My 7 Secrets to Raw Food Success: SECRET #1

in #diet7 years ago (edited)

The following is from my free ebook, which can be found here

Raw Food Success Secret #1:

Giving your attention to what you want will put you on the fast track for getting it.


Many people come into this raw food game via the internet.

They watch a YouTube video or two, get inspired, jump on board, do the whole ‘HURRAW!’ thing, then fall off the wagon 2 weeks later and say “the raw food diet didn’t work for me.”

Don’t be that person, please.

If you want success with eating raw foods, you’ve got to focus on the fruit.

Here’s my list of the top 16 best raw foods to focus on and eat a lot of:

If you want to be a raw foodist, you’ve got to learn from other raw foodists.

I spent years watching and listening to hundreds of interviews with raw fooders until I became the person I am today. Now after 8 years of doing this diet, I no longer watch YouTube videos about raw, but you can bet your sweet candy jack-o-lantern I did when I was just getting into this lifestyle.

One of my favourite interviews which I’ve listened to more than a dozen times is with Mike Arnstein, founder of the Woodstock Fruit Festival. You can listen to it here:

Look, we don't live in a raw world anymore, we got smoked out of that one when pangea started splitting up some years ago. Sure, a few groups of people were lucky enough to stay in the tropics like the Hawaiians and Mexicans, and the Balinese, but the rest of us slowly floated up north and there’s nothing we can do about it besides book a flight somewhere warm for the winter.

I’m writing this book in Canada right now with the fire turned on. I’m wearing 3 layers of clothes just to keep warm! I accept that we live in a cooked world, and I want you to accept that staying raw in this cooked world is going to require a deliberate decision to focus on the fruit when it comes time to eat.

Listen, your focus on what you want in life is the golden ticket for success. Apply that focus to diet, apply it to relationships, apply to sport, business, whatever you want, but apply it deliberately rather than just going through life like a zombie on auto pilot.

To fully immerse ourselves in this lifestyle, I feel it’s essential that we hang around other people who are doing it, too.

Every year I attend The Woodstock Fruit Festival in New York because I understand that by being around other people, the focus is going to be effortless and the inspiration I get from everyone there will carry me into the year and make me want to improve myself even more.

To read more, click here to get the whole book for free.


I'm so glad you're here being an advocate for fruitarianism on Steemit. I can't wait till more of us jump onto this platform. I don't know any others myself personally, in real life or on the internet, but I'm sure you now a lot... please get them on here!

Awesome interview by Michael! This guy is awesome! Get him on Steemit!

Hey Ted! I love this! You're so right, people are learning from others, that's how this is getting rolling so awesome job providing this information here for people to see! I think a lot of it is just being able to see the possibilities (there are so many) that will really make people be able to see the change in their mind as something possible =D Thanks for sharing!