I came back to my room and after drinking a glass of milk and brushing his teeth I also went to bed with a video of the day.

in #day3 years ago

Hello friends how are you all i hope you are all well today i go to work first after waking up because it will work every day i come and walk for a while then


Then I sit for a while in the position that I do for breakfast in the morning. Then when I have breakfast.

Whether or not I still have breakfast and come back to my room, you have a very good road today.

Because breakfast was made with some modern cakes and good things and then after finally coming to the room.

My Ramisha was sent for me who I sat for a while then I left to see Bhaire Bhaire.

Then I wandered around for a while and again we went to a tailor shop in front of our house and chatted.

Then I came from there and befriended them and talked to them. Then there are some Polapine little boys who have no place to play badminton.

I saw that a lot of badminton is played in winter now. Everyone loves to play badminton this season.

I was preparing a video called Mr. Munshi. I will play a lot of games this season. Games is my favorite game.

After visiting my house, I take a bath and after bathing, I eat and drink.

And after lunch I went to my room and fell asleep and woke up at about five o'clock.

I do it in the workers' house and I have breakfast and at the end I play mobile games for a while.
Ek het gesien daar word nou baie pluimbal in die winter gespeel. Almal is mal daaroor om hierdie seisoen pluimbal te speel.

Ek was besig om 'n video genaamd Mr. Munshi voor te berei. Ek sal hierdie seisoen baie wedstryde speel. Speletjies is my gunsteling speletjie.

Nadat ek by my huis gekuier het, gaan bad ek en nadat ek gebad het, eet en drink ek.

En na middagete is ek kamer toe en het aan die slaap geraak en so vyfuur wakker geword.

Ek doen dit in die werkershuis en ek eet ontbyt en op die einde speel ek vir 'n rukkie mobiele speletjies.

Then I sat down to read when I was responsible for not having dinner time and dinner was not over.

I came back to my room and after drinking a glass of milk and brushing his teeth I also went to bed with a video of the day.
I wish you all the best. I hope you all are well. Good morning.