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RE: Defending the Water.

you can't stop it unless you come up with a better solution. if the natives were successful in the first place, they would still be in control of the lands they are ineffectually trying to defend. beating a drum on the river bank is not going to fix anything. it will allow the people in power to continue to destroy everything that we need to survive as a species.


Better solutions abound.
You are okay with thugs raping those peoples' land?
Just another day in crapitalism?
What would you like them to do?
Start sniping workers?
'Cause they have done that before.

Do you want to play cowboys and Indians again?
Cause sniping will cause that.

I don't, but apparently you do,...

Your response was that you would bring in cowboys?
That cowboys was the inevitable consequence of attentat.
How about you join us in denouncing those that force others to their will?
Or are you ok with that?

(six deep)
My response was that if they begin sniping bad things will happen.
do you want that?
but I don't denounce the pipeline. I want the pipeline to go thru.
The pipeline is NOT on 'indian land'. It's on private property that doesn't belong to them.
I think that their claims are bogus. They keep changing.

A pipeline is the safest way to transport oil.
Railroads are much more dangerous.
If you're against the pipeline then you must be for oil spills.
cause trains derail, on average, once a day, somewhere in the USA.

Yes, violence is bad, look at the genocide that these people have already suffered at the hands of the great-grandparents of the people coercing them today.
That is fine, just keep your pipeline from leaking.
You can't, and that is why those folks are in the fields.
When they leak, those folk's food and way of life is over.
Not to mention the water for millions of lives is affected.
I'd rather convert my car to alcohol and buy local.
When you find yourself on the side of the most powerful oligarchs on the planet, it is time to pause, and reflect.

Pardon me, I'm just not real good at following decrees.
Yelling nanny nanny booboo doesn't make you right, but it does make you sumthin'.
Have a nice delusion.

Your mind is closed.
Your history is wrong.
Your 'facts' are incorrect.
No need talking to you any more.
Seeya...have a nice dream.

Real cowboys - ranchers etc. - are now as much people of the land as indians. They have just less experience and skill to protect the land they too live from than those with hundreds of years of collective experience, and they more readily accept (for money etc.) government confiscating their land to poison it. The Bundy episode for right cause, just very badly done. Cowboys and indians are on the same side, time they both realize it and start acting together.

I agree that the locals are not the problem, that lies with the oligarchs that don't want to respect those outside their throne rooms.

you are not going to get much support with this us or them straw man crap, or the false choices. show me that you even understand any options that might work. hint, the workable options do not include: playing drums on the river bank, allowing the indiscriminate destruction of the natural environment, letting people freeze to death because you are too busy building straw men to come up with real solutions, sniping people who can call down the might of the US military on you. if the protesters start sniping, i will laugh my as off when they are put down by the military.

go learn how to do something other than be outraged. how about putting your blood, sweat and tears toward geothermal energy or something that can work.

i am of native blood. the natives lost. living in the past will not bring back what they were too primitive to maintain.

Wow, apple, the natives have only lost when the last one to struggle stops.
That native blood you are so proud of turning your back on because 'you lost', runs deep in the population.
I am all for alternatives to being ruled by coercive oligarchs, but until the people rise up and give the bullies their bloody noses they will not abandon the playground.
Appeasement has never worked.
Attentats are for those that are prepared for the consequences, that the bullies are perfectly accepting of 'collateral damage' is not the anarchist's fault, but lies with those that offer appeasement to their invaders.
Invaders, by definition, don't care about you, or what you consider your's.
Are you certain that that is the side of the argument you feel most comfortable defending?

i did not lose, because i did not fight. i became myself through adversity and struggle but not as a loser in a false choice. i'm not proud of my native blood. i am tired of people using native blood as an excuse to be outraged. they lost. they lost by using inferior methods, by being ignorant and belligerent. rising up and punching people in their noses is dramatic and all but, when enough people see that it is in their interest and simply stand up and take control of their lives, there will be no need for nose punching. these 'bullies' are as people who, waking up from a drunk, found no one at the helm and decided to take the ship for a spin in their chosen direction. if you have a better plan, show people the reason. threatening and saying that somebody might get sniped, is counterproductive. i hope you get out of the series of traps you've fallen into. if you don't know to what i am referring, go back and read your comments several times, and imagine someone else said them to you.

You have lost because you won't fight.
If you don't take your freedom where you can get it you won't have any.
If you are going to be their cop of the year, they don't actually have to find any thugs and entice them with gold.
When you fail to rise up to confront evil it is you that has allowed evil free movement on the field.
It is you that has failed to side with good.
Often when the pot calls the kettle black it can be explained by the term, 'projection', but not always.
I wish the dichotomy wasn't all or nothing, but it is.

i don't fight because i have already won. it is most of you who have failed to admit this but you will, sooner or later, that is if you ever wake up from your slumber. the fact that you see only a dichotomy, says to me that you are still asleep.

the pot calls the kettle black because he is a racist. xD

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