How to lead the conversation to sex

in #dating7 years ago


There are 3 scenarios that I have been noticing the way conversations with women go.

Scenario 1

They go completely nowhere. The conversation dies out before you even have a chance to connect with her

Scenario 2

They go completely nowhere. You keep asking questions and talking and talking and the conversation dies out before you even say or do anything sexually related.

Scenario 3
The stars are aligned. The weather is perfect. Everything is going wonderful LOL I’m Kidding! Here is the real scenario.

You guys are vibing. Conversation is good. Everything is a slow or fast natural progression, which becomes more and more sexual till the point that her pussy is so wet that she wants you to fuck her brains out
Speaking from an advanced guy and other advance people I know, the third scenario happens A LOT. For people who personally know me I always say this “YOU GOT TO MAKE IT HAPPEN”

Everything I do and say I don’t go half ass. I don’t sound insecure by saying “Maybe we should do this?” or “What do you think about this?” DO NOT DO THIS!!

  1. You want to be a man of ACTION
  2. You want to be a man in CONTROL

Women don’t want to lead. They want to be led! Women appreciate this and they always follow your lead. Grab the hand and take them wherever you want to go. Women love a man who talks with confidence and with a purpose.

There are steps to lead the conversation to sex

  1. Get Sexual from the Start

You need to give off a sexy vibe

Lets begin with posture. If your back is hunched down and your hands are in your pocket do you think that equates to anything sexy or sexual? ............ I didn’t think so. You want to have your posture well. Get your back straight and stick out your chest. Put your head up and don’t look down. Get your hands out of the pockets and leave them relaxed by your side.

These little things make a HUGE difference. Sometimes you might not notice it and that’s why you should have a buddy or a wingman with you to let you know.

Body language is key

Talk slow
You want to talk slow because talking fast means you’re nervous or too excited. Talking slow shows confidence. Talking slow shows power.

Be silent
Just pause for a moment. Let the sexual tension build. Sometimes you speak too much and it’s not needed. In sales I have seen people fuck up contract negotiations because they are talking too much. If they were to pause and stay quiet, the guy would sign the contract.
In terms of game, staying quiet for a moment will drive the woman crazy and she will begin to invest and initiate conversation. Remember you are the man here. You control the tempo, the pace, and the emotional reaction from the girl depending what you say and how you want the conversation to go

Move slow
This goes hand to hand with talking slow. No need to get overly excited. Just take a deep breath and enjoy the atmosphere. Enjoy the vibes. Enjoy life. No need to be in a hurry.

Hold eye contact
Look at her eyes when you are talking to her. Don’t look all serious either like if you’re pissed. Give her that look like I’m going to fuck you tonight and you’re going to love it! Holding eye contact builds intimacy on its own. I have done this a few times with women where I just tell them to stay quiet and look at my eyes for 1 minute. I can’t explain why but the attraction levels build up and pretty soon you are moving closer and closer and it’s almost inevitable that you start making out with her. Imagine 2 magnets across from each other. That’s basically what happens

Throw in that emoji smirk... you know what I’m talking about. While you are doing this show the teeth a little. That’s the smile you need to perfect

Speak in deep tone
Project your voice and speak from your stomach.

Get Close
Don’t be afraid to get close to her. You are not going to get sexual if you are talking to her and have 5 like Jesus’ in the middle between you. BRUH! The closer you are the more the intimacy increases.
Example: You’re on a date. ALWAYS SIT NEXT TO HER. It’s Better like that instead of across from each other. Now look I have sat across the table from women many times because I know how to sexual escalate and know what to do. So for now just sit next to her.
By getting close you can talk to her in her ear.
Tip: My go to move and it NEVER FAILS to get the sexual escalation going is when I’m talking to her in her ear I say mmm you smell good And I brush her hair back simultaneously. Once I do that I go down on her neck and give her a kiss or 2... sometimes more haha it all depends. ALWAYS WORKS.

Touch her
You got to touch her and you need to do that as soon as possible. The earlier in the approach the better! Your touch is what gives women compliance. So the more you touch the more women are likely to get comfortable. Touch her early in the approach/conversation and throughout

Example from a lay report 2 months ago

So hanging out in the couch she was distant. You can tell from the body language. I had to work her way up to get her comfortable.. While talking I was playing with her fingers, then I was playing with her hands, then I was rubbing her legs, then rubbing her thighs. Pretty soon she literally ended up on top of me while we were talking about oldschool cartoons. Haven't made a move yet at the house. I started gently rubbing her neck and I could tell she likes it. Then I had her lay down. I started rubbing the neck again and went down to her chest. Started rubbing her Boobs. Shirts came off. Full escalation from there and ended up having my way with her on the couch and all over the living room.

  1. You got to get her Comfortable
    Without comfort it will be hard to take her home. She needs to trust you and I didn’t really have that in the example above. She was attracted to me and she liked my personality but I didn’t develop the comfort. I met her up at a bar and it was a day 2. After 2 drinks I took her back home and she was still sketchy about it but she wanted to hang out. So on the couch I had to develop the comfort she needed for me to ultimately have that happy ending ;)

When a woman gets comfortable you have the power to do anything you want and any position of your choosing.
How to get her comfortable? You got to talk to her. Get to know her. Connect with her. It can go as light as talking about oldschool cartoons or it can go as deep as ______________ you get the point. I don’t really like going deep though. Not my style... I keep it as light as possible and throw in some fun facts about me.

Develop a connection
When you start a conversation and begin to get to know her. Find out what she likes or what she is into. Revolve the conversation around that specific topic. That specific topic will lead to a variety of topics and there you go. CONNECTION.

So what do you ask her?

Open ended questions about her experiences, travels, passions, etc.
When you ask these questions you got to listen. Try not to daydream fellas. So listen and say something you have in common in regards to the topic. When a girl says omg I love sushi. You say me too! What’s your favorite?? She says dragon roll. You say there is a sushi place across the street with awesome dragon roll. Lets go. It’s that simple
Tip: Don’t start bragging, talking about one specific topic the whole time, and talking about logic. Women run by emotion. Stick to emotion related topics

  1. Closing

You did steps 1 and 2. You gotten sexual from the start, you made her feel comfortable and now you’re going to get laid? NOPE NOT YET. You still got to close.

Immediately within the first 3-5 minutes of the conversation you got to figure out her logistics. If you don’t do this you are wasting your time and all that time you spent trying to hook up with her would be a waste.

• What part of the city does she live
• How far does she live from the venue
• How did she get to the venue (does she have her own car? uber? friends?)
• Who is she here with
• Did she come by herself or with friends
• What is she doing afterwards
• What does she have to do tomorrow

If she has bad logistics then walk away. Don’t waste your time. If you want to get a day 2 out of it then get her number and make it happen another day. ALWAYS GET THE LOGISTICS

Example of BAD logistics
She lives 40minutes away. Came with her friends who live by where she lives. They all came in one car. She has work early in the morning.
Walk away

Example of OK logistics
She lives 20min away. Came with a friend. Has a car. She met up with her friends. Doesn’t have to wake up early
This isn’t too bad. It’s not your PRIME time logistics but you can make it work with good game

Example of GOOD logistics
She lives 10-15 minutes away. Came by herself. Met up with a friend. No plans afterwards. Has to wake up early tomorrow.
WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER. I know what you’re thinking.... She said she has to wake up early tomorrow. All you got to say is I have to wake up early too! And whatever time she says lets say she says I have to wake up at 8am. You say cool I have to wake up at 6am. Lets go! This shows reassurance to her because she knows you have to wake up early. So if you go back home with her she will feel comfortable knowing both of you have to wake up early.

There is a time limit so sex would happen pretty quick and it will be a done deal.

Another thing is when you are figuring out the logistics don’t be creepy about it. BE SMOOTH!

Examples of figuring out logistics
• You approached the girl. She introduces you to her friends. You say “All you guys came together in the same car?”
• Me: I live in this part of the city. Do you live by here?
• Me: Where are you from? Her: I live in Canada. Me: Ooooh cool! What hotel are you staying at? Is it around here?
Lets go back to my place and have a drink or smoke (for the people who smokes weed) afterwards. This is Pre seeding. If she agrees, cool. If she says maybe then you still got a shot

Always be moving. Never stay in one spot for too long and keep the emotions high.
If you feel a conversation is getting boring SWITCH IT UP. Spin her around. Dance with her. Move to a different topic.
If you have been talking to a girl for 5 minutes tell her lets go outside. Grab her hand and lead. Or lets go to the bar and take a shot. Grab her hand and lead. Lets go to other side of the place. Grab her hand and lead. See where I’m going here?? Keep her moving through out the night. This is how you keep things fun.

The actual PULL
Here are some options on what you can say
• Remember the pre seed comment I said before about we should go to my place to smoke or drink. Bring that up again.
• Grab her hand and tell her lets go outside its too loud in here. While walking to your car say lets go have drinks at my place. It’s right around the corner
• I have the nicest view ever. My building where I live is really chill. Lets go there you will like it. Its only 5min away.
• Drinks are so expensive here. Lets go to your (or my) place. Chill and drink over there
• Lets go to your hotel. Lets have an adventure
• Lets go outside. And take her walking around. With sexual escalation you can end up banging her some where public
• Lets go to the beach it will be fun

Make it Happen Fellas. Approach and Take Action

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