A Dash of Sultnpapper 03/16/20 > Is this the end of life as we currently know it?
Is this the end....
Greetings Folks; it seems that we (the whole world) are in the midst of a global economic crisis brought on by a virus that is creating fear and panic in what would otherwise be considered “normal” people. Personally I am not buying into it; the fear and panic portion.
I do think the virus is real, and just like any other virus it can cause physical complications that can lead to death. For the most part though those deaths have been mainly in older folks who are already in a compromised health condition, so what’s the problem?
We finally have...
We finally have something that will help rid the world of an old and aging portion of the population and they (governments) put all kinds of restrictions in place on travel and the like. It is no secret that older folks are expensive to keep around with all their medicines and doctors visits they have to have.
Seems like the governments would see this Corona virus as a blessing; a dream come true. Instead of limiting travel it should be encouraged, instead of cancelling events that draw large crowds of people they should be offering discount tickets to attend. The people who run Austin, Texas have put a ban on events or gatherings that have over 250 people in attendance. What are they thinking?
I can’t believe we elect government officials who just can’t seem to figure things out when it is so damn simple to see.
Is this the end of life as we currently know it?
There are places around the world that hope so and I can’t blame those people who are living in “third world” countries for feeling that way. If I were living in one of those other “third world” countries I damn sure would wish that it was “the end of life as we currently know it” and that living conditions would improve.
Fortunately I live...
Fortunately I live in a third world country know as the USA, “land of free” (as in handout) and “home of the brave”. The founding fathers of this country are probably rolling over in their graves with what is going on here.
People are in panic to the point that toilet paper and bottled water are the most sought after items in grocery stores. How brave are we that we let a “virus” tear this country a “new one”? ( “new one” does require toilet paper … oh what the hell… “asshole”) .
We have pretty much...
We have pretty much closed up all the schools because of this virus but that is having a big affect on the “land of free”. We can do without the kids getting more indoctrination (education) but the free lunch program those kids are dependent on.
Seems that without the public schools giving free breakfast, lunch and after school snack we are going to have a bunch of kiddos starving to death real soon. I think we should reconsider the closing of the schools, dying from starvation is a given where those youngsters would probably survive just the Corona virus.
(Lucky for me I just celebrated my 16th birthday at the end of February so I really don’t need to worry about being in that “older age” bracket that seems to be most susceptible to the virus.)
The Mrs. has stocked...
The Mrs. has stocked up on few items and since this is Girl Scout cookie season we have cases of cookies just in case things get really bad. (Oh yes, Girls Scouts management has suspended the selling of cookies due to the virus.)
Shortie did real well Friday night and Saturday morning selling over 200 boxes of cookies in anticipation of the suspension. She told folks “don’t get quarantined without a few boxes in your home”. I swear she could sell water to a well.
Shortie did reach her goal she set for this year selling over 1,000 boxes of cookies. If she doesn’t sell another box her total will be around 1,250 boxes or so.
Don't be surprised...
Don’t be surprised if we hear that the virus is being spread on by way of what we call “money” (paper & coins) and that it will be against the law to use those methods to purchase items with. We'll have to go all “digital” money in order to save ourselves from this virus will be the reasoning.
At that point just turn out the lights, the party is over. Say “hello” to the New World Order.
Is this the end of life as we currently know it? If we only have digital money controlled by the IMF you can bet your sweet ass it is the end of life as we currently know it.
Maybe steem would take off and many other cryptos as well; but then it will probably be against the law to have a computer or cell phone.
That enough for now, I think I have a couple of cold Corona’s in the ice box with my name on them.
Adios amigas y amigos,
Glad to see you around and hear you aren't in a mad panic...yet =p
The virus can live on money for quite some time. People have tried sterilizing it using the microwave. They weren't impressed with the results. I recommend just giving your dirty money to me. I'll see that it is put to good use.
Ha, sterilizing it. That's a good one and better yet is your recommendation... I would feel really awful if you were to to get sick from my dirty money. I probably should just burn it so we'll both be safe.
Thanks for dropping by, very much appreciated.
I was talking today to a friend of mine who works at one of the local high schools and he told me they will be bagging up free lunches for students to pick up daily.
Happy belated "16th" Birthday Sult.
Thanks for stopping by and the belated birthday wishes, both are very much appreciated. So I guess the kiddos won't be starving in your area with the schools bagging up the free lunches for pick up... that just leaves ya'll "holding the bag" if you know what I mean. At least the government indoctrination will be put on hold for while so that is a blessing in itself.
Damn. I forgot about you. I celebrated what would have been my Uncle's 24th birthday and forgot I had a friend with the same birthday. I'd send you a virtual Pacifico (always thought it was better. At least 30 years ago I thought that. Viva Baja) bought with 'electronic funds' but, well, you know. You could pretend!
The FUD has frankly taken me by surprise. Not that I am surprised by the fear driven greed, mind you, but the EXTENT.
I see the 'republik of California' has ordered all people over 65 to quarantine in place. GUZBUCK. Amazing.
On a semi related note, I see that the Federales have announced that starting today 4000 tests per day will be available nationwide. Since there are no cases that haven't been tested (it's against the protocol: Only tested cases count against the total) we will be able to track distribution with pretty good accuracy (Just watch where the cases jump)
4000 per day would not adequately test Tejas (sorry. I'm on a roll) and you can bet that Kalifornia and New York will get the lion's share after everybody from President to dog catcher has been tested....
After all that negativity, it really is good to see you. I only wish Shortie lived closer so I could include GS cookies in my quarantine stock. I have no where to turn. A year without the NCAA Tournament? I can do that standing on my head. But a year without Thin Mints? I'm not sure I'll make it.
Take a care young feller. Us old guys are worried to the point of panic. Sam can hardly keep me calm
Hey Big Tom,
Forgot about me? I know I haven't been around as much as previously but I doubt you forgot about me. I will take it as you forgot about me being born on Leap Day, because you have a sharp memory.
For the record , I am sipping on that virtual Pacifico while I type this reply. Thanks for the gift. Are Pacifico's better with or without lime? I think I will add a little lime when the bottle is half empty just to see for myself.
Yes, 4000 wouldn't make a pimple on cow's ass here in Texas when it comes to testing. I did here that Pres. tRump has had his virus test but haven't gotten word on the all important dog catcher.
Just so you won't have to go without thin mints I am going to buy a couple of boxes of them for you. The problem comes in with shipping them so I will eat them on your behalf; but that will be later in the day at the soonest. I don't want to ruin the taste of this beer you bought me.
You take care as well and give Sam on pat on the head for me, I know he has his paws full trying to keep you calm. See if you can get him to take you for an extra walk, our boxer has me trained to go for a walk every morning and damn near will pester me to death in the evenings when I am home to take her again.
Peace brother,
PS. : Nice use of the GUZBUCK!!!
You are correct. I didn't forget you, I forgot that your birthday was special. :)
At least I can celebrate the fact that Thin Mints are indeed being consumed and they won't settle in right behind my belt buckle. On further reflection, celebrate might just be the wrong word. That would be like a priest celebrating celibacy.
Go to the kitchen table , I left you a message about the freeze / thaw testing.
Loco Mundo. Things here in my 3rd world habitat were fine until just last night... now our limit is no more than 3 people congregating in any one place. there are 6 confirmed cases so far in guatemala. We have been ordered by threat of immeadiate arrest to close our cafe. We can feed our guests but only in there rooms.
On saturday we had a huge dance party and the whole town came out... on monday people are meant to eat in there rooms alone and stay separated... and the police have patrolled through the hostel multiple times to make sure we are following the rules.
I was not panicked. The panic came and just plopped itself at our door step.
be safe young Sulty ... hug that cookie selling monster... its really great to see you back here!
Thanks for stopping by Senor Butt and giving us an update. That 3 people rule is pretty strict stuff.... who got voted out in your house? My guess is the wife and two kids voted as a team and you ended up on the porch with the dog. Just teasing, they (the gov)are surely not splitting up families... are they?
You be safe as well, look forward to visiting more with you soon.
Howdy sir sultnpapper! You're pretty savvy for a teenager. Hey I was shocked when I heard on the news yesterday that 2 of the new virus victims in Dallas were in their 20's. I wonder if the virus is mutating?
You are still working from home basically so this doesn't affect you like an office worker right?
Great to see your post sir sultnpapper, I hope this is the start of a long line of posts but then we may not have a place to post in the near future because of the tron mess. lol.
Greetings Janton! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.
We need to be careful on what words we use when discussing this virus otherwise we might start a panic. (LOL)
Those two cases in Dallas you described as "victims" ; did they die from the virus? I haven't seen anything reporting deaths of anyone in Texas that wasn't an elderly person.
I don't work in an office setting, but I do call on several business establishments that are now requesting that vendors suspend their visits to their locations and just work with them via phone, text or email.
By taking the travel out of my day I have found myself with some extra time to get back on here and catch up with friends like yourself.
The Republic of Texas members are doing some great things right now that can benefit everyone who thinks they are required to pay the IRS. I'm hoping to expand on that in a post soon.
Stay safe partner,
where I am, they've created 'Community Centers' at the schools, proving all the food they usually would as well as free day care. Maybe we'll all remove our heads from our asses for a bit and actually come together as a community...? lol, i know, i know, fairytales... but I can hope! xoxo!
If my memory isn't faulty I believe you are in CA so that wouldn't surprise me one bit. It makes perfect sense to close the schools so there won't be groups of kids catching it and spreading the virus and turn right around and open the same building as day care.
Makes perfect sense ... if you are an idiot.
I truly believe there is more to this...the virus to me is the Trojan Horse... just the vessel transporting something more sinister.
I feel the same, I know it's a serious and dangerous virus but really it's just a stark reminder to the people of the world to stop and take stock of what's really important - go back to good old values, practice stringent old-fashioned hygiene.
My big concern is my son who finds himself in Russia at the moment on a working holiday; SA has banned international flights till end of May, he was due back home first week of May. I just hope it's contained and the flight restrictions lifted sooner as he will run out of his chronic meds!
Here in our bnb things are quiet but we fortunately have students from the training centre coming and going and they've been read the riot act on what to do and not to do and we're having to wipe surfaces, door handles etc with disinfectant but they just move between training and here, no one wants to take chances!
There are a couple of conspiracy theories that sound quite plausible!
Glad to hear you're all well!
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