Anarcho Rebel Connection Report 2020-11-09

in #debt4 years ago


Anarcho Rebel Connection

by Snake Plissken


Monday 9th November 2020

CoVID News Update

Dictaster Dan Andrews has unleashed more freedoms upon the people of Victoria. God bless his soul. Among the unveiling:

  • No more 25 kilometre radius travel restriction
  • No more metropolitan / regional travel restrictions
  • Hospitality, fitness and retail businesses have had restrictions lifted
  • Weddings and funerals number of attendees have been relaxed

Covid Status in Victoria

  • 4 active cases
  • 2 in ICU
  • No active cases in aged care or healthcare workers
  • 235,359 tests conducted in the last 14 days
  • At least 1.5% of the population in every LGA (Local Government Area) in Victoria has been tested over a two week period
  • 24% of tests are children aged under 19
  • 33% are 20-39 year olds
  • 14,000 employees have gone through surveillance testing in the FOOD INDUSTRY! WTF.

    Victoria has had 10 consecutive days of no coronavirus cases or deaths? Whats wrong with the tests???
    The story is reported here on the ABC website, but not by our favourite man, Dictaster Dan. That rhymes, I should be a rapper!

OK U.S.A – The Election 2020

Well, it was an interesting month

  • Trump was struck down with the corona, and recovered
  • The Hunter Biden laptop leak – porn everywhere!
  • Trump loses!

    The election was not called on the day as it was so tight, and there were many postal votes, as Biden encouraged his voters do postal votes as it would be ‘safer’ rather than going to a polling booth , due to the CORONA!
    When the numbers were going against Trump, Trump wanted the counting to stop. He said the election has been stolen.
    There were claims that DHS (Department of Homeland Security) had watermarked the ballot papers and that there was evidence that some ballot papers did not have this watermark?
    There were also claims that dead people had voted for Biden?
    I have not seen or heard of any hard facts in relation to any of the above.
    So, in saying all that, Biden has been announced as President Elect. And he has been preparing to get his team together. But in saying that , there was another creepy incident on stage with a young girl on stage that I saw.

Trade wars

Looks like the trade war between Australia and China is heating up.
ScoLo (Prime Monster of Australia) is talking it down. Let’s see where it goes from here.
So the current status is:

  • Timber, grain and lobsters are currently targeted by China
  • The Australian Government will work with Chinese Authorities to resolve the problem – if it can be resolved?
  • Importers say they have been told of a temporary ban on a range of new products
  • Wine distributors have been notified of an imminent bandwidth
  • China advised it will ban timber imports after finding Bark Beetle in a shipment from Queenslanders
  • Live rock Lobsters are stuck on the tarmac at the moment worth an estimated $2 million.
  • Emerald Grain, and grain handler was also suspended from exporting barley into China after a consignment was found to contain weed seeds, as claimed by Chinese officials.* Another grain exporter CBH
    Industries already under scrutiny for various issues by the Chinese have been:
  • Barley
  • Wine
  • Cotton
  • Beef
  • Coal
    More information can be found here

To The Markets!

Reserve Bank of Australia Announcement

The RBA dropped the cash rate last week to the lowest ever! They dropped the rate from

  • was 0.25%
  • is now a jaw dropping 0.1%
    Anything more than this and we will be in negative territory! Who said we would never make it? Good onya’s ScoMo (Prime Monster), Jo Fryberg (Treasurer that can’t count), Phillip (Governor Dumb Arse- how low can I go) Lowe, and Guy (Deputy Governor Dumb Arse – in Greek ‘tebelli’ means ‘lazy’) Debelle. All class here!

    The RBA has announced, as per its media release it is will partner with Commonwealth Bank and National Australia Bank, and Perpetual and Consensys Software (a block chain tech company) to work on a collaborative project for the potential use of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) using distributed ledger technology.
    The project will initially involve the development of a POC (proof of concept) for the issuance of CBDC in a token form, which can then be used by wholesale market participants for the funding, settlement and repayment of tokenised syndicated loan on an Ethereum based DLT platform.

    They seem to be following a list of other Central Banks yanking on the CBDC chain!

Could it be because we are going into negative cash rate territory??? Time will tell!

Gold, Silver and Crypto Pricing

Gold and silver have peeled back from their high’s a month or so ago, but bounced a bit since the President elect announcement
Gold USD = $1964 per ounce
Gold AUD = $2694 per ounce
Silver USD = $25.95 per ounce
Silver AUD = $35.62 per ounce
AUD = $0.72986 USD (has weakened)
BTC $15,435 USD – it did go on a tear and hit a peak of $15,855 – Friday 6th November
Monero is at $117 USD – did go on a tear up to $138 – Monday 26th October
Monero/BTC cross – 0.00761
Tapis Crude Oil (Malaysia) = $38.87
Cossack Crude Oil (Australia) = $38.78

BTC did go on a bit of a tear this past week and did hit close to the $16k mark! Interesting times my friends. I made a comment to one of my friends saying that BTC was kicking wall street in the nuts!



The Debt Clocks

2020-11-09 1USDebtClock.png

2020-11-09 AusDebtClock.png

Health & Finance

Peace and love to all you cool cats out there.
Be your own Bank, The Government won't save you.
De-calcify your pineal gland, & stop drinking that fluoridated water.
How good is it to wake up and smell the coffee sunshine?

Other Sick Info Rebels

Check out Brendan O’Connell - Bitchute or YouTube or Patreon
Check out Stacy Herbert and Max Keiser of The Keiser Report and The Orange Pill
Check out Gerald Celente of The Trends Journal
Check out Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante Crypto Vigilante
Check out Max Igan of The Crowhouse
Check out David Icke – The Ickonic
Don’t believe the hype!
Remember, everything is gonna be alright
Don’t worry, be happy. Be positive.
I’m out!

