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RE: Seasoned With Sult N Papper 03/09/19> Hell’s bells it is Saturday…remember back when it used to be SBI Saturday?
I totally missed this and I am totally embarrassed! Thank you so much for the SBI and for the most awesome plug that was given to me and my #MarketFriday challenge.
Such a sweet gesture and I totally missed it!!! It doesn't get any worse than that!
Thank you again! And again! I leave you with a !tip 0.30 as this is too late to upvote it!
Happy St. Paddy's Day! 🍀 That is how late I am!!!!
PS... I thought I was a follower and noticed one day that I wasn't following you, so no wonder I didn't get notifications. So I followed.
Yikes! Right? Thank you again, you nice man. What an awesome thing you do.