OneCoin Nears End In Norway As Authorities Issue Ultimatum

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

In a letter written by Oslo-based law firm Danielsen and Co., the Lottery Authority asked the OneCoin team to provide the names and addresses of those who operate OneLife OneCoin in Norway by receiving revenue from OneLife OneCoin and are members resident in Norway. The deadline for the required information is June 20.

Prior to this time, the Norwegian Lottery Authority had contacted suspected leaders of OneCoin in the country, warning them against the operation of pyramid schemes within the country. This warning was contained in a letter on April 13, 2016.

Also, there has been an eight paragraph warning in one of Norway’s biggest newspaper written by Carl Alfred Dahl. In his publication, Dahl identifies the Norwegian OneCoin population to be over 5,000 people. However, the high level of technological awareness in Norway has ensured that the majority of its population believe OneCoin is a scam.

Read more here:


Norwegian here, never heard of Onecoin before. This has not been in the media a lot in Norway thats for sure. After reading a bit about OneCoin I can only say that it sounds shady AF.

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Hei @aetherhub

Jeg ser at du er ganske ny her så hjertelig velkommen.

Onecoin har vært en del i media. Blant annet en 3 siders reportasje i Aftenposten.
De etterforskes også av økokrim men det er lotteritilsynet som tar skrittene mot onecoin siden de er satt til å passe loven på dette området. Det er en av vår tids store svindelprosjekter. Bakmennene er navngitt og tilhører østeuropeisk mafia.
Det blir skrevet litt om det i cryptoverdenen siden onecoin sier de er en kryptovaluta, men de har ingen blockchain og er ikke på noen børser så da kan du tenke deg selv.

Har ikke fått tid til å lese postene dine enda. Lykke til med boken.

Et tips:
Du vil nok tjene mer hvis en av Taggene dine er "norway".

Ha en god kveld.

Takker så mye ! Det tok vel 2minutter med lesing om coinen før jeg skjønte at det bare var tull, men kan ikke si at jeg har sett noe om akkurat den coinen, akkurat aftenposten leser jeg jo aldri :)

PlatinCoin is a carbon copy of OneCoin. Just a heads up.

Thanks for posting.

Hi @madhatt

Thanks for the info about PlatinCoin beeing a carbon copy of OneCoin.

I love the way people help each other here on Steemit.

Have a nice day!

Badge by @elyaque

Here is the announcement on bitcointalk for PlatinCoin.

The creator of the post actually states that "It's not even a coin. Legally it is a package of services - educational, investment, the use of the business social network and the ministry, which includes a coin.
You can buy coins in a package for some amount and see how the price will change."

These coins are used to trick people who are new to cryptocurrency.
I dislike seeing people get taken advantage of like this.

Thanks for the post harbro!

Too many shitcoins these days