
in #demons5 years ago

Typhon is the most powerful and oppressive creature of all originated by Gaia, the personification of the fiery forces of the earth and its fumes, with their destructive actions. The monster has incredible strength and has on its head 100 dragon heads, with black tongues and fiery eyes. From his mouth, the ordinary voice of the gods, the roar of a terrible bull, the roar of a lion, the howl of a dog, the sharp whistle echoing in the mountains. Typhon was the father of the mythical monsters of Echidna: Orff, Cerberus, Hydra, Colchis dragon and others who threatened the human race on earth and underground until the hero Hercules destroyed them, except for the Sphinx, Cerberus and Chimera. From Typhon came all the empty-field winds, except Noth, Boreas, and Zephyr. Typhon, crossing the Aegean Sea, scattered the islands of the Cyclades, previously located closely. The fiery breath of the monster reached the island of Fere and destroyed its entire western half, and turned the rest into a scorched desert. The island has since acquired a crescent shape. The giant waves raised by Typhon, sunk to the island of Crete and destroyed the kingdom of Minos. Typhon was so frightening and strong that the Olympian gods fled from their abode, refusing to fight with him. Only Zeus, the bravest of the young gods, decided to fight Typhon. The fight lasted a long time, in the heat of battle, the opponents moved from Greece to Syria. Here Typhon opened the earth with his giant torso, subsequently these traces of battle were filled with water and became rivers. Zeus pushed Typhon to the north and dropped it into the Ionian Sea, near the Italian coast. The Thunderbringer incinerated the monster with lightning and threw him into Tartarus beneath Mount Etna on the island of Sicily. In ancient times it was believed that the numerous eruptions of Etna are due to the fact that lightnings, previously thrown by Zeus, erupt from the vent of the volcano. Typhon served as the personification of the destructive forces of nature, such as hurricanes, volcanoes, tornadoes. From the English version of this Greek name, the word "typhoon" originated.
Atum, in Egyptian mythology, the deity of the sun that had died away, the demiurge who heads the Heliopolis Ennead, is one of the most ancient gods. In many ancient Egyptian texts, Atum is called the evening or setting sun. It was depicted as a man (often an old man) in the clothes of the pharaoh with a double red and white crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. At the end of each cycle of creation, Atum took the form of a snake, as well as a lizard, a lion, a bull, a monkey, or an ichneumon (Egyptian mongoose). His title in ancient times was "Lord of both lands", that is, Upper and Lower Egypt. The hand of Atum is the goddess Yusat. According to the Heliopolis myth, Atum, "who created himself," arose from the primitive chaos - Nun, who is sometimes called the father of Atum, along with the pristine hill.

He fertilized himself, that is, by swallowing his own seed, Atum begat, spitting out of his mouth, twin gods air - Shu and moisture - Tefnut, from which the earth - Hebe and sky - Nut. In Memphis, Atum was descended from Ptah, Atum was identified with Ptah, and also with Khepri (Atum-Khepri, in some sayings of the Pyramid Texts, this deity is called the creator of Osiris), Apis (Atum-Apis), Osiris (Living Apis-Osiris - Lord of the sky Atum with two horns on his head "). In the myth of the extermination of people, Atum heads the council of gods, in which the lioness goddess Hathor Sekhmet was charged with punishing people who plotted evil against Ra. In another myth, an angry Atum threatens to destroy everything he created and turn the world into a water element. Separately, the hand of Atum was revered as the goddess Iusat, sometimes this deity is described as the shadow of Atum. Subsequently, the worship of Atum was pushed aside by the cult of Ra, identified with him as Pa-Atum.

Inpu or Anubis, in Egyptian mythology, the god and patron of the dead; revered as a lying jackal of a black color or a wild Sab dog or as a man with a jackal or dog head. Inpu-Sab was considered to be the judge of the gods, as evidenced by the fact that in Egyptian the word "sub" - "judge" was written with the sign of the jackal. The center of the cult of Inpu was the city of the seventeenth nome Kasa or, in Greek, Kinopol, the "city of the dog," but its veneration spread very early throughout Egypt. In the period of the Old Kingdom, Inpu was considered the god of the dead, its main epithets "Hentiomenti", that is, the one who is ahead of the country of the West (the Kingdom of the dead), "Lord Rasetau" (Dwelling place of the dead), "standing in front of the palace of the gods." According to the Pyramid Texts, Inpu was the main god in the realm of the dead, he considered the hearts of the dead, and Osiris mostly personified the dead pharaoh, who came to life like a god. However, gradually from the end of the third millennium BC, the functions of Inpu pass to Osiris, who is assigned his epithets, and Inpu enters the circle of gods connected with the mysteries of Osiris. Together with Isis, he searches for his body, protects him from enemies, and along with Thoth is present at the court of Osiris.35c2a3620dbb7cba39f115d27733ddfc--mythological-creatures-mythical-creatures.jpg

Kampa is a nymph and guardian of the dark abyss of Tartarus with a woman’s body and fifty snakes instead of a head or, according to Ovid, with a bull's body and snake tails. Kampa guarded in Tartarus, hectonheir and Cyclops.

Kurets are demonic creatures that make up, together with the coribants, the environment of the Great Mother of the Gods Rei Cybele and the baby Zeus in Crete. The kurets saved Zeus in infancy when Kronos, who was devouring his children, wanted to kill him.

Lamia - the beloved of Zeus, bore him children. Hera from jealousy killed them and deprived Lamia of sleep. Lamia, hiding in a dungeon, turned into a monster that fed people. Lamia depicted in the guise of a snake with the head and chest of a woman.

Medusa is one of the Gorgon sisters. In Hellenic mythology, they appeared as winged creatures with an disproportionately large head, protruding tongue, bared teeth, and often with snakes on their heads or bodies.

The Minotaur is a monster with a human body and a bull's head, living in a maze on the island of Crete. The Minotaur, whose real name was Asterius, was born of Pasiphai, the wife of Minos. His father was a bull coming out of the sea, and according to another version - Poseidon.

Orff is the monstrous two-headed dog of Gerion, a creature of Typhon and Echidna, the brother of Kerber. From Orff, his mother Echidna gave birth to a half-female half spouse Sphinx. According to other sources, Nemean Leo was born from the unnatural connection of Orff with his own mother.

Palikas are demonic creatures of the chthonic type, two twins, two spirits of the sulfur springs of the local mountain Hadron, near Etna. Paliks were worshiped in antiquity as patrons of health, agriculture and navigation.

Python - a monstrous serpent, a creature of Gaia and Tartarus. Pifon devastated the neighborhood of Delphi and guarded the ancient propheme of Gaea and Themis in Delphi. Apollo, having killed Piffon, founded a temple on the site of the ancient propheme and established the Pythian Games.

The Sphinx is a monster born of Typhon and the Echidna, the demon-strangler in the form of a half-woman, half-lion with the wings of a bird; personification of inevitable fate and inhuman flour.

The Telkhins are volcanic deities of the sea depth, revered in Rhodes as companions of Poseidon. The Telkhins of the ancient Greeks seemed to be dog-headed and elastomatic sorcerers.

Typhon is a powerful monster spawned by Gaia; personification of the fiery forces of the earth and its fumes, with their destructive actions. Typhon was born to Gaia and Tartar, portrayed as a creature with a hundred dragon heads, with a human body covered with feathers; instead of legs the monster had snake rings.

Chimera is a three-headed monster, a child of Echidna and Typhon. This monster had three heads: one was the lion’s head, the second was a goat, it grew on its back, and the third — a snake’s — the creature's tail ended.

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