Niki on NOX | All Nikita NOX Promos in One Article ...ENJOY! | NOX TOKEN PRE-SALE ENDS IN 2 DAYS

Bitcoin has Andreas Antonopooulos, Ethereum has @vitalik-buterin, BCASH has @rogerkver, Bitconnect has @Trevonjb and Nitro NOX Token has Niki Nichadev, our Head of Communications. Many of you have expressed that you want to see more Niki, while you wait for your NOX Tokens to moon. Well here it is, your moment of Zen.

Behind the scenes footage of Niki and the Nitro team attending BlockShow events can be found on the Nitro.Live Instagram Account

I'm all in when anything unites the world and this is one opportunity to do so.
really this opportunity realize you..@javybar
This girl is hot. Who is she again?
She is the physical embodiment of the quality of the Nitro NOX token as an investment.
I wish she’s still single. *wink *wink 😉
I'm ready to buy any shit coin she's pushing!
yes she is.
She is really one of the top notch marketing strategists on the planet. Plus she's gorgeous :)
Yah I also know that I appreciate your comments @creatovert 👍👍
Thanks bro... followed you :)
I also same
If I hadn't just learned about all these coins the past few days I would jump on this. I can't find anywhere to buy ether without waiting like 10 days to receive it
There is always the crowdsale in December.
Yup, that is the plan! :)
Very beautiful girl 🤗🤗🤗
NOX is an amazing opportunity, VR and Cryptocurrency together is a winning combo. This is the future of gaming. Great post, am going to resteem! Thanks
Nice anchoring explaining very well.
Excellent publication very beautiful ¡photos taken!.
Niki looks amazing!