
Deeply honored to be featured, @clayboyn.

I think it's a difficulty faced by a lot of creatives – how to identify one's purpose without sacrificing too much. I'm glad to know my story resonated with you.

I look forward to exploring the other posts listed here – they all sound fascinating.

Deep bows of gratitude.


Always happy to curate quality posts! :)

I didn't realize you were the one doing the curation for this genre! Seems fitting! I'll try to make time to look into these before your show if I can! Sometimes I do think it would be nice to have a clone for things like this ;) Thank you @clayboyn for sharing and bringing our attention to these posts.

It's time consuming for sure, but it's very rewarding personally and I like to help newer users, so it works out.

Thank you so much, Clayboyn, for featuring me in your curation post. I became very happy to see that there are people who enjoy the poetry that derives from the contemplative depth of my heart.
I am working for and I am a true believer in, that this century will be the century of philosophy. People are beginning to wake up to where materialism have take us into, Nihilism, Decadence and illusory ambitions. And we are beggining to change that paradigm step by step.
We are much more than what we think that we are, and I hope that through the poetry and articles we post here on steemit, we can be an inspiration source for everybody and ourselves to become more then what we currently are, and find much needed integrity when we face the difficulties of the so-called ''modern world''.
It is up to us brave philosophers to work together to change ourselves and through that transition change the objectives of a deeply sick society.
We are the divine spark of reason, this is what we need to remember, in a world where the powers that be wanted us to forget and imagine our dreams without colors.
This is what the great philosophers can do, if we are receptive, help us to help ourselves. When we love wisdom we change our character and with that said, we also change our fate.
All the best and keep posting amazing poetry and philosophy. :)

Happy to feature you! Even happier to know we have a similar view of the world. I feel like it already has changed and is changing. Maybe we can't see it all the time because we are still in it, but in a couple hundred years I think this period of time will be considered a renaissance for philosophy.

Many thanks for curating my post. I'm also still formulating my ideas around what it means to be a good or moral person. I had the post in mind for a few days and then found a quick half hour to just put it out. The Havel connection sort of came to me at the last minute, but since I live in the Czech Republic, I think it's a good fit. Havel is a great figure in the Jeffersonian tradition and his approach to morality and citizenship deserve more attention. They named the Prague airport after him and try to sweep aside his influence, but his words live on.

Again many thanks and I look forward to our dialogue on these and other issues.

I feel that morality is so subjective that even those trying to be a good member of society are all operating from such varied perspectives that it's almost impossible. It seems there is always some required compromise between personal morality and societal expectations. Factor in that most people don't ever really identify as the bad guy and we end up with a lot of conflicting and self serving ideologies. It's an interesting thing to ponder on though. Thanks for writing a great post!

I see your point. The gun debate in the USA throws this issue into stark relief. Also watching Star Wars Last Jedi recently I laughed at the simplistic division into good and bad .. if only it was so easy. But then again a part of me feels that maybe it is. When a society has more social cohesion and tradition, expected moral values are upheld. This is why conservatives cling to the past. But then they elect and back a completely amoral figure like Trump because of tribal allegiance. By doing this any moral standard is forsaken. The globalist left (and by globalist I'm not being anti-Semitic, rather I mean globalist both economically and culturally) seek new moral principles of a multicultural society that is constantly evolving and shifting. The presence of the internet creates even more data and uncertainty in the system. But ultimately I believe we are evolving a global consciousness and with it a new morality. On one hand it is subjective, yet on the other it's like Star Wars .. are you on the dark side or not? See, easy. :)

Personally I would like to see a paradigm shift away from the competitive style society we have into a more collaborative society working towards common goals and interests where we don't have people homeless, starving, and unable to get medical treatment or basic human needs met while others live in extreme excess. I also realize that my perspective of abundance is very different than others and I can't expect everyone to agree, but hopefully the world can change when presented with alternatives to what has become the norm.

Excellent thank you for the recommendations. I now have some interesting posts to contemplate on my 4 hr car journey.

Thank you for the mention. I share the same skepticism as you. I have heard a number of experiences and in my opinion these things people encounter are a part of themselves, perhaps a product of the subconscious mind.

That's kind of how I look at dreams as well. Even if we recognize the person in our dreams, it's just our subconscious thoughts about them. Perhaps those other beings are just on our subconscious feelings about existence and we're projecting them into an embodiment of some kind. Who knows, but we tend to define our own realities based on our own understanding anyway. So I guess it really only matters if it's real to the person having the experience. :)

I find the atheists seeing aliens while the theists seeing angels or demons interesting. The whole topic of the subconscious a fascinating one.

I will be making a post about this when I have time. I had an interesting thought come to me while listening to the philosopher Peter Sjostedt-H.

You really made a good compilation up there. If more whales and dolphins, follow your step in promoting minnows. The steemit network with become matured and blessed with original contents. Hoping to feature on blog soon. Smiles

Amazing writing as well as photography sir...👍

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