Q: Humanity Is Being Harvested As A Crop #BEAMOFLIGHT

in #dakini5d7 years ago (edited)

To view the amazing work of Deborah Tavares and https://www.stopthecrime.net

To view the Israeli Police charges against Netanyahu:

The Israeli military has been attacking targets in Syria:

To look deeper into the government pedogate rabbit-hole:

Thanks for viewing this post, Stemians. Hold the perps accountable and commit to ending the Deep State!


oh, my. That vid is enough "Red Pilling" for a week! Does anyone think this is the source of why the talmudThumpers believe they are the "chosen ones"? ...and can do what they want with We the Goyim (cattle)? Is this how it all began with Nimrod? Does it have something to do with the Nephalim?

FB thanks for the addition to my video-- for filling in the blanks!

Yep! AKA [BLOCK]s.

Good work, I enjoy your videos.I hope you can look at Gordon Bowden's excellent work uncovering corruption in the UK as well, (I posted a video). Its all coming together lets awaken those "idle eyes".

Thanks, Hendy, I have followed you and will check out your video and Bowden. #GREATAWAKENING !!

"...massive changes have happened..."

I don't see it. Seems like business as usual to me. One indictment from the executive order from late December.

Claims of fleets of planes transporting perps to Gitmo, that HRC and McCain were being allowed to rat and were being monitored via ankle bracelet, on and on and on, are proving nothing but vapor.

Color me close behind Potter. The recent reversal of the former Trump policy that was effectively destroying terrorists, and now is once again completely backing their destruction of the ME in support of a trans-Syrian pipeline that doesn't benefit Iran, renders me incredulous that anything good is coming out of the USG.

Incessant infiltration of the enemedia by Mockingbird propaganda seems to be now flourishing in alt-media, and I doubt I shouldn't be cynical, particularly given the failure of the executive order to produce necks in nooses.

I will continue to closely observe, but no longer expect much in the way of results. As usual, my giddy expectations proved premature.


Edit: the arrest of Park Geun Hye, former President of S. Korea, in a scandal that mirrors the Marina Abramavich link to #pizzagate, seems to have disrupted the deep state ops in Korea.

There's clearly a full spectrum effort here to prevent the same resolution to the conspiracy as effected in America.

Hi @valued-customer. I definitely understand your point of view and on many levels I feel the same way. My point in the video was that before this #STORM process began last Fall, the Deep State was in complete control and now the fight is on and major upheavals are happening world-wide due to it. However, I also agree that disaster/conflict capitalism is fueling the ongoing criminal deep state geo-politics and that's why we have to refuse to support those behind those activities. For instance, what if everyone simply stopped paying their credit card bills? What if we could instigate mass financial activism to de-fund the banksters. If we keep participating and giving over our sovereignty to these criminals, how can we expect it to ever end? Like you, I want proof that these murderers are incarcerated and I am hugely suspect of the infrastructure agenda, which we know was already laid out by the globalists to further reduce the freedoms and vitality of Americans, country-wide. Thanks for your comment, always good to hear from you.

"...what if everyone simply stopped paying their credit card bills? What if we could instigate mass financial activism to de-fund the banksters. If we keep participating and giving over our sovereignty to these criminals, how can we expect it to ever end?"

I was defrauded by Citi. They took my house. They just wrote a new note and started applying the payments I was making on the note I had signed to the new note. When I wouldn't sign the new note, they foreclosed, and took my house.

I haven't had a bank account since.

Won't either.

I am the change I want to see in the world.


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

Thanks once again, @openparadigm for your curation!

Sweet find. Enjoying the vid.

thanks for sharing information about the war.
keep it up

Resteemed and Upvoted. Let's all work on the best starting conditions possible for full Ubuntu contributionism. Good to see you back on air!

Thanks so much Lenny! UBUNTU!!

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