Dashcoin Faces Potential Funding Issues
Even though Dashcoin has become a relatively successful cryptocurrency in its own right place, it is evident that there is room for improvement in the platform. A new proposal has been submitted to demote CEO Ryan Taylor and reduce overall expenses before the project’s treasury runs out of money. So far, it has not gotten too much support from the community."Dashcoin Faces Potential Funding Issues"
৯৪ পোষ্ট কিন্তু রেপুটেশন এত কম কেন। আপনি ঠিক ভাবে কাজ করছেননা।আমি মাত্র ১৫/২০ টা পোষ্ট করেছি আমার রেপুটেশন দেখেত ৩৩।