the fate of the Chinese exchanges. Currently china appears to be more favourable to the exchanges but that, I suggest, is because they are racing towards the roll out of a CryptoYuan. They are already talking about regulated blockchain technology. Which, of course, is the antithesis of blockchain technology.

Similarly we have heard talk of the FedCoin, a regulated, allegedly blockchain based cryptocurrency as the U.S faces up to the reality that the petrodollars days are numbered. Again we see the use of the term blockchain as an oxymoron.

This is where I fear the technology will take us in the next few years. Far from providing a gateway to decentralised crypto-anarchism it will be used to rid the planet of cash and ensure the total control of everything. This won’t represent truly decentralised blockchain based networks but the banks and the corporations don’t want them to exist and care little about the widespread misuse of the term. If they can’t destroy them with investor power, corralling the exchanges, they will do it with legislation and regulation.

Many here may hope, as I do, that it won’t matter because blockchain technology offers the potential for us to sidestep the regulated, central bank controlled, quasi cryptocurrencies that will be offered to and then forced upon the global population. Why should we care? We don’t need to use their crypto’s.

Sadly you only need a minimal grasp of history to understand that the widespread adoption of decentralised, genuine blockchain based technologies, will not be allowed to flourish. The corporate oligarchy that rules this planet will criminalise their use. It is inevitable I feel.

Yes, this technology can offer us all great hope for the future but, just as they corrupted Soviet communism, the banking cabal that owns everything (all money is a debt owed to them) will not allow that to happen.

We cannot expect blockchain decentralision to be the panacea for the creation of the stateless world many of us would like to see. We have no choice other than to tackle the issue of global, corporate tyranny first. Unless we do, the legal introduction of corrupted cryptocurrencies will give the Kleptocracy total dominion.

took time to read this bulky made a whole lot of points. Always good to view from another angle. Cryptocurrency has great potentials and faces big challenges too. With the inception of new cryptocurrencies we will get to a time where Nations and big firms will seize the opportunity and create their own cryptocurrencies, so like FIAT currencies, we will have crypto versions for a particular place and transactions made within there will be done only with their cryptos...and that will take us back to exchange, value differencies etc obtainable with FIAT cash.
And is it true that certain people affect the price of cryptos apart from the normal demand and supply principles? I hope its not true.

Sorry about the length of the comment. I'm relatively new to Steemit. Is it bad etiquette? Yes it is true. If you have a limited supply (as Bitcoin does) then investment power can only effect value (demand) as supply is fixed. Let's say George Soros decides to buy 100,000 BTC (he could afford it) then the value (price) will skyrocket. Therefore the opposite must also be true. If he sells en masse the only thing that can give is the value (price.) Supply and demand still applies but supply is fixed. What do you reckon?

No, no, no. I don't think its bad etiquette provided you contribute and share helpful information.
Supply of BTC is constant (fixed) as you said, this is because the remaining amounts to be mined and released into circulation is small compared to the time it will take for them to be mined and released. btc supply chart.png source
( so supply has liitle effect on the price) rather the demand which is a function of increased usage and wider adoption controls it's price.
The question in my first comment meant "can someone, say 'Satoshi', wake up one day and decide that the price should go up irrespective of demand?"
Is the blockchain truly and completely encrypted for everyone including the originators and key investors?
This question is a concern for most people still reluctant to join the cryptocurrency train.

yup , state currencies aren't just going to roll over and dies , we can already see many countries stifling it's citizen's participation in crypto revolution.

When automation finally conquers most of the work force, mostly concerning production, what do you think people will do then? Will there be enough for people to do for money that a population, such as ours, could be sustained until more evolved ideas are implemented toward social concern? Or are people going to just start dropping like diseased cattle from poverty? Think in terms of like, a "third world country" or less. I am open to your thoughts and nice article! It made me aware that I need to be more aware of crypto-currencies and their trends.

Automation will conquer most of the workforce, especially in the production line. However, i dont think man will lack what to do to raise money. We adapt everyday to the evolving nature of work as a whole. Just like in the now, in the 'then' those who fail to adapt to the new work trends will drop like diseased cattle from poverty.
But, the future will definitely be brighter in terms of poverty reduction. Resources will be shared "almost" equally and the gap between rich and poor will be reduced too.
crypto-currency tech may be very helpful then.

I want to take a focus on this phrase you used, "will drop like diseased cattle from poverty". it is almost if you speak as if that is your wish? Is this true? Do you realize it doesn't have to be that way at all? That poverty itself ONLY exists because we use money, or other similar forms of exchange? On a much more positive note, I do like how you mention that the gap between rich and poor would eventually be lessened, but, why do that when we can eliminate the problem as a whole? I can explain how that can be if you wish. There is no real need to use money (or similar things) if we make our goal to create abundance. Money only exists because resource "scarcity" exists, right? Thanks for commenting. <3

@abbernard Thanks for earlier reply and putting me straight on the value function of a fixed supply currency. I fully accept what you mean about the value soaring if uptake rises rapidly (for example if Amazon starts accepting Bitcoin.) I also agree that the potential exists that we will adapt to the new reality when the estimated 47% of jobs in the workplace disappear over the next decade. I think blockchain, decentralised ledgers could play a part in this. However most of these will be white rather than blue collar. However, sadly, I don't share your optimism about reduced inequality or reduced poverty. I believe we will be led towards a Universal Income Guarantee in the absence of anything approaching full employment. I believe unemployment will be running at about 40%. Here in the UK we have seen its pilot in the form of Universal Credit. This has exacerbated poverty and inequality with an increasing use in food banks, more evictions, rising homelessness worse health outcomes and, for the first time in modern history, rising death rates. What we will get is more of the same I'm afraid.

Grand monsieur ... Toujours continuer comme ça!

Even at it's best case outcome , Crypto will be a good complement to FIAT , keeping FIAT owners honest with relentless competition.

I was thinking about this same topic recently and the closest analogy I came up with was Shopping malls vs online stores. When online stores came alive they gave stiff competition to brick and mortar stores ,eventually closing a lot of them. Still physical stores exist and fulfill a use case but they are kept honest with the online stores.

I like that you liked the analogy...

oh my god. wildest gif ever

This gave me headache.

my apologies..

Very funny video 📹

YEs, you've provided a very good analogy. Amazon is the best online experience I've ever had and more people like me enjoy shopping for hard to find items and have them delivered to your front door in a matter of 2 days.

Hello how are you doing today,sorry i don't no you but i hope we can be friends.

Wow Nice try. may be she saw your comment but not interested in you.

Nothing ever really goes away. I still have to wait for an obscene amount of time in a grocery store behind some old lady who wants to spend 5 minutes writing a check to pay for her groceries. Records are still around. You can even still type on a typewriter if you really want to. Once something is invented, it will always be around, even if it's only in a museum. Fiat will always be with us. Soon people will create crypto fiat, maybe they already have. Ripple, I'm looking at you!

very nice topic. I also think that crypto will revolutionize today's banking and governing system...Your post made me more attractive towars investing on blockchain and about its knowledge...thanks for your post..

I always have the believe that crypto will be use as medium of exchange around the world in the soonest years and it will be a complement to fiat.itbwill surely be use around the world I believe and to the poster,what a great topic you write about,more grace bro

@muratkbesiroglu True, the blockchain tech is creating a anarchy environ similar to Kroptokin's definition. Most blockchain based currencies and social medias like Steem and Steemit provide a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without restrictions from the government. Since nearly everyone in the world hopes for such utopian environment of complete freedom irrespective of race, age, financial status etc. crypto-anarchism will be the new order of the future.

Now, on a lighter mode, do you think we can really do away with the hierarchical relationship when we still have ranks like plankton, minnow, dolphin, orca and whales?
So we just have to admit that people are not equal afterall.

I like your post, this one and the other sci-fi ones.

yeah but plancton and orca are differente speciese while humain are all part of the same groupe... just separate by laws....

Lol, i guess thats on a lighter mode too @avinigo
Now on a firmer note, am referring to the ranks on steemit. Depending on your steem power you are either a plankton, minnow, dolphin, orca or whale. the ranks here could be synonymous to less influential, influential, more influential...
So even if the rank names are gotten from different species, they are used on humans on the steemit. See this post for more info:
Thanks for the reply.

Şimdiye kadar ki yazıların arasında en beğendiğim oldu. Ellerine sağlık.

Teşekkür ederim. Ben de yazarken beğenmiştim😃

So nice cloud

@muratkbesiroglu friend excellent post, has always preponderated over time, the survival of the fittest. Human beings always seek to be at the beginning of their food chain, and in this case, the globalized world is their pantry, where they can satisfy these needs. It also happens with the developed, underdeveloped and third world countries, each and every one of the individuals looks for the way to be at the top, sometimes no matter what it costs to get to do it, regardless of any ideology or economic system, only the common good, total anarchy, where there are equalities without the need to depend on a leader or leader, but on the common ideals of beings in welfare in general. Technology and globalization will perhaps be our blessing and curse at the same time, well, it's only a matter of time before everything that we know collapses, and demonstrating that everything has a turning point, whether good or bad, and any of these options will be crucial from the perspective that is seen and analyzed.

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