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RE: Seasoned With Sult N Papper 03/09/19> Hell’s bells it is Saturday…remember back when it used to be SBI Saturday?

in #dailydose6 years ago

Well, it's not that I'm actually stupid (though that might have a part to play) I just can't find it in me to really get after an error in a post. I've made my fair share...

I KNOW! I thought maybe you were going back to your horse hauling days and announced it as the Dually Dose by way of sneaking up on us! How's that for an excuse? I've got a million of them.

With all that said, I'm really glad you got the itch and found a way to scratch it with dswigle. That is a serious win both ways!

So. Daylight savings time. What a monumental waste. I REALLY like that Arizona doesn't play that silly game but now I'll have a certain period of time questioning actual time (not that time is particularly real in any sense) after you all have messed with your clocks. And Europe and Australia aren't on the same schedule so I have to figure them seperately.

Guzbucked. You might want to include a new item in your dictionary listing: Guzbucked describing the effort to influence day length by changing clocks. Just a suggestion...

Glad to see 'seasoned' again. I'm happy when you are busy, but sad when it costs me the reading of your wisdom.


I seldom ever call out an error in a post in the comments but I go to discord and private message people and let them know so they can fix it if they chose too.
If it is someone I don't know on discord then I go find an expired post of theirs and make a comment on it informing them about the error on their current post and I tell them that I am just trying to help them and that this message comment will be deleted in a couple of days so there won't be any record of my pointing it out where it would be obvious for most to see.
Being involved in groups, especially writing groups, that is part of helping each other improve their quality and there are ways to do it privately or semi-privately so to speak without looking like you are trying to make the poster look like an ass or yourself look like an ass for pointing it out.
Yes, I have hauled plenty of horses up and down the road with the old dually I had when I was a young buck but that error was just fishing bait or rather itching bait.
So glad that Ms. Wigle decided to follow me when she did, she is really a great person and very deserving of the shares for a whole host of reasons but in this case it was pure luck of the timing.
I have given away SBI to latest followers before during the SBI Saturday run but never did I give some to a person where it made me feel as good as this time.
So don't hold back on calling out errors when it comes to my posts, they may not always be worth something but you just never know until you speak up.
Jacking with the time is pure nonsense and screws my body clock up big time for a week or so and the really bad part on this change is Monday morning I have to head to Austin, Texas really early to be there by 10:00 AM so I am not looking forward to that.
Thanks for the support Tom.