Argue For a Cause...

in #culture7 years ago (edited)

What this letter is about is the growing corruption of our government. It was an high school writing assignment that I had to complete, and I think it'd be appropriate for this platform. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Peace!

To my fellow sheepal,

I propose, what seems to be a radical idea in the twenty-first century. As years have gone by from our last momentous movement, we as a group of individuals, fail to pull together and make a collective group-or society- that probes for the unjust and defies it with social blockades. We have yet to truly acknowledge the growing pains that civilization, and not just the people within it, are facing today. The social infrastructure that creates what we call the United States government has become increasingly undermining in what its true duties to its people is. The government has become lackluster, mismanaged, and increasingly corrupt since previous years. When one of america's most memorable moments occurred, the great Martin Luther King Jr. did not fight violence with violence, but instead with love and social acceptance. Persuading men, that were immoral of the time, to reflect on their terrible social confinements and look outside of their personal beliefs; which revealed a pool of grievances and ultimately instantaneous condolences. Shaping what is today, the relationship between the minorities and Caucasian groups. However, while idealizing his great achievements, and the achievements of his fellow campaigners and co-workers, we forget to memorize those who oppressed us. It is true you most certainly can never change an ignorant man's mind on the ignorant opinions he has con-coked, but you can guide him to the pure, moral, and educated beliefs. Nonetheless, that means many men, in the position of extraordinary power were and still today--50 odd years later-- are unable to change the evil intentions of segregation and belief of racial superiority locked up in a deep realm that gets nourishment from silent prejudice, and even more quiet oppression. We forgot to watch for these type of men, the men engulfed in self-appreciation, the men who themselves cannot see the rainbow after a storm, because they’re are increasingly traumatized by the growth of that storm, and are to afraid to accept it as a natural occurrence. These men, are corrupt, these men are our government.

Without even noticing it we gave these men of self-survival the keys to one of the greatest nation's, with an even greater reasoning for establishing, to control and manipulate the well-being of our so called country. Coming to this realization can only frighten an intellectual. Give a man of greed power and superiority over men of purity, almost encourages that that man carries out what devious plans he has in his empty-less pit of greed. As time has gone by, we forgot to neglect these men of this power, and even began to encourage them to gain their desired position. Us people, as a group, including every sex, race, religious background, and age need to educate ourselves on these men, as it is paramount to the survival of our “great” nation. We must organize and remove theses men’s power from them and give it to the respected, morally right men who represent the majority of us citizens, and not the men who themselves, have received overwhelming compensation for their journey into the economic sector. We were once the shepherds that defended and guided the sheep into a society that is truthful and just to all. However, through the development of the corporate misuse and the increase of brainwashing technology, we’ve lost those shepherds to the need of conforming to an increasingly arrogant community. Let’s regain the power we had over the powerful, lets overwhelm them with discontent, but as well with love and remove them from their position; explaining to them the reasonings of their removal, and lead them to a just life. Let them atone for their awful sins, by devoting their lives to the people and the well-being of the people they falsely led. Let them redeem themselves for tricking us into believing in their abilities to create a better society for us consistently; without interference from other sinful men in power.

I want to revisit these topics, of evil in our society and realize one generation led to the ignorance of another. We “millennials” are about making an impact, however, we’ve never truly seen a momentous movement that has changed the world. We sit idolizing, arguing over controversial problems, and instead of solving in a way that both parties agree, leads to an impulsive action of one-if not both-parties that generates an even entirely new argument. We are all the same, we all come from the same genes, and even though social environments generate differences that diversify us, these differences should not separate us as a people, but instead do the opposite, and bring us together in joicy and intertwine the relationships that would flourish if we just maneuver past our social barriers. Imagine a world where your children live by the rule of corporations and all their growing information is stored and used against them. Persuading them into things, they would’ve never consider previously, that undermines their self-image. Now think about the government that enforces rules and regulations on these companies, not doing a thing to stop the conglomerates from doing such sins, and in fact encourages them with incentive. This is TODAY, wake up! We must cease our sheep ways and generate leaders again that can lead us to empowerment. We must act now, as we are already late to solving this problem and remove the men of greed from their power, and replace them with men of integrity, just morals, and the overwhelming need to serve their people. Imagine, a world with such leaders. Just imagine a world where we are on top and controlling the destiny’s of our universe. Imagine that world, and linger onto that idea. Let it carry you through your times of discontent, and push you when you feel like you forgot what you’re fighting for. Push forward and remember what this fight is about.

A fellow sheepman,
Justin Phillips


This was a phenomenal read with lots of valid points. I admire your optimism when it comes to banding together in an attempt to correct social injustices. Keep the fight going! Don't let their tactics turn you into a jaded misanthrope like has been done to people such as myself.

Very well written, fellow sheepman! Society needs more thoughtful, compassionate, just young men and women like yourself. It is inspiring how fair you are in what you think should be done with our oppressors. Most wouldn't give them the honor to repent their sins against man. Towards the end of your speech, it reminded me of John Lenon's famous song/lyrics "Imagine." I highly highly recommend you go read his words. Keep it up and stay woke, fam ;)

hmph, Deck... I thought you were too young to have a boy in high school......................LOL. Ok, Justin: Have you read Adam Kokesh's "Freedom!" book yet? ...or at least listened to the YT audio?

...and do you have a DTube or a You Tube channel that we all need to know about?
Get back to falseyedols and I as soon as you finish it. Where are you located, JediJustin? Oh... and when you are ready to "enlist" in Adam's Army, here is your first mission:

FIND HER! GO MEET HER. GIVE HER A SIGNED BOOK, IN PERSON. Keep the vidCam rolling the whole time.

Find out what it would cost for her to paint some portrait of Kokesh.....

He is actually a student of mine! Very bright kid, and getting more and more into decentralization. We are both in Colorado Springs

Isn't one of the Universities there? Lot's of opportunity awaits for young entrepreneurs and liberty promoters in that environment.

There are about three colleges here. University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (UCCS), Colorado College (CC), a couple of community colleges, as well as a division of Colorado State University, Pueblo (CSU Pueblo).

All counted: about what? 75k students full and p/t? Do you realize what power awaits if even 1% of that could be motivated into action? What is your county? What is it's population?

So, do you and JediJustin have any YT or DT vids of you doing music presentations together? Let's see what kind of moths are attracted to your "light"..... Show me; don't tell me.

Nothing up yet. He's only recently been "activated" so to speak. I have done a talk with my friend @elimence who is also "woke" and teaches Justin with me. It's on DT but I'm not sure you can watch it anymore. We want to embrace decentralized platforms but they don't have as much node support now, and are slightly less viable. I absolutely hate YT but it may be a necessary evil right now.


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