
@jlufer, is this not more like the original intent of @curie? Just wonderful to see. Maybe there are ears out there! @curie might even benefit further by introducing under 60 and under 50 rep categories.
This is one brilliant Christmas present for me!!

Perhaps you misread the guidelines - Curie is for new authors under 62 Rep. You'll see a lot of posts in the table above from authors with 50s Rep. 40s is pretty fleeting - you move up to 50 pretty quick!

Nice thought but not quite factually accurate.
I gave @curie a rap for getting it right, not for getting it wrong!
Credit where credit is due
See earlier editions where reps are over 62!
Seek the Truth - in all things.

Yes, there will be some exceptions over Rep 62, but Curie is mostly for new authors under Rep 62. That's the goal.

@liberosist, I mean no personal angst for you at this celebratory time of year! I very much understand the idea behind @curie and Daily Tribune - the problem is, if you look through the history of the authors in the list is that the outcome is entirely contrary to the objective!
This sad reality simply further exposes the flaws.
Nobody can be blamed for someone voting on their post, Of course.
The problem is in the system!
This version of @curie achieves the intent and so I gave them a 'thank you' and a 'well done'!
Perhaps you object to credit being given where credit is due?
Seeing you rep as 66, I suspect that you just think I am here to cause trouble.
I am not!
Rather than moan, READ!