19 of the Most Wholesome Tweets You'll Ever Find on Twitter

in #cute6 years ago

It can be easy to get caught up in the negativity and hopelessness on Twitter.

But we're here to show you that it's also a place filled with light and positivity.

These 19 tweets are among the most wholesome and positive of all time.

(Unsupported https://giphy.com/embed/1zatzZDiWS73W)

They’ll make you giggle; they’ll make you cry (in a good way).

And they’ll make you actually want to log on to Twitter and see what’s up.

via: Twitter

Honestly, I just want to print out this picture, put it in my closet, and get to be surprised by it every morning.

I think that’s a brilliant idea.

via: Twitter

How adorable is that?

He’s definitely going to be the favorite uncle.

via: Twitter

It’s never too late to follow your dreams, and it’s even more wonderful if you have a partner to share them with!


via: Twitter

I love that woman’s reaction and also that this stranger was seemingly the only other person around during this romantic proposal.

The next one is about a budding friendship that will last forever.

- The story continues 1/4-

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