Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing

in #debate7 years ago

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Here is my view

The scientific or commercial test on animals should continue. This practice is very important to humankind. It allowed for many individuals and generations to be saved. It lets us understand the world and life in general. It leads to many discoveries such as vaccines, new chemicals, and substances that we are able to use for ourselves. If it was not for these scientific or commercial testing on animals we would not have much of what we have now.

Many medical breakthroughs had happened because of testing on animals. An example of this can be the removal of the pancreas on dogs, this allowed the discovery of insulin. This was important for saving lives of diabetics. Another example is the polio vaccine. Animals were tested with this vaccine and from this, the disease world wide diminish by 99.9% from 1988 to 2016. ”The polio vaccine, tested on animals, reduced the global occurrence of the disease from 350,000 cases in 1988 to 27 cases in 2016.”(Procon). An important one was the vaccine for Hepatitis B which was successful because of the testing on chimpanzees. Without the ability to test on animals many people would suffer. Not only does testing on animals find vaccines but it aids with the research of brain injury, tuberculosis, and even cancer.

Testing on animals such as the chimpanzees and mice produces similar results compared to humans. Chimpanzees share most of their DNA and mice are genetically nearly similar to humans. “Chimpanzees share 99% of their DNA with humans, and mice are 98% genetically similar to humans.”(Procon). Not only that, but all mammals have similar ancestors, this includes humans of course. They also have equal sets of organs such as the lungs and kidneys. Biologically, humans and animals are similar which lead to the same illnesses. Some of these may be, diabetes or cancer. This allows for the tests to create similar results as it would produce on a human. Even though testing is done on animals, the animals themselves are treated if they have illness or diseases. This allows for animals in the verge of extinction to be saved.

Even though we do test on animals, they are treated humanely. Not only is this to produce reliable results but for the care of the animal. Animals that are being researched are taken care of carefully. Not only by the researchers but specialized people such as veterinarians and animal health professionals.”Research animals are cared for by veterinarians, husbandry specialists, and animal health technicians to ensure their well-being and more accurate findings.”(Procon). These procedures are follow for the animals sake. Also to follow the regulations of the Animal Welfare Act. The animals need minimum housing standards and even access to safe food and water. This is possible because veterinarians are required to do regular inspections.

At the end of the day, testing on animals is required for the survival of humanity. It had saved many humans and animals themselves. Lead to many new medical discoveries which decreases the death rate caused by illness and diseases. Made sure that chemicals we might use for humans are safe and can be use commonly without any dangers. The animals that are tested are well cared of and treated humanely for their sake. We understand that animals are important and we do as much as possible to treat them fairly. They have contributed to many new discoveries in the medical field which allowed for the saving of millions of lives.

Works Cited
(PROCON)“Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing?” Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing?,


Off course NOT.

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