Little Bear - the Cat!


So there I was, been a few weeks now, just going over to the managers office of the building I live in, to pick up a key for a locker that I've been waiting for and finally got, when I suddenly caught my land lady rushing out of the door. She was saying something about taking a cat to the SPCA as one of their tenants, an elderly lady who had lived for quite some tome in one of their other buildings had just passed away.

Well I looked at my land lady and was like whaaaat? The! I have nothing against them but was worried that because she wasn't a young cat and hearing that they might be quite full, felt that she might not have a chance in hell of surviving. So I trumped over with my landlady (who already has a cat-so couldn't keep her) to the old ladies place to see the cat.

The poor thing was hiding behind some boxes, petrified, because there were two guys already in the apartment crashing and banging as they had to empty the place out, and get it ready for new tenants. And what I found really sad is that the old lady didn't seem to have had many friends or relatives to pick up her belongings or the cat.

And the poor cat, with already having quite a traumatic experience, as she was possibly left alone for a few days with no food and then frantic when her owner/mum didn't come home from the hospital (I'm presuming she died there), also had to be caught, by me and put into a cat carry all bag - which was not pretty-for both of us!

So when I did get her to my apartment, which was luckily just across the street, she so distressed that she just pitifully put her head in her paws and wouldn't come out of the bag, until after I coaxed her and then hid under my couch for hours.

But then, yeah! She finally came out; slowly explored and cut the story short, she is way more relaxed, likes to play, slumber close by me, purrs a lot and loves it when you talk to her.

And she is also very adept in begging!


I don't know if I will keep her as I don't really have the funds right now. Sadly it is getting to be so expensive to keep pets because of the huge expense for vet bills; so right now I am taking it one day at a time. If she is to go to a new home from here I want it to be a lovely place where she can live a wonderful life.

Keeps herself clean! If she could just get a job.....


I don't know what her name is and don't know what to call her; so far I refer to her as 'little bear'.

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