Social Media Detox Challenge: Day One

in #detox7 years ago

Introduction to the challenge :

Whats up everyone I have been gone from here for a while. just do to actually forgetting I have one of these accounts but Today and I'm back.

Today I decided to start a new challenge for myself. the challenge is to do a month without social media ( Which is very sad that this is a challenge for myself.).

Day One:
This morning I picked up my phone as I usually do every morning to scroll down my Instagram and Twitter feeds seeing whats been going on when I was asleep, what sports teams won, what happened to my favorite celebrities that night and what stupid decision Trump made last night. But no today I told myself this will be the day I delete every social media app I'm always on the majority of the day this list included
Youtube ( this one killed me the most to delete)

My home screen as you can see is empty with social media websites this kind of gave me some sort of anxiety but I stuck to the plain as I know I need this time away from social media not just cause its an addiction of some will say Phony Habit ( No Pun intended) but just cause I needed time away from social media to help focus on my mental health with depression and anxiety that I do suffer from and take medication for. I needed this time to spend more time with family and spend less time worrying about my twitter insights or Instagram likes.

Today was really tough as all my friends in my college all talked about how something was funny on Instagram​ or Twitter​ or just checking there social media accounts just cause. As I​ sat there quietly looking at the tv bored out of my mind wondering​ what was going on in the social​ media world. as I​ gone through the day without checking my phone for social media I​ realized​ that my phone battery was on 50%. will before then my phone will be completely​ dead or on the verge of dying.
after one day I​ learned how hard it is for me to stay off my phone and I​ will be doing this for the next 29 days.