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RE: Seasoned With Sult N Papper 03/09/19> Hell’s bells it is Saturday…remember back when it used to be SBI Saturday?

in #dailydose6 years ago

I did notice the daulydose error - but I thought there was no point mentioning it, as you can't change the main tag, so I knew you wouldn't be able to correct it!
Also I was wondering if it was a new word you'd invented for the not-quite-daily-dose.
I say that in jest really. I've been spending very little time on Steemit in the last few weeks, because I've been so busy with my ML course, finding a new tenant for the flat I rent... just general craziness. Maybe it's something astrological, as our birthdays are quite close I think. Sometimes life just speeds up. I hope the new job is going well.


I'm glad the new job is going well. Good jobs without all the corporate BS seem to be a rare thing these days - in Scotland at least. When you find something like that, hold onto it!

Yes, I probably should have picked a different error to make as you are correct, that is one that can't be changed. I also have been known to create words so I'll give you that one too.
The job is going well and I couldn't have asked for better people to be working with and not a bunch a corporate BS which suits me perfectly.
Taking on that part time gig of doing drawings is what really eats away at my free time, but it is good, I make way more drawing than I do blogging that is for sure, but I really enjoy the interaction with people when blogging.