Once i am awake the first thing i like to do is take myself and my dogs into the garden. I sit and enjoy the sun whilst the dogs either relax or have a play.

Its usually Mika & Luna playing with Geordie still in bed but today Geordie decided to come have some fun.




This one looks like Geordies head is stuck up Luna's butt.


Thank you son-of-satire


The Russians trained dogs during WWII to run suicide missions with mines strapped to their backs.

@dogfact self votes are being countered by @sadkitten for 1 week starting Thursday, June 28th 2018, 3:57 because they are one of the highest self voters of the previous week. For more details see this post.

your posts are very helpful and helpful once a friend,
i really enjoy this
Thank you very much,
success always for you

Thank you :)

Ahhh to be a dog for a day, fun times :D

Apart from the sniffing butts lol :D

Glad to see Geordie out there enjoying the sun and Luna's company! That last photo is too funny! It does look like he has lost his head up Luna's butt! LOL

Hes getting really good coming outside and joining in. I didn't realise when i took that photo but had a giggle once i noticed haha ;)

I love the early morning cuppa in the garden with the pooches before it gets too hot for them. There is nothing more peaceful! (Unless the pups have it on them of course and decide to play bitey face hahaha)

Yeah our little pup likes to play that game with Geordie but hes usually in a grumpy mood lol

I really liked your content I hope to follow each other

Thank you :)

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