RE: Seasoned with Sult N Papper 02/25/19> Slavery is alive and well in the United States and no one seems to care…
Yes indeed, taxes are complicated, taxes are a pain, taxes...
I have heard it mentioned by many on this platform that, taxes are theft. This is a subject that is way above my pay-grade. I do know for a fact though; current and past policymakers have mismanaged funds they received from payroll deductions, property taxes, inheritance taxes, capital gains, etc. It is factual that just about every level of government has used the rob Peter to pay Paul method of budgeting.
Social Security is a fine example. It was created during the depression, when Franklin Roosevelt was President, as a Trust. Social Security was never meant to be a tax, but more like an insurance premium paid both by the employed and the employer. President Lyndon B. Johnson was the first to dip his beak into this Fund to help pay for the Vietnam War. Other Presidents/Legislatures have done the same over the years. The sad thing is, this is actually against the Law!
Change takes time, yet your article has educated me as well as my fellow commenters. I thank you for taking the time to share this information. To quote a very smart guy...
Thanks for dropping by Sgt., old Einstein was right about what he said, at least I believe he was with that quote you shared.
You are absolutely correct about the mismanagement of funds, and that happens on all levels of government it isn't just something the Fed's have monopoly on. They just look better at it than most other governments because of their size.
I don't know that I would taxes outright theft but income taxes are definitely a form of extortion at the very least. It is funny(sic) that the government calls it a gift and the citizens call it theft. The real theft took place long ago when the government confiscated all the gold back in 1933 and replaced real money with printed FRN's.
Social security is a subject I hate to even tackle, it is another good idea gone bad for sure because people in control have no self control.
Thanks for the support Sarge, very much appreciated.