The Economics of the Digicom

in #digicom2 years ago (edited)


Players' creations, labour, and trade will be the foundation upon which the Digicom's economy will be created. Each of these three items will have a unique mechanism that is designed to reward players in a certain way.
• Players have the option to mine resources and sell them on the open market.
• If players want to work and provide services inside the game, they can; • If players want to establish their own areas, they can. • If players want to produce things and sell them on the market, they can.
3.1. Digicom Protocol The Digicom protocol is a built-in dynamic incentive option for an automated liquidity generator. As a result, the contract has the ability to generate passive compensation for its holders. Any developmental stage can activate this.


Dynamic Fees 3.2
The Digicom smart contract is designed in a way that enables the fees to be adjusted in accordance with the stage of development. This enables us to reward Digicom owners and active players merely for owning and taking part in the game (playing, exploring, working and trading). Additionally, the liquidity pool is always expanding, raising the floor.
3.4 Land and Structures
One of the main ways that players may make money in the game is by owning the structures and creations they make as well as the land on which they are constructed. included into the land of revolution NFTs is a method for mining materials that players may utilise to construct things in-game. You need resources to make specific things, and the better the land, the more likely you are to get better resources.
3.4.1 Building and Land Staking
Players will have the choice to stake the land upon buying it. Players can obtain prizes for staked land, such as minerals and structures (to fill that piece of land) (that play a vital role in the creation of in-game items). The NFTs for the property can then be staked once again to collect residual revenue from any commercial enterprises and/or residential space that are subsequently accessible from that property. The amount of time bet will impact your ability to construct on that property. The higher the payout, the longer you wager.
The characteristics of acquired land in various island biomes may vary, increasing or decreasing the likelihood that it will contain particular resources, structures, or pets. Here are a few instances:
Granite and brick properties are more likely to be found in rocky biomes, whereas oak and tree homes are more likely to be found in jungle biomes.
• Sandstone qualities and unusual wild flora are more likely to occur in desert biomes.
• Log homes and snow leopards are more likely to be found in snowy biomes.
• The possibility of getting steel and commercial property increases in urban biomes.
Resources 3.5
The foundation of the economy is its resources. Most of everything you can see in the game was or could have been constructed using resources. Steel, wood, cotton, and other materials are examples of these resources. Although the resources are first produced by staking the land NFTs, as the economy develops, they will be freely accessible for purchase on the market.
3.6 P2E System The marketplace, as well as land and property, construction and creation, and different open world events and quests, are all intrinsically linked to a functional P2E system. Additionally, gamers may directly compete against friends in minigames on the Digicom to win tokens. Later, more on this.

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