mytime Block-platform for converting time into crypto currency, investigation until the morning for a trip in a taxi you are paid :)

good afternoon


mytime is a decentralized platform based on block-check technology, smart contracts, mytimecoin's own crypto currency (MYTC), and services for interaction of users and business with each other

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Время, проведенное в сервисе, регистрируется в блокчейне и подтверждается переводом криптовалюты. Оплату совершает сервис, заинтересованный во времени и внимании человека.

Cервис подтверждает, что пользователь провел в сервисе определенный интервал времени (например, 15 минут с 10:25 до 10:40), за что сервис гарантирует ему вознаграждение в MYTC. Два сервиса не могут одновременно перевести пользователю вознаграждение за один и тот же интервал времени. Если несколько сервисов подтверждают один и тот же промежуток времени пользователя, то выбирается запись одного из них по приоритету, который выставил пользователь.

Для платформы mytime разработан протокол Chronos, который конверти- рует в криптовалюту время, потраченное пользователем и подтвержденное сервисом. Основой протокола Chronos стал алгоритм защиты и подтверждения стоимости времени Proof-of-Time, созданный на базе DPoS (DelegatedProof-of-Stake).

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In Time's blockade, records confirming time are stored. In the blockroom Money, financial transactions of the MYTC crypto currency committed between the platform participants are stored.

Also as the command says mytime implements several own services.

These services are for:

▪ Monetizing the life of social communities.

▪ Monetize time in games.

▪ Monetize the time in instant messengers.

▪ Organization of educational processes.

▪ Monetize the video watch time.

In my opinion that this will not happen soon, since it is the bulk of the world that uses all these, well, or the sum of the cheap price going on will be on this crypto currency

All as always they will earn us a good job)))

MYTC emission - the issue of new coins when new blocks appear in the block-check. Functioning of block libraries and data encryption is provided by a network of computing nodes (nodes). Every minute one of the nodes inserts a new block into the chain of the block, accordingly, every minute new MYTC coins are issued as a reward for the work of the node. Then the reward is distributed between the node and the services with the confirmed time of users. Thus, the more active users of the service, the higher the service fee. This mechanics makes profitable use of the mytime platform.

The mytime platform will support smart contracts. They will make it possible to realize the mechanics of wasting time and rewarding users.

Using smart contracts, you can implement:

▪ Contracts for future users.

▪ Transparent accounting of time and wages.

▪ Distribution of MYTC in communities and game clans.

▪ MYTC accrual for fulfilling a certain set of conditions.

▪ Data exchange between services without direct access to data.

▪ Targeted charity - payment of training by sponsors.

Basic application

For the mytime platform, a basic application is developed, through which users can start working in the mytime ecosystem. The basic user application will consist of the following components:

▪ Wallet.

▪ Miner of unconditional income.

▪ Market of services based on mytime.

The basic application is designed for a mass user and is available for rapid development. It allows the participant mytime immediately to start monetizing their time, concluding contracts with services, buying and selling MYTC, as well as getting unconditional income from the MYTC issue.

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Examples of services and integrations
In mytime, you can implement any contractual relationship, where one of the platform participants is ready to buy the time and actions of another. These mechanics have long existed and are used in various fields:

▪ Employers pay for the work of employees, including depending on the time spent.

▪ Media sites and games consider the time that users spend on their websites and products.

▪ Taxis estimate the cost of the trip depending on its duration.

▪ Video hosting counts how long users watch the video - this determines the number of ad impressions

mytime is a business solution that digitizes time and turns it into a liquid asset. Below are a few examples of how this can be used.

Computer games


  1. Short life of the user due to the huge number of games.

  2. Negative attitude of players to Free-to-Play - (a business model, a way of distributing computer games that allows a player to play without making money) a model that in most cases turns into a Pay-to-Win model - (Free-to-Kind -Play model, when it's difficult to achieve meaningful results in a free game without making money).

Solution: With the mytime platform, game publishers can simultaneously solve both problems by redistributing income from paying users to pay for the time spent in the game by the other players.

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How it works:

  1. The publisher buys MYTC.

  2. The publisher concludes with the players a smart contract for future time, which the user undertakes to conduct in the game.

  3. The user gets MYTC for what they just play.

  4. Mass consciousness of players is changing with indignation: "How are they fed up with their donat" for joy: "Wow! They also pay me. "

  5. Paying players have superiority in the game over non-paying players, and they need a lot of non-paying players to enjoy the game.

  6. Increasing the lifetime of the non-paying part of the audience leads to an increase in the lifetime of the paying one and, correspondingly, to an increase in its LTV (Lifetime Value) - this is the total profit of the company, received from one client for the entire time of cooperation.


Problem: Attracting and retaining an audience is a big problem for the media, given their number and competition from new media, social networks and bloggers. For the execution of advertising contracts, publications need a stable and high-quality audience flow

Solution: With the help of the mytime platform, the media resource can buy the time and attention of the necessary audience, as well as pay authors while reading their content.

How it works:

  1. The media resource buys MYTC crypto currency for fiat money.

  2. Media resource concludes a smart contract to purchase the future of its loyal target audience.

  3. Interested users take a contract and spend time on the publication site, getting for it MYTC.

  4. Media resource encourages its loyal audience and becomes more attractive to advertisers.

  5. The media resource pays MYTC to its authors for the time that users read their content.

  6. The more time users read the publication, the higher their reputation.


Receiving MYTC, the user reads more materials and reads them out more often, which means that the media resource increases the number and depth of views.


Problem: Content distribution sites (social networks, video chat rooms, public places) are interested in seeing users often watch their videos for a long time. With the increase in the total time of video screenings, the number of ad impressions is also growing. At the same time, sites must respect intellectual property rights and royalties for the use of content to authors of content - it is difficult and expensive to do this with fiat money.

Solution: On mytime platform, any content distribution site (social network, video hosting or public service) will be able to buy users' time to view video content and deduct royalties to the author in proportion to the viewing time. In a smart contract, the parties can prescribe terms for additional rewards, for example, for viewing video content and advertising to the end.

How it works:

  1. The content distribution area buys the MYTC crypto currency for fiat money.

  2. The site concludes a smart contract for the purchase of future users' time, in which copyright royalties are prescribed.

  3. Interested users accept the contract and use the time to watch video content, getting for it MYTC.

  4. The site assigns authors author's videos MYTC for the time of the review.

  5. The longer and longer the users watch the video, the higher their reputation.

  6. As a result, the time for viewing content and the number of impressions are increasing.
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▪ By receiving MYTC, the user spends more time watching video.

▪ By listing MYTC authors video as a royalty, the site gets rid of the need for long and complex payments by fiat money.


Problems: There are a lot of different taxi aggregators on the market. The user selects the service based on the experience of previous trips and the price, which can be compared in a few clicks. Because of this, companies are finding it increasingly difficult to retain customers and win their loyalty - any unsuccessful trip turns into a negative post in social networks. Solution: With the help of the mytime platform, the service implements the most fair cacheback system: it pays for the client's time spent on the trip.

How it works:

  1. A taxi service is a smart contract to pay for their time

clients who spend it on a trip.

  1. The contract appears in the application of a taxi in the form of special offers.

  2. Interested customers take a contract and make a trip

in a taxi, getting for it MYTC.

  1. As a bonus, you can charge MYTC users for

long waiting for the driver.

  1. The taxi service encourages its customers, reduces irritation from long

travel and encourages them to choose their services among a


  1. Compliance with the terms of smart contracts increases the reputation of the user and service

A new application that will blow up the world?

Or an ordinary fake?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 61852.16
ETH 2402.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.60