Cryptocurrency - What does Cryptocurrency mean to me and why its important to go this way (beginners/advanced)

in #cyrptocurrency7 years ago

Hey cryptoanarchists! :)

I would like to point out few very important things which are an important factor for me to keep moving towards crypto and why I'm also creating these articles to help (hopefully) people out with the crypto-basics.

Here are few reasons, why are cryptocurrency, cryptoanarchism, blockchain important to me. They might sound littlebit conspirational to you, if you are new to crypto, but it might really have this kind of impact on the global scope.
To make it clear at the beginning, I believe that paying taxes, beign told by state what we can and what we cannot (in the way that it doesnt harm another ppl) is ridiculous. We should live in a "free world", where we are not beign enslaved by our goverments, non-sense taxes, etc.

  • Stop funding wars from our taxes. If we would move from current FIA curencies, goverments will loose their power to controll us and use our money (taxes) to pay wars, their corruption and we in general, we will stop funding the Rotchilds' "family national banks"
    Full list:

  • You are you own bank. This is bringing few new risks, as you have to undersand the securing process of your funds and know how to keep your tokens safe. The benefit however is, that if you want to pay somebody, you are not asking any 3rd party for approval and waiting for them to process your payment. (Litecoin is my favourite altcoin to use for micropayments)

  • Anonimity. I believe, that nobody else but you and recepient has to know shit about your business and your "money" - as reason number 1.

  • Speed of the transaction. Most altcoins are offering almost instant funds transfer (hopefully, we will see BTC being used for microtransactions once again)

-Safety! Its has been already proven, that blockchain is very secure methond of keeping tracks of payments. (Here, I would like to point out the controversy with Etherium fork caused by the DAO - )

  • Crypto has the potential to grow in value over time. Considering how big the current crypto market value is and how big is the current FIA market value, we still have a very huge potential to grow the value of all cryptocurrencies. If we would ged rid of all FIA currencies, the value of the whole FIA market has to be transfered over to cryptocurrencies! YEEES :)

What are yours reasons to go crypto? Is that only for more convinient payments, or do you agree with the "political" reasons as well? :)

Enjoy your weekends guys!

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