What is Acne? Home Remedies for Acne

in #dermatology3 months ago

Why Does Acne Appear?

Due to rapid hormonal changes in young men and women, acne mostly appears on the face, forehead, shoulders, upper neck, and chest. Acne also gets released where oil glands are present. Acne is minor, like cysts and also called inflammatory papules. Although there’s nothing to worry about in this most common condition, it can lower the confidence levels to talk to your friends, family, and even in the workspace. Acne first appears among teenagers due to changing hormone levels.

Further, high levels of stress, oily food, or using greasy personal care products, dandruff in hair, high humidity, and several other reasons can cause acne.

Neglecting or not paying attention to taking care of acne might get a little serious as they become pimples, scars, pigmentation, dark spots, and even patchy skin on the face.

Taking care of facial skin is most important, particularly when affected by acne. Daily care is essential to cure and heal acne steadily.

The skin cells are damaged by acne lesions, but with excellent facial care and hygiene practice, they are very good for the skin to return to its original complexion.

With acne, cells release more melanin, a pigment that makes your skin look brown.

Skin discoloration is taken care of once acne disappears, and cells on facial skin begin to regenerate and renew healthily. But to achieve this, your diet, facial cleaning, and use of good facial care products provide a lot of help to regain your good complexion that is soft and smooth, making you feel good. Some of the daily facial care tips that you can practice easily.

  1. Wash your face as often as possible with cold or warm water.
  2. Use a gentle face wash.
  3. Use a soft towel to pat dry.
  4. Add many leafy greens and fresh vegetables to your diet, and drink fresh juice daily.
  5. Keep greasy or oil food to a minimum.
  6. Use safe moisturizers, preferably Ponds, Garnier, and those that do not have excessive oil and harsh chemicals.
  7. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water.
  8. Use facial mask sheets once or twice a month to easily remove excessive oil, grease, dirt, dust, whiteheads, blackheads, and other pollutants from your face.
  9. Add plenty of yogurt to your meal.

If these have returned regularly, consult your dermatologist for acne treatment. Your dermatologist will prescribe external applications, diagnose acne, and appropriate medication.

Can I Get Acne Procedures Done?

There are many procedures available to treat acne. A skin doctor or dermatologist specializes in treating all kinds of scars, pigmentation, dark spots, whiteheads, blackheads, and active pimples.

The harder they appear on your face, the stronger and longer your treatment is to find a cure with the help of prescription medications, therapies, and acne treatments.

You can also choose over-the-counter remedies such as acne creams and face wash. Some of the most popular products for treating acne have been:

  1. Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria on the face and stops the irritation while curing the acne.
  2. Salicylic acid is a good cleanser for treating damaged skin. It dissolves dead skin cells.
  3. Azelaic acid is naturally found in wheat, rye, and barley. It kills microorganisms on the skin.
  4. Retinoids treat blackheads and whiteheads.
  5. Antibiotics are excellent for treating swelling acne.
  6. Oral medications are also effective, but these have to be prescribed by an approved skin doctor.
  7. Due to many dermatology advancements, acne is treated with lasers, immediately relieving acne.
  8. Chemical peels also effectively remove the top layer of old skin. As a result, new skin grows smoother, which can lessen acne scars.

Home Remedies for Acne?

Acne appearing as blackheads, whiteheads, lesions, cysts, or papules can be treated at home with home remedies for acne. A healthy diet and plenty of water are essential, as they naturally cleanse and release toxins from your body. Frequent facial washing can help relieve acne and lessen its complications.

  1. Ensure a mild and safe face wash that can be effective for acne.
  2. Avoid using harsh chemicals in your makeup.
  3. Apply tea tree oil regularly.
  4. Massage your face with lavender, rose, cinnamon, and clove.
  5. Use fresh aloe vera to apply on the face and moisturize gently.
  6. Apply Apple cider vinegar.
  7. Take zinc supplements.
  8. Take a fish oil supplement.
  9. Use honey and cinnamon masks to reduce stress.

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