39 Pictures That Are Guaranteed to Melt Your Heart

in #cute6 years ago

Having a bit of a rough day?

Well, get ready, because I'm about to make it approximately 1,000 times better.

The following images are 100 percent guaranteed to melt even the coldest of hearts.

(Unsupported https://giphy.com/embed/xTiTnMhJTwNHChdTZS)

So sit back, relax, and get ready to see some of the cutest pictures you’ve ever seen in your whole entire life.

via: Reddit

She gets on the bus every day and takes it downtown to the dog park.

She even has her own bus pass!

via: Reddit

Looks like their mom ran out of ink as she was having her puppies.

Why can’t my printer give me a warning as cute as this?!

This young man FaceTimes his sister from college every week.

via: Reddit

Why? To help her with her Algebra homework.

(It’s OK if you need to wipe your tears before scrolling to the next image. I’m not judging you.)

Your daily reminder that we do not deserve dogs:

via: Reddit

Get someone who looks at you like this. (It helps if you carry treats with you wherever you go.)

Next up is a heartwarming image of two kids whose innocence will astound you.

- The story continues 1/8-

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