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RE: Heart of Darkness: The CIA- MACV-SOG & Phung Hoang (The Phoenix Program)

in #deepdives6 years ago

A disturbing yet excellent post @richq11 I'm only sorry that I've come to it too late to offer an upvote. It certainly makes you ponder how many "truthers" are now held on a list .. waiting for a time when it becomes politically acceptable to start ticking them off :( Seriously a brilliant and enlightening post, your own experiences poignantly lend it the extra weight that is often missing in war anaylsis .. thank you for sharing it with us.


Truthfully, I'm violating a 99 year agreement not to speak about these things... I'm 72 and dying, what are they going to do, kill me? They'd be doing me a favor! Thank you for your kind words and support!

Big respect for you brother! Putting the record straight and relaying what happened from a very unique perspective .. not many put themselves out there like that. Obviously sorry to hear you're dying, in fact words don't really suffice in regards to that realisation. Obviously, I don't know what is wrong .. but I'm a bit of a herbalist so if you want any advice on prolonging life or easing your symptoms then please let me know .. I don't know your situation so I may not have all the answers, but if you need any help then once again, please let me know.

I appreciate it... I've had a hard life, spent good part since childhood on the streets. I just pretty much used up this pod I'm in, it happens to everyone. I figure I have a year or two left and that's fine. Life, or the life force is eternal, I'll just shed this husk for a higher level of consciousness. This pain that I endure is just my pennance to be able to move on to a better place.

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