in #deepstate6 years ago (edited)


At the bottom of the page is a link to the An-Ominous Clown Edition of the highest suppressed work in the world,

A Picture booklet series called:

"111 Great Signs and Wonders that Prove the Existence of God, Angels, Aliens and Other Cool Stuff";

and an EPIC Card Game for all age groups called

"The Formerly Known as the End of the World Trumpety Trump Card Game"

Here is some music for the ride...

Both presenting photographs and scientific evidence of miracles, great signs and wonders, alien, magical and technological events from the last twenty years revealing an alien war on our world between Aliens that had pretended themselves our Gods after genetically assimilating us and the True Spirit Almighty God who has fought them forever since and before their arrival in space and time.

The work reveals these aliens think of us as a pig farm and had built many religions as a construct to contain and re-direct our spirituality and connection with Christ and God consciousness, their long term concern because this connection is revealing what they did AND that Christ and True Prime Creator God are closing in on them for a Justice re-calibration, calling you to this mission.

Their long term interaction with us had interfered with our DNA reducing the years of our life and taking away many of our higher abilities, they set about raping and torturing our whole species for thousands of years, now are engaged in limiting our natural and angelically guided re-awakening using the same high technology, magic, genetic, chemical, radioactive, biological tampering and tricks to confirm their position amongst us. Taking action to kill all of us because the veil has dropped from their bullshit program, established since they last did this to us.

This is one booklet of a highly suppressed series of works that reveals we are under attack from the people who had been fooled by their spell, programmed ass slaves to be happy managers of the alien pig farm while presenting themselves as spiritual teachers, when inside they consider us pigs and low born animals to be raped and hunted by them in between going to our churches to repent and seeking positions in our churches, perhaps in case we are in need of further spiritual advice - from pederasts who are known for extreme pedo-sadism - every time we entertain the natural desires of our own kin, as they talk platitudes from the balconies of their mostly white robed religions, creating false platforms on which truth is represented slowly turning all good who seek it into spiritual shit, their souls turned into wood for the fires of hell.

These Fallen Angel Demonic Aliens did not create "sex", something they debase and think of as evil - sadly mostly because of the way they are doing it, which often involves death and children - read shadows of the Dalai Lama "law of inversion" for more information and the fallen angel religion connection. Be prepared for the INSANE it will cause to your brain which can only handle so much rage before it feels pain, like a bubbling volcano causing blood vessels to burst. Thats whats in my head, its the fury of Prime Creator merged with my own. Trin-finite Rage pointing a lazer beam at them, while they watch me through my laptop screen and I watch them through the inside of their own heads as Christ consciousness, waiting for this.

Though lets consider, Divine Union, the joyous of natural union of flesh was given by Prime Creator God, as evidenced through-out nature Divine Union and creation was True Spirit God Almighty gift to us - The Fallen Angel Demonic Aliens and their current incarnation of TTSN and such like abominations, commonly known to most people on the path towards true spirit at some point we must face the end of level boss and achieve liberation. This Entity having genetically altered our form and claimed us, assimilated our world and us as their property and slaves and includes creating false religions trapping awakening souls behind a false altar to an demonic alien abomination that is at war with TRUE CREATOR GOD and CHRISTED BEINGS including other Christed Humans, Angelic Beings from other dimensions and Aliens from this Galaxy and other ones, some of which at this point in time and others from the future as well as the present and future of other dimensions all of which are super grumpy about some major happening on our world involving pederast satanist nazis and demons with some crappy time machine and a shit they took on our world, now requiring divine retribution from our awesome friends. Now comes the Apocalypse, the Great Unveiling of Revelations and the booklet series prepares you and the kids for the next scenes.

WARNING - Occasionally the Alien pederasts show up driving white robed avatar clones that look like humans to "rapture us" from their pig farm, "to salvation" and more direct slavery with them. "Our heroes" recently having put radiation over our whole world to sterilize our species are currently looking for obedient pigs to save to their space ships to glorify their sticks as they kill everyone on earth. Any one associating with that vibration is to receive this warning; You will be eternally annihilated with them as will all who stand in defense of them, now revealed in certain knowing that what that is, what many reading this are involved with is a fallen angel demonic human trafficking organisation in the cross hairs of GOD ALMIGHTY, PRIME CREATOR SALVATION VIBRATION.

Many good people are under a spell of this alien abomination and do its bidding for a nickel, trained monkeys kept in the dark holding guns so they dont have to mine the nickel and fighting off those who are otherwise justifiably fighting a fallen angel demonic alien human trafficking organisation preparing for Ahriman incarnation; While assembling "honorable brotherhoods" of biscuit boys to gather round its nest of fallen angel demonic aliens waiting with open legs and fully malicious intentions, thanking Satan for no more masturbation and 33 shekels so they can stop mining nickel. Spying on us all in-case we work out what they are doing.

The warning includes this now happening, Divine beings of absolute power stand in between you and this annihilation and there are thunder bolts and lightening coming from them. Frightening to ME. It is certain that they are going to totally annihilate this thing and every single person who wishes to be a pig, a low born animal slave to pederast demons, jumping from either the pillar or the post of the evil rapist scum that did that to our species, again, as they set themselves up as our noble saviors, in secret they see themselves as pig farmers for our low born animal pig souls, as they see them, though they are the pigs is the truth of the mystery, currently we are just the same as them, trapped in a lower dimensional prison, through eternally freed through the victory of ALMIGHTY GOOD ADONAY Yeshua Christ Jesus - again and again - and all who believe are made trinfinite eternal beings COMING BACK NOW AGAIN INTO THIS FOR YOUR MAGA SALVATION from this previously unheard of demonic abomination which is revealed throughout the entire of history to have suddenly happened.

The Booklet series of revelations and other ridiculous revelations continue through the apocalypse or until I am dead at - There are 23 editions of the booklet series planned and a graphic novel series. They are not free! there is a donate function at the end of the book, I need food and a roof over my head in order to continue. The works took 13 years to complete, throughout which I have been under attack, most of those years I have been homeless being attacked by demonic entities at points interfering with spoonfuls of food to subtract to the weight of my flesh, mocking me in my long wait, fooling you all to run on the spot protecting child traffickers for fear of losing your pensions, while they sabotaged and ripped off my works costing their value of trillions of pounds, attacking me with demons and paid government agents, character assassinating me from amongst all those that I sought help using high technology, magic and demons while they separated my knowledge set from you all because it leaves no construct of them left, no construct at all. While you have run around blindly for decades wondering who is doing this to you all I have been telling you the whole time under a whitewash of total censorship.

After a lifetime of this somehow a part of me remains though I am at my end, really I am mostly dead, near totally emotionally dead and I am asking for your help, Having just lost 6 kilos in weight for the 5th time in my life, more than 10 percent of my body weight in 2 months for lack of food in my life, now I am about to made homeless again, as I have been most of my life trying to deliver this work, now though some how if this was the last work of the series I give I feel I am completed enough to take a break on the street again, somewhere out of the WiFi range. Waiting for death or taking this into my own hands, acceptance of mission catastrophic failure which is probably better.

Infact, my truth right now is this... I am true spirit avatar incarnation, having spent 33 years fighting this alien abomination since 9 years old discovering the Franklin scandal on the internet and the years before that with it fighting me - sadly including others of good under a trick of them thinking I was what that is and had been attacking me as well trying to prove that I was - I am now insane, emotionally dead - I spend most of the day thinking about killing myself, which is my logic response to all day long being raped by demons in my head, now for more than a few years, who are gang stalking me to death, while I am being shot at by high technology electromagnetic weapons. Killing myself is often the first thought in my head when I wake up though I need first to make sure that my message is delivered, which now it is.

I am currently allowed to live in a house with entities and agents of them sabotaging my work and blocking me from its effectiveness as I am being shot regularly, daily, all day long affecting my mood and attempting to trap me in low vibration, driving me to suicide and slow killing me, with electro-magnetic and sonic weapons even as I write this there is a targeted pain in my head, the phone tower is grumpy again. I want to move to a house outside of the range of their weapons, the phone towers in front of my house, the wifi box behind my head, even the lap top I am using is a weapon for them. Their lifelong attempt to get me to kill myself before I deliver this work to everyone on earth, who are practically the only ones left to recieve it - and then I am finished. Please at least read and share the works more than a few times.

I am at the point where my choices are to continue attempting to stabilize my food and water supply to continue this incarnation and this message delivery or kill myself, it makes more sense to do this. I dont smile any more, for some years now there are no endorphin releases in my head. I am really emotionally dead. When I do laugh or a smile is appearing in my being, alien pedo-sadists are showing up in my head, coming from a US/German/Israeli demonic super soldier program trying to make sure I dont get an endorphin fix from it, the consequence of my lifes choice to do this. Why would anyone live a life like this... Its because I saw this shit storm coming from 9 years old I have been studying this and working and it was too important not to continue until the collapse of their house of cards covered in shit. Which is now happening in some large part because of the things that I did, that many did in the wake of my mess and though few had effect. I AND I JAH POWER DID THIS! Now I hear Arch-Angels laughing in my head and see the heavens open my certainty is this; that I laugh in their presence forever immortal in heaven, a leader amongst them as I always have been, guiding our world, its a quantum conundrum.

My truth is this... I have been asking for help for over a decade from the internet with exactly this same problem set, food, water and a roof over my head and been totally ignored and white washed from history. Several times I have had catastrophic weight loss during this mission, undoing my attempts to stabilize my health, often I am being targeted to create this affect.

So back to this, in the last two months I have lost over ten percent of my body weight in which I created this free work and tidied up a lot of loose ends so that I can now abandon the mission of my incarnation with at least one thing remaining of what I did. Here it is. Please read it, and share it with others so it was not a complete waste. We are anyway all dead, god damn that shit all the way to where it came from.

There is a beam of wood ten meters from where I am writing this and a rope that ends all this, immediate vibration fix. Immediately I am in heaven, Where I was before I came to do this; free of this mess though there are people in my house. When I went and stood on the 6th story balcony of a hotel to kill myself a few months back the receptionist was one of them waiting for my corpse, no shit, I am now going to social gatherings looking for help from people who are not them to cremate my corpse so it isn't attacked after I am dead, cannibalized or some shit. I have Angelic beings in my head who are ready to receive me and then I am free of this mess. But what about yourselves? Are you right with Jesus.

My entire mission was the fulfillment of the fathers prayer, now which looks pretty close to complete, my 32 years of contribution working with Angelic beings made a difference. No respects wrecked my head, and my whole life to death. Currently I am trying to keep the weight on my flesh and my health so I can continue to type stuff like this and produce more books for the next steps and maybe, have an endorphin fix from knowing at least while I continue with my very important task I no longer have to worry about keeping a roof over my head, an un-interrupted food and water supply or the medication I need.

Anything surplus donations above this goes towards the mission I started out with, which in truth is long dead and gone the same as everything else. I need money to pay translators to warn everyone about this because I cant find anyone to help me for free, I need money to pay lawyers because I cant find anyone to help me for free, I need money to help me distribute the works as I need to hire professionals to do this, in any case the social networks don't much like sharing my work it tends to disappear.

I am putting this message out with a warning to the human race. I have so much information in my head I am trying to save for future generations. I need an un-interrupted food and water supply and a roof over my head for my mission to continue. Here are 3 of the works for FREE for you to read, including some attempt to encode this for children so they are not tricked by these entities if there are future generations beyond this.

I am forced to give these for free here in English, they are supposed to have been in 10 languages now for 4 years being read by the whole world but are lost due to manipulation of that delivery by the same demonic alien pedos. As now likely are the rest of the works because the whole mission was supposed to have translated that delivery into a huge money pot to liberate all from their money slavery.

I am a statistic transferred between presidencies known about by all world leaders who receive the security report of NATO in a Targeted Individual network of which I have been a member for over 32 years of my life which has included multiple times being abducted by aliens and other unknown programs of unknown origin. Since Donald Trump took management of the Targeted Individual program the attacks against me have intensified.

My story caused a general mutiny in their entire operation and even before his election as well as in many other commonwealth countries, being targeted with high technology and magic by the same entity that gave us the Bolshevik holocaust now an industrial human trafficking operation running America and Nato and moving into position in Israel, already present in Russia and Europe positioning for the next holocaust to John Podesta vibration, while the military heads and secret services get their dicks waxed by succubus demons music industry and hollywood shit, amongst them pedosadists torturing children for more successful tricks, skin cream and a god damn Saturday night fix - all of which is also possible using plants instead - perhaps except the tricks performed by the surviving kids, some of them useful to be trained up all the way to adult, obedient pig slaves helping the eugenicist pig farmers with their stress as they pretend nobility and righteousness amongst us, now in full knowledge of what they are, the no-ballist of us all, a child trafficking organisation is an old wives tale by now, queue up for your rewards for protecting the real-mm, a giant shitstorm in hell infinitely in waiting anhialated in trinfinite dimensions of Maya - All of which has been and is now again going to be annihilated like shit. God Damn them all, candy house witches, blind mice, black sheep and all.

I am a true spirit incarnation, a messenger from Prime Creator God, now 33 years working in shadows trying to save the whole world and future of our species from Satanist Nazis working with fallen angel pederast demons to try and stop them taking over the world and shitting us all out dead, which they probably already did while pointing the fingers at those chasing after them for doing it.

Now instead of liberating you from their money spell, I am dieing for a lack of food in a sorcerers web, my residency after running from trap to trap to trap from one sorcerers web to the next now under a microscope and unable to escape - I am pretty much locked down by the sabotage of every attempt I have made to find help with my work which was worth trillions of pounds, while nearly every billionaire and trillionaire on earth and many millionaires watched my life like a TV show because of their involvement in that demonic shit sabotaging me at every step. Happy they so are that I go to my death and not one hears about what I did.

This is one of the last attempts that I made at the end of twenty years of censorship to break out of what is pretty much computer interference and agents of the same abomination character assassinating me everywhere i try to find help. They wont even let me develop relationships properly, or have sex, interfering with the natural approach of people coming into my circle with magic, technology and demons. I am really a public risk and I want to go to my death. First I want to make sure that the message I carried my whole life is delivered. Which is where you come in and block chain network, another trap to destroy what I did. You need to share it. Talk about it, research it and qualify it for yourself.


Currently I am left attempting to deliver these master works free just to save their relevance to this generation, previously worth trillions of pounds I am asking for donations so I can have at least an uninterrupted food and water supply and remove other interference from my life basics so that I can to continue my lifetime work with the Holy Spirit and True Prime Creator God for your salvation and entertainment.

I am trying to get to the stage of my life that the 23 Editions of the picture booklet are completed, the Card Game and the Graphic Novel Series. At the moment I am asking for donations to continue. Below is a link to the adult booklet of the An-Ominous Clown Edition inside of which is the booklet re-encoded for older children and another booklet possibly for a bit younger children, its a work in progress. There is also a downloadable PDF of the card game which is very good fun for families and friends to play. Its totally lost its relevance due to interference, please buckle up and adopt the brace position we are about to hit a little turbulence.

I really am penniless at the moment, locked out from censorship and struggle with the amount of work I am doing as a volunteer and artist at the moment. Producing these works and constantly researching looking for this thing coming up the steps as it surrounds myself and more, i'm really trained by Angels to guide the world through this transition. Held back by the magnitude of what i have done and the effortless of which the German/Israeli/UK/Masonic/Illuminati/Khazarian/Babylonian secret service child trafficking organisation which has been painted over by the new false religion of Adolf Hitler and time travelling brother hood of the bell end satanist nazis and their exclusive biscuit boy pedo faggot club which seems to exist for no reason other than to create controllable patsys that dance for whores and a nickel as we the thesis and synthesis conclusion charge on led by their men, some faggot pedos protecting child trafficking networks simply "being one of us" and others good people simply receiving target information for a piece of printed paper with the real targets head on it.

If you have nothing to give Enjoy for FREE and share everywhere, Todo Amor! and buenas dios.

Victory of Go(o)d and an end to all falsehood!


PS - In case your trying to work out how to break this story to the kids, I already did. Some of the Editions of the booklet are re-encoded for kids. Re-inventing the opponent as an Organised Lunch Money Gang organizing to take lunch money from Kids. The Card Game is also written for kids.


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