in #dakini5d7 years ago (edited)

February 17- Today, Nikolas Cruz' lawyer announced that Cruz will plead guilty as part of plea deal to avoid execution. Howard Finkelstein, defense attorney, was quoted in the Sun-Sentinel yesterday saying, "There is no need for a circus of a trial." http://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/parkland/florida-school-shooting/fl-florida-school-shooting-death-penalty-20180216-story.html

Oh, really? How convenient to push through a plea-bargain conviction and therefore have no investigation of the multiple witnesses, the SWAT Team drill, the FBI neglect, the Broward County Sheriff's Office involvement and links that go all the way to the top tiers of the FBI in a County that has been embroiled in child-trafficking and misconduct investigations involving the Department of Family and Child Services and the Judicial system for close to a decade.

Furthermore, Nikolaus Cruz had been part of that system as an adopted child, recently lost both of his adoptive parents, was on speed-like medications for ADHD and reported that he was "hearing demon voices" prior to the events that occurred on February 14, during which one witness, Alexa Meidnick, a senior at Douglas High School where the shooting occurred, placed Mr. Cruz at a different location to where the shots were being fired during the shooting.

These are the names of the victims of the shooting. A County Deputy's son was killed but I have not had time yet to connect the dots. Also interesting is Aaron Feis, Assistant football coach who formerly played football under Sheriff Scott Israel when he was football coach at the school. Another victim of interest is Scott Beigel, who helped run a Pennsylvania children's summer camp called, Camp Starlight. Research has to happen into that camp.

And most interesting is the fact that First Responders at the shooting immediately whisked away from the scene a "victim" in a bodybag. However, the dimensions and weight of the bag show that it is much more likely that the bag contained a cache of weapons. At the very least, this is removal of evidence from an active crime-scene. The weapons of the multiple shooters reported by eye-witnesses? :

And now, once again, as in every other school shooting, Robert Runcie, the Broward Schools Superintendent has declared that they will tear down the building as soon as the county approves the funding to rebuild the school. This same tactic of destroying imperative evidence was used at the Sandy Hook school shooting false-flag in Connecticut, the Umpqua College shooting in Roseburg, Oregon, the church shooting in South Texas in October and the list goes on.

Judge Elizabeth Scherer will be residing over the Nikolaus Cruz prosecution as "lone gunman" in the Valentine's massacre. She is a board member serving on two child-related organizations in Broward County, one of which is sponsored by the Broward County Sherrif's Office:
Voices for Children of Broward County's Funding:
"Judge Scherer also serves on the Board of Directors of the Saint Anthony School Foundation for Education. She is actively involved at St. Anthony Catholic Church and School, where her daughter “Sophia” is a fourth grade student."

Please watch Timothy Holmseth, FBI-Witness and journalist, in 2 short videos he released after the Broward County school shooting providing back up information into the Deep State corruption in Broward County, yesterday and today, 2/17:

Please watch Sarah Westall's recent video interview with Timothy Holmseth where he discusses the update on his investigation of the child-trafficking ring operating through Broward County, Florida, involving the Department of Child and Family Services, CPS, FBI and CIA. You can cut to minute 21 on the video to hear specifically about Broward County, which is mentioned throughout the rest of the video:

This is the corrupt Judge Michael Kaplan, of Broward County Florida, who issued a domestic violence protection order against Child-trafficking researcher and FBI-witness, Timothy Holmseth in an attempt to seize his evidence:

Please consider donating to the work of Timothy Holmseth, who's research can help bring down a major pedo-ring being run by the deep state: https://www.writeintoaction.com
You can also dig through Holmseth's research on this site and see for yourself the ring of deep state child trafficking players operating through Minnesota, Indiana (under the governorship of Mike Pence) and Florida, in the jurisdiction of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, under the oversight of AG Pam Bondi.

Scott Israel was also the Sheriff in charge of the capture and charging of Estaben Santiago, the ex-soldier who reported to the FBI in Anchorage Alaska that his mind was being controlled by the CIA, for the Ft. Lauderdale Airport shooting in January 2017:

Please read the attached article showing that Scott Israel hired deputy Nazar Hamze, Regional Operations Director of the Hamas-founded, Council on American-Islamic Relations, who had been refused public service in Florida police departments on multiple times before being hired by Israel:

The tax-payer cost of Mueller's Probe that has proven to be a complete falsity regarding Trump's bogus "collusion" with Russia has now surpassed 7 million dollars. Mueller has now indicted 13 Russians indicted for pre-2016 election tampering. Two of those indicted were granted visas by, Skull-and-Bonesman, John Kerry as head of the State Department in the Obama Administration.

EDUCATE YOURSELF: Read and watch the work of David Icke regarding his excellent research on the connections between the deep state, MK-Ultra and the bloodline Illuminati: https://www.davidicke.com
His most recent books, including: The Perception Deception, The Phantom Self and Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told, will fill out the entire picture of the Deep State, the pedo-networks, human enslavement by Rothschild et al and MORE!

Please watch this great synopsis by Anti-School You Tube channel on some of the Douglas High School shooting connections. Anti-School also does excellent Q reporting.

Please view my post from 2/15 detailing more of the inside story on Broward County corrupt players:

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If you have been following my journey with Carbon 60 and want to check that out:

Want to find out about a different way of living?:

Please subscribe to and support Sarah Westall's amazing investigative journalism!! Her interviews are unsurpassed in their breadth and depth of uncovering the Deep State Cabbal!

Thanks for viewing my post, Freedom Lovers! We will form the critical mass that will make it impossible for the Deep State to succeed in further enslaving us. 6pm Prayer wave, especially for those terrified and murdered in this most recent assault on our country and freedoms: The people murdered and terrorized by the Deep State false-flag operation at Douglas High School. @dakini5d


Ma'am. Please comment on this:
which gun policy works best.JPG

How much longer will Americans remain "fish in a barrel"? Come to our blog and see the post I made in this regard. Thanks

What does "FPP" stand for?

fresh posh princess

LOL Sometimes the obvious hits one in the face and can't see what it is. LOL I hope you resteem it and generate some activity. This "patriot" nation of ours needs to balance its time working SOLUTIONS, rather than always reporting news and reacting to their socialist/fascist activity with endless analysis. It would sure be good if we did things they had to react to!!! ...which of course might incite them to D.E.W.ing us to a crisp. So we have got to organize effectively and figure out ways to prevent this crap. Time to put them on the defense.
organize - half sheet.jpg

The most disgusting animal to me

What do u mean?

Hello dakini. I am watching this vid, albeit sent to me by Pastor Daniel Johns, having sent a YouTube link. I followed your Steemit Blog when we first "met" when I posted the questioning of the "attack" on Rand Paul and the 6 broken ribs. But you never come my way via the "Feed". Please put me on your "heads up" email list. LCharles14@yahoo.com

If u are following then i should show up on your feed! good to see u again! We had a falling out a couple months ago!

I really enjoyed your vid on YT yesterday which featured you claiming how important it is to begin building patriot communities. Please email me. I need to introduce you to Pr. Daniel Johns and his "Ark" project LCharles14@yahoo.com Thanks.

you can have him contact me if u think we are a match! So glad to connect!

again. email me and I will put you two together.

How convenient is right. Move along nothing to see here lets blame Trump and gun owners for the murders.

I disagree, this a fishbowl view into the machinations of Deep State false flag operations using MKULTRA operations!

...for which Trump is now DIRECTLY responsible.

hmph... And We the Deplorables were led to believe Trump has enough of his own money where he could tell Goldman Sachs to phuqueOff. oh, brother.. WWE-style orchestrations all the way.
left - right brainwashed idiots.JPG

This link isn't working:
If you have been following my journey with Carbon 60 and want to check that out:

Have video from within the school (from Jacksonville?? But not sure) Can’t pull off LinkedIn. Just sent you request to connect. It’s posted on my feed I got from guy outside country. Must be one of the children’s cell footage. Not sure how long will leave up before scrubbed.


Did find video on YouTube but they scrubbed already @

His website and txt analysis but video was helpful in understanding. Told him to get on Steemit! http://gematrinator.com/blog/index.php/2018/02/14/school-shooting-marjory-stoneman-douglas-in-parkland-fl/



http://gematrinator.com for analysis

Or checkout his other similar style code analysis (much easier to understand than reading text) on YouTube

YouTube already pulled the video YouTube scrubbed the code analysis video already at

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Exposing Pedogate And Exposing False Flags
Our Purpose

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