MixMarvel community is a large-scale virtual 3D world which connects players

in #dehero4 years ago (edited)


What is MixMarvel?

MixMarvel is a multiplayer web based game local area sponsored by blockchain innovation. This people group is made by engineers and planners all through the world. MixMarvel people group is an enormous scope virtual 3D world that associates players, devs, and so forth to share their substance and take profit with it. MixMarvel has the duty to ensure each giver got their privileges like players have the rights in regards to information, local area can cause various principles and the individuals who to contribute in resource creation/advancement can got the income. MixMarvel Aim is to give a one-quit distributing stage for games created on blockchain innovation.



Dehero we should you do that by finding an unused and terminated area that you can register.dehero an application that helps you in imaginative your own part as well as helps in making your own you to make images however dehero is the one in particular which permits you to make your own custom sticker pack and likewise you to see them. Dehero is another venture framework that is intended to th assist people with becoming well known. The framework is intended to make its simple to have your work highlights on probably the greatest website on the web it's can likewise help people work with the brand to their standing. Dehero is a decentralized gamefi application dependent on binance shrewd chain by marking nft resources client can unpacking nft card pack bolind like exchanging showy accordingly clients got dehero government token saint clients can exchange NFT card in the exchanging Market more application situation, for example, nft card brambles and dao local area co government will have been opened soon. dehero is bsc gamefi application based delivered by mixmarvel. It's card can gather blockchain game highlights nft in addition to defi interactivity and nft exchange while infusion finance coherent into the game in dehero the nft cards are finance intelligent into the game in Dehero the. Nft card are distributed based that the assistance protocol.dehero has made a central mechanical that permits token to appoint nft cost when each nft card is stamped tg the relating number of token fungible symbolic will be secured in that the card hence nft cards essential distinction from other computerized.



Dehero isn't care for each and every other gaming stage out there on the grounds that it offers certain advantage that for the most part game stage or application don't. Anyway it just permitted clients to Eran on deheros stage through card pack mining just as Eran on dehrto stage by means of card pack mining just as guarantee non fungable jobs nft However to exchange the resource Eran must be stake to inbox treasure.

STAKING ON DEHERO: Staking on deheros permits it's clients Eran that can be unpacking to travel that fortune or fortune won and these exchanges can thusly be exchanged the market.

MINING ON DEHERO: Mining on dehero gaming stage is simple your cell phone goes about as hubs and the more you mine. anyway, it should be noticed that mining is accomplished in the gaming stage when assignments are finished.

CARD COLLECTIBLES REWORD: When the nature of the card set on the card set arrived at the sum the comparing total battling limit prizes will be refined.

NFTs: Nft standard nonfungible token and it's makes it significant give subtleties it important to our perusers. dissimilar to other advanced resources nfts are striking Digital assets. for the occasion when you Eran on dehero it just sure you to unpacking the treasures that you have won which could have an alternate quality for various gamers on the platform model for contagious symbolic resources including bitcoin ETH .what they share for all intents and purpose is the one bitcoin carcass a similar weight anyplace in by the world. an illustration of a nonfungible token is craftsmanship works of art that draw in various qualities a better place.


As NFT is a Non-Fungible Token that can't be exchanged as something similar or an equivalent resource while then again other digital currencies like Bitcoin and furthermore Fait cash is Fungible as $10 will consistently be equivalent to $10 and 1BTC will consistently be equivalent to 1BTC.


Saints іѕ DeHero's gaming stage administration token аnd іѕ а stage utility token thаt wіll bе uѕеd tо boost thе stage. Thіѕ іѕ thе bep20 token оn thе binance brilliant chain.

DeHero Token Distribution
Total supply: 21000000
1: (10%) NFT Issuance Stakes
(2%) Initial NFT Issuance Stakes
2: (35%) NFT Card Collectibles Mining, Mining Cycle of 540 days
3: (20%) LP Liquidity Mining, Mining Cycle of 540 days
(11.6%) Initial Liquidity
4: (5%) Non-destructive Mining, Mining cycle 7 days
Initial Non-destructive Mining (0.5%)
5: (30%) NFT DAO
Marketing/Operation/Business Development (15%)
Content/IP (15%)

Token Contract Details:
Heroes contract(BSC): 0x261510Dd6257494eEA1DDA7618DBe8a7b87870dd
MIX contract(BSC): 0x398f7827dccbefe6990478876bbf3612d93baf05
Heroes in Pancake


Contact With Dehero

Website: https://www.dehero.co
Doc : https://mixmarvel.gitbook.io/dehero
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MIXMARVELGAME
Telegram: https://t.me/MixMarvelGlobal
Discord : https://discord.com/invite/TrNZbaY3AT
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmXHR_CEEGB91IpritzrJlA

Written by: nfc69
Bitcointalk Name : nfc69
Telegram : @NfcNusratJahan
Bitcointalk URL : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1496193
Bsc wallet address : 0x8A8019D1dB3AAAa94c2f39578b1F5521B9dB3585

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