My Hubris

in #culture8 years ago

I realize that today most people live fart joke to fart joke between self-obsessed masturbatory sessions dictating the lack of importance of anything that doesn't serve the will of their twisted beliefs. We've allowed, through generations of lies and propaganda, ourselves to be indoctrinated and desensitized to relevant information that doesn't justly entertain. Everything from music to movies is on demand, and by our demand we shun news by believing click bait headlines tell the tale without delving deep into the meat of the story contained. It's been said never judge a book by its cover, but it has become perfectly sensible to judge a story by its title.

How did we get here? It surely wasn't an overnight transformation. Our ancestors read Plato and Socrates, Shakespeare and the like, but we view a quote, three sentences at the most, and claim knowledge of what they stand for. Intelligence has been distorted, as have many words, to mean that if one can memorize as opposed to critically think or problem solve they are the most intelligent. Hands on learning or training is of the past. A piece of paper means more to society than someone charged with the task of learning by repetition, learning intricacies and solutions to major problems that may occur through action. Authority figures regulate daily activities, jobs, speech, and basic liberties without questions of intent or destination by everyday citizens. And to question or scrutinize is considered crazy, or unpatriotic.

In charges of insanity I will plea not guilty, but if I'm labeled unpatriotic I don't mind. I don't claim allegiance to anything or anybody but truth. I don't mind if you call me fringe, or rebellious, because I'm rebelling against the slavery of the mind, and the immoral oppression of the truth. I am a modern abolitionist. My hubris indeed. As if my words somehow wake the walking dead among us, or have some deeper meaning and purpose. Sometimes I don't even care what I have to say, yet I'm plagued with this hyperactive desire to scream from the rooftops in hopes that my rants become physically resounding and fall upon someone else's ear to take shape into some forbidden insurrection and cultural anxiety that rises up to make a small change in a world of massive injustice(s).

My beliefs are mine. I don't speak for anybody else, but I reject everything that's pushed upon me. Religions, from the consulate atheist that knows Darwinism is the truth to the Christian that knows his God is the only true messiah, strike me as nonsense. Rather than read another's warped view of right and wrong I've developed my own illegitimate beliefs based upon my experiences. Rather than maneuver the rigors of the social consciousness and attend the universities that shovel gold plated manure down the throats of the impressionable youth I try to gather as many facts as possible to obtain my own education without the bartering of my soul and framed certificate verifying my wealth.

I stand against the norms and weather my fears through my own ill-fated logic and reason. I journey alone. I carry my own burden. I soak up whatever I can carry in the sponge of my mind. I wish everybody did.

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